The dance of Talon swiftly advances in the direction of Swain. Although her eyes are covered by the fragments of her clothes, Irelia is able to pass wind, breath, and air Flow to judge everything around her, and every time her sword edge trembles and dances, she also tells her the surrounding situation. So even if she was blindfolded, she could still perceive the shape of the people she killed and the posture when they were killed by herself.

This is something she doesn’t want to do, but if she doesn’t, more people will only die, so she has to do it. So that other people who resisted no longer suffer the suffering she saw, so as not to let other peaceful Ionia people also suffer from Noxus threats, so that their hometown can be calm and balanced after everything is over. She had to direct her broken family crest to her deceived compatriots, let them die, and let her and her family name be insulted.

She has no hope for her own life. The act of killing her compatriots with her Glory family crest is enough to remove her from her family, even if she is the only one left in this family is also like this. So she had already thought that since she couldn’t stop others from fighting for power, then Glory who killed Swain must be taken by her, and she would also end her life in this battle.

In this way, Noxus’ offensive will be slowed down, and those people will not be able to continue to fight for power because of this Glory, because it is an unhonorable dead man who won this Glory. Ionia’s other Elders who are willing to follow balance and calm will speak out, extinguish their desire to become warlords, so that Ionia will not enter the age of warlord melee, and can end everything earlier and return to peace.

Of course, she also knows that her thoughts are a little naive, but she feels that she can only do this step. She is just a little girl who longs for a peaceful life, not a hero, so she can only Stopped her own life to defend her homeland, the homeland in her heart.

But the more she moved forward, the harder she moved forward.

One hundred meters, she began to face those warriors who had practiced martial arts since childhood. According to her posture when she killed the opponent, the opponent was the warrior of the rock fragment dojo because he was obviously good at defensive counterattacks. .

200 meters, she faced three warriors from the rock fragmentation dojo, and the first one to be killed by her was their Elder.

Three hundred meters, when she passed the opponent’s formation, she was attacked by six Cangliu warriors at the same time, and one of the attackers was obviously Elder in Tanji Village, and his magic was still so vivid.

400 meters, surrounded by twelve fallen warriors, they attacked Irelia in the name of revenge, but their Elder was nowhere to be seen.


At 800 meters, more than 30 warriors from different dojos surrounded her, many of whom are famous. They asked her to return and told her that they had set up an inescapable net in front of them, and Swain couldn’t break through their blockade, so her entrance would only make them surrounded by a weak spot and let Swain escape. . But none of these thirty people dared to act like Irelia now, even if Irelia had more than 20 arrows in her body and three broken blades stuck in her body. Because they all saw how Arelia killed the famous warrior and Elder in an instant, although they were all pretentious, they could still see the gap between them.

Drenched with blood, every step is as heavy as a kilogram, and she can clearly feel that her life is slowly passing away, but Arelia’s will is still as firm as iron, she faces The threats and siege of these good players, as well as the words they said to let the past and help conceal it, are just regarded as non-existent, because she can clearly feel that these people no longer want to return to the original peaceful life, they just want Want rights and reputation.

They can’t see that this battle is about to fail, and they can’t see what harm will happen to this land if they continue like this.

“Get out of the way, let me end this.”

She just coldly said her final confession, and still did not take off the cloth covering her eyes. Article.

“Then, it looks like there is no way. Since you are so unreasonable, then…”

The warrior headed by can only sigh helplessly. He really doesn’t want to be with you. Irelia now fights, dragging time until the opponent bleeds and loses battle strength, isn’t it okay? But since Irelia wanted to kill Swain so much and end the battle early, then he could only kill him here. After all, the strength of his allies is still relatively intact. It is difficult for his Sect Master to get the Glory who killed Swain, so the Noxus cannot be killed yet.

“Let’s fight against this unfaithful and unrighteous person together! To clean up the stigma that the praise family has been infected with because of her!”

Although I have ever thought about winning this praise The daughter of the family has further gained justice, but since the other party is so ignorant and desperately to kill Swain and destroy their plan, then only this beautiful girl can be killed. So he yelled and made the surrounding warriors rush towards Irelia, and informed his own people in secret words, and asked them to send people from other forces to death.


When Irelia finally killed these people, there were several more arrows on her body, and she was also caught by a long The spear pierced through her shoulders, but she just silently broke the long spear, stepped on the dead bodies of these people and continued to fly forward, moving towards the Swain who had faintly appeared in her perception and rushed away. What made her keep biting her lips was that when she charged forward again, countless people rushed towards her, but just when she wanted to slash past, she found that they were going to her own The people who rushed avoided her.

“Run! The Noxus people are here for reinforcement!”

“Elder is killed in the battle! Run!”

These shouts made her She was in a daze for a moment, she immediately tore off the cloth strips that had been soaked in blood, so that she could see the situation on the battlefield clearly, and then she saw the farmers running away, and those who wanted to maintain the formation as much as possible to retreat. The various insurgents. The sky has long since turned dark, and the Noxus soldiers who had been struggling in the center of the battlefield are now chasing after the Ionia army, which is dozens of times more numerous than them.

More than 20,000 people beat more than 600 people.


Irelia watched this incredible speechless scene, but when she was about to kneel to the ground because of this desperate scene, she was on horseback commanding the soldiers to chase down the Ionia people. Just like this appeared in front of her, and even though there were hundreds of Noxus elites wearing hard armor beside him, she still stood up and launched a charge towards Swain.

Her life is no longer important, but Ionia must get a chance to breathe. So even if she is infamy, she must do what she wants to do as much as possible.

Kill Swain and put an end to it all.

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