This kind of denial, which is equivalent to acknowledgment, naturally made the air quiet for a moment, and Ahri on one side couldn’t help but pu chi laughed. Lilia looked at everyone in this room with a puzzled face, and didn’t understand why Ari suddenly laughed.

“This is really…interesting. Come on, why did Du Kekao sent you to assassinate me? Knowing which of your emperors he worked hard with to get me over, I almost knelt down and begged me. Why did you send you to assassinate me? Is it your mother’s order?”

Li Ke doesn’t know Katerina very well, he just knows Katerina is the daughter of Du Kecao, and the scars on her eyes were left by the assassin master when she sent someone to kill her daughter. As for Katerina’s more stories, I don’t know, because when he played Katerina, Katerina was still the assassin who didn’t need to throw daggers, but since Katerina became an assassin who needs to be’bells and whistles’, he has never played with each other again. , Let alone watching the backstory of the other party that has been changed several times.

“I’m not Du Kekao’s daughter! He is the strongest assassin in Noxus! He is the master of the assassin masters, and there is absolutely no child as weak as me! And he is absolutely impossible like Please do what you said, he will only put a dagger on your neck and tell you that you will die if you don’t follow Noxus’ will! He, he has always been like this! You are lying!”

However, the red-haired little girl still wanted to conceal, but she also found that what she said further proved her identity, so she couldn’t help crying after saying these things. Face, and knelt on the ground depressed. Such a scene almost made Li Ke laugh like Ari, so he lifted Erlang’s legs and continued to ask.

“Then treat it as if you are not, but please tell me why you came to assassinate me. There is always a reason to assassinate me, right? After all, my father and I have reached a joint effort. The agreement with the emperor Your Majesty also has a deep friendship. Anyway, it is impossible to be… Well, the enemy of Noxus, I am here to help you, if you are really someone who is willing to give everything for Noxus, It is absolutely impossible to assassinate me at this point in time.”

Li Ke’s words hit this little girl’s heart like a heavy hammer, and she wanted to say that she doubted Li Ke impossible kills a person in a city by himself, so I want to expose his scam. But when I thought about the scene of his dagger stabbing Li Ke, and the appearance of Li Ke walking in the courtyard when he solved himself, the doubts were completely unspeakable.

“…I don’t know.”

So she turned her head and chose not to answer. But the eyes are already full of tears, it is obvious that she has reached the limit of what she can endure, and this cute way of supporting herself not to cry…

Also let Li Ke Feel the joy.

“Well then. I will hand you over to the assassin master in the presence of the Emperor Your Majesty, and ask him what it means to send someone to assassinate me at this point in time when we cooperate. After all. The cooperation between us is what Du Kekao and Emperor Your Majesty want to see, so I must understand the motive of Noxus sending someone to assassinate me before we cooperate.”

Li Ke further Compressing this girl, although some are not good, but Li Ke wants to directly solve the people behind her. And this little girl really couldn’t hold back her tears after hearing this sentence. As long as she thinks of losing Noxus’s interests due to her own reasons and let her father disappointed in herself, this little girl has a kind of inferiority to herself. The urge to die, but she still held her mouth firmly and didn’t want to let go.

“Noxus, Noxus will crush you!”

At this time, her voice was already crying, but Li Ke knew that she could give her the last blow. And there was no anxiety in his heart. After all, he had known that he was a guy who held his righteous heart high, but would show his claws relentlessly.

“But, if you tell me why you are here to assassinate me, things won’t have these twists and turns, my emperor Your Majesty, and your father Du Ke Cao’s transaction can continue. Think about it, is your self-esteem important or Noxus’s interests important.”

This sentence is undoubtedly a lore, red hair The girl bit her mouth and stared at Li Ke’s neck fiercely, but immediately lowered her head.

After waiting for a while, the girl spoke.

“I…I don’t want to be your plaything! My Du Kekao’s daughter can’t be the concubine and plaything of someone like you! I should be as strong as my father, And a loyal assassin who has made countless contributions to Noxus, not a concubine who can only be played by you at will! That’s why I came to assassinate you! In order to let everyone understand that you, the so-called empire star, is just a reputation. Guy! I’m here to assassinate you not to let everyone be deceived, and Noxus’s interests are damaged!”

She vented and roared, and tears began to flow completely. But Li Ke was very confused. He did not remember that there was such a treaty in the agreement between himself and Du Kekao, and after discussing with him for a period of time, he knew that he was not the one who could be moved by female sex. , I never talked about this kind of thing anymore, but after I got to Katerina’s place, such information appeared inexplicably.

“Are you serious? Your father really said that?”

He frowned. He didn’t like this kind of self-assertive ally, especially this kind of The guy who uses the little girl as a bargaining chip, Li Ke, the most annoying guy in his life, is the guy who uses the child’s innocence and ignorance, so if Du Kecao really does this, then he will beat him unceremoniously. After a meal, he used his thick thighs like a telephone pole to move towards his egg kick, so that he would never be a man again, and he would never dare to use his daughter to do such a thing.

“No! But as long as it can bring benefits to Noxus, then my father will do it! I have such Zihao and confidence in him! But! I Katerina will never marry a Liar and villain!”

The petite Katerina was full of Zihao and pride when she said this. This paranoid three views and beliefs also caused Li Ke’s head to ache again. After all, this girl is estimated to be very difficult to correct, and according to his own understanding, if Du Kecao knew that his daughter had a bad influence on his plan, then he would definitely smile and put his daughter’s head. Cut it off and give it to yourself. Li Ke has full confidence in this, because that man is simply a typical egoist. As long as he can satisfy himself, his family and friends are nothing more than pawns.

“This is really…”


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