In all fairness, he really didn’t want this Katerina to die, she was still a child……

So he would not let her go.

Such a trivial view is so crooked, if you don’t throw it in the school and educate it, there will definitely be big problems. Otherwise, is it a good thing for such a cute little girl to become an assassin wandering between life and death in the future? And she also inherited the Noxus hero’s habit of not dressing well. The assassin dressed up forcibly in a tight bikini, quite like the black Evelynn of the Women’s Federation.

But in this case, Du Kekao will not be able to know what this guy is doing. This is a very troublesome thing. Du Kekao will definitely not know this later. In terms of his style, even if Katerina hadn’t been cut off from his head by himself, it was definitely inevitable to start secretly. That is to say, he must give Katerina a reason to survive and express that he was not dissatisfied with her small assassination in order to be able to save this little girl.

Can’t be enthusiastic and tolerant, because it will make people think that he wants to get rid of the death of this little girl.

But it can’t be cold, cold will let Du Kekao directly kill her.

Not to be able to assume that nothing has happened. Doing nothing is a hint in itself. She will also be killed by Du Kekao.

This is Noxus. You always have to consider these three possibilities for one thing. Otherwise, if you are not careful, the person you are working with will be killed directly by your unintentional attitude, and Or become a mortal enemy with you. After all, Noxus doesn’t pay attention to decentness. Once the people above are down, his power and family will be directly purged, which also leads to a situation where everyone is afraid to fail. Because this is also a tradition, the previous Great Commander died very miserably, his wife, wife and children were basically barreled by the whole family, and his faction was destroyed and clean. The current Noxus nobles basically eat them. The mistress and grandmother of several aristocratic families are also part of these heritages.

“Then take her to the banquet, at most it is just the reputation of a young girl who loves it.”

After thinking about it, I only thought of taking this girl to the banquet, although Doing so will definitely make Li Ke contaminate the reputation of a girl who likes to love, but this reputation is really not a big deal in Noxus, but an advantage. After all, the people who want to ally with you don’t know what you like, so how can they express their sincerity? The same goes for those who want to plot against you. If you don’t give him a hobby, how can you focus on defensive targets and assassinations, so as to reduce other defensive energy?

Moreover, if the situation of this meeting is not ideal, then his reputation here is not so important.


“It looks like…you and my daughter get along pretty well, Master Li Ke.”

Wearing a luxurious assassin The dressed-up Du Kekao raised his eyelids, and looked at Kaletrina, who was holding hands by Li Ke, with an unexpected look.

“I thought someone like you would cut off her head unceremoniously and end her stupid life, but it seems that she persuaded you in some way.”

His speech undoubtedly did not exceed Li Ke’s expectations. The fluke expression of being nearly killed by the pig teammate was also unabashedly displayed by him, which made him wear a red dress. Katerina’s body shook suddenly, and her eyes suddenly reddened. It was obvious that his father’s words of mercilessness to her caused her heart to be greatly shocked.

“Even if she cut off the flowers, it should be something she will talk about when she grows crooked. Before she makes a real mistake, she should give the flowers a chance. After all, the flowers are directly pulled out of the fertile land. The gardener, really can’t be called what master.”

Li Ke’s words really gave Katerina a chance, but Katerina herself did not report any hope, because she really knows herself too well His father. Knowing that his father will never give anyone a second chance, even if he is his daughter.

“But even my daughter shouldn’t make such a stupid judgment. I don’t want her to add more trouble to me, so if you don’t want to accept her, just put She will send it to my wife. I will not nurture a child who has proven her stupidity. My wife has always been excellent at sorting out waste and using their surplus value.”

For Du Kekao, even if Li Ke didn’t kill Katerina, he would send an assassin to kill his daughter directly. He didn’t need an idiot to be his daughter. The assassin who attacked on his own because of unwarranted pride and rumors simply cannot be called an assassin, but an idiot. The idiot would directly let everyone die with him, so neither he nor his position would allow him to have such a daughter.

He is the strongest assassin master of Noxus and the emperor, not a trash can for idiots!

His attitude is very determined, and it seems that there is no room for maneuver. This attitude of treating his child as a prop also made Li Ke, who was already a little unhappy, squinted his eyes.

“You can’t call it a qualified father, Du Kekao… Then can I understand it as, are you saying that I am a trash can?”

Touching Katerina’s head, Li Ke gave the assassin master a threat. The assassin master is also somewhat puzzled. Li Ke has always given him the impression that he is an arbitrary, cold-blooded guy, and he can even hang the child’s father in front of the child without face doesn’t change, or at the mother. He was put to death on the 2nd day of giving birth to the child. Some noble children did not escape his lamppost. Such a person simply won’t forgive the person who assassinated him. How could he defend his stupid daughter outside of this time?

Du Kekao felt that he couldn’t understand Li Ke more and more, which made him unable to help but worry and doubt. He began to think about letting Li Ke go to Noxus at this time, and Is it a good thing to see the emperor?

“Of course you are not, please forgive me for your offense. I will strictly abide by any treatment you do to my daughter, and implement it firmly.”

He immediately took his own The posture was very low, and he bent his waist to Li Ke, expressing his sincerity. And Katerina looked at her dare not to breathe in front of Li Ke, the expression on her face became extremely complicated and shocked, because she had never seen her father show such an expression before, her father In front of her, she always looked like a powerhouse. She was the mountain and role model in her heart, and the person she had always longed for.

But now…

Takayama, did she bow her head to the liar she had identified before? And also used such a humble posture, given such a shameful condition. And the other party just questioned him, his father and Gaoshan, that’s what they acknowledge allegiance.

Is this really a powerhouse?

Is the mountain she saw before really a mountain?

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