Although he has gone through countless battlefields, every time Swein sees such a scene, he is amazed by the power of mankind, and regrets that this power cannot be used by Noxus. Used.

A girl who is obviously not yet an adult has dozens of arrows in her body, with several broken sword edges stuck in her body, but she can still walk like flying, and wields her own magic in the battlefield. . With a gentle wave of her hand, the unremarkable iron pieces around her can easily kill more than a dozen elite soldiers who have experienced countless battlefields, and there is no trace of being blocked.

If such an existence enters the battlefield immediately, then there is no doubt that she will never be spared anymore. As long as she charges at the front line, then she will inevitably be defeated by this girl. Then let this battlefield no longer have any suspense. This is not that he exaggerates his own importance and abilities, but his self-confidence in his own resourcefulness. This is also a real fact. Although the Ionia people did have serious infighting after seeing him who was’incapable of resisting’, but without his series of micro management, the Ionia people’s formation became loose and the battle was delayed. At night, taking advantage of the weakness that most Ionia people are already quite exhausted, so that a small group of troops can disguise their horses as an incoming reinforcement, then let alone counterattack, it is a luxury to escape.

On this point, he naturally wants to thank those Ionia people for their actions of gathering the elite troops together to guard against each other, but he also felt insulted for them seeing his Noxus soldiers so clearly. We must know that every one of his soldiers can march for a day in two-centimeter-thick plate armor, and immediately take part in the battle. They are the elite soldiers in this empire who have experienced the most brutal wars. Although they have no magic and all kinds of wars. Unbelievable magical creations, but their mind and body, their will and battlefield skills are undoubtedly the most determined group in this world!

According to his idea, these soldiers will be scattered among the grassroots of Legion under his own to serve as middle-level officers in the next few years, making Noxus’s army more powerful, but now these precious soldiers are not only because of these People suffered heavy losses, and they were mercilessly underestimated. This made him very much want to use the blood of these people to wash away this contempt, making them even more afraid of Noxus.

So after chasing the fleeing Ionia people, after seeing this girl who rushed towards him like a brave man, he first marveled at the girl’s vigorous vitality and fighting spirit in his heart, and he immediately responded to Ionia. People became even more disdainful and contemptuous: the girl’s weapons were undoubtedly those of Ionia, and such a person who had forgotten his life and charged at him was attacked by the Ionia in this way, which shows that Io’s young man Weakness and weakness. If it were in Noxus, this girl would simply not have such an encounter, she would only enjoy the love and glory of the people, and realize the true value of her life.

So even if she can kill a dozen of her own soldiers in this state, she is undoubtedly still a weak one, because her country is a weak country, then she is naturally A weak person. No matter how strong her personal strength is, this war failed without her direct participation in the battle on the front line, but Noxus lost him and these elite soldiers here, but he was still able to continue in. This world becomes stronger and eventually wins all wars.

This is the difference between strong and weak. This is the difference between Noxus and other weak countries. This is the difference between unity and disunity.

Even if there is a problem with Noxus now, the leader of Noxus has been fascinated by his own desires, but he is still the most powerful empire in this world, and he is ending the battle. The first thing to do afterwards is to find a way to solve this problem so that Noxus can get back on track. This is a very difficult thing, but he has to do it, otherwise Noxus will decline. And when he thought of this, his eyes were more sympathetic when he looked towards Irelia, after all, they were also betrayed by their own people, so he felt a little compassionate.

“Hurry up and kill her.”

He doesn’t want this girl to continue to struggle, because even if she survives today, a girl with such a will will be incomparable. Painfully rushed to death again. Because her will will not succumb to Noxus, and if she does not succumb to Noxus, she will inevitably be crushed by Noxus. So instead of letting her watch her homeland being attacked by Noxus like a hot knife through butter, it would be better to let her die quickly and reduce the pain she suffered.

This is Noxus-style compassion, and it is also the only respect that Swain will give to the enemy.

“Yes, General.”

Although they are equally exhausted and everyone is wounded, the spirit of the Noxus soldiers is extremely high. They also rushed to the girl, but Not as reckless as the previous companions. Instead, they raised their shields, and the moment the girl’s sword edge pierced their shields, she threw the cast wire or net in her hand at Irelia. Although Irelia still killed more than a dozen Noxus soldiers in one blow, the sword edge she could manipulate was limited, so most of the cast ropes and fishing nets were seriously injured, and her consciousness was gradually going into darkness. Of her.

Other soldiers quickly grabbed these things and wanted to restrict her movement, but the sword edge formed by her family crest pierced those Noxus who wanted to control her movement time and time again. people. Her delicate Skin was cut mercilessly, and her beautiful face was even cut into the face of an evil spirit by the hooks on the fishing net. But she was still a charge, and the drag of a dozen Noxus still couldn’t control her.

So the soldiers next to Swain rushed to Irelia. They held the long spear and poured the long spear into Irelia’s heart and In the chest, finally the steps of this girl who was walking along the way began to slowly stop. But just when their necks fell with blood, revealing Swain behind them, Aralia finally showed a smile on his face.

Because the distance is enough.

Swein didn’t expect no matter what, his behavior of staying still in order to make the soldiers more confident was already expected by Irelia, and she was desperately trying to charge Let yourself be closer to Swain. And at this distance, her last dance will be fully demonstrated.

“Go, this is my last…”

The whole sword edge spread out like a peacock, and penetrated under the horrified eyes of other Noxus people Something that can stop them, whether it’s armor or human body, or the swords and shields swinging at them, will be pierced by this last sword edge. It was too late for Swain to avoid anymore. The sword edge that the girl paid for her life was about to pierce his heart and neck, and cut off his head directly, and if he read it correctly, the sword edge was about to pierce his heart and neck. A sword edge is still facing his forehead.

He has no time to think about anything, he can only stare at all this in a daze.

However, just when Irelia’s desperate blow was about to hit him, a bright red sword stopped in front of these sword edges and nailed it neatly.

“You are all my precious bargaining chips, so…”

In the desperate gaze of the girl, Heavenly God dropping from the sky shining with luxurious light, Jiang Si Wien protected behind his sword edge, and his words were full of banter.

“…None of you can die.”

Three days later, the immortal fortress.

“…To sum up, Legion led by Swein was killed because of the conspiracy of the previous Great Commander Darkwell, and no one in Legion survived. According to Noxus military regulations , Durkol will take over the attack on Ionia.”

Looking at the officer standing under the steps of the great hall reporting Ionia’s military situation, Li Ke propped his head with one hand, bored. Looking at Nora in her seat, watching her handle all the documents of the empire as well as all the major event affairs. It’s just that other internal affairs can naturally be handled by the woman of the actual ruler Noxus, but in terms of external warfare, he has to express his wishes.

“Slow down the war on Ionia, treat the residents of the controlled areas well, restore their production and normal life, and provide relief to the severely affected Ionia villages. The military guarantees that the Ionia people will not take away the occupied areas. The land is fine. When I return from Freljord, I will take care of Ionia’s affairs.”

His voice made the Noxus people below look at each other in blank dismay, because they have never No such order has been accepted. To be precise, such orders have never been given to those who dare to resist the Noxus people’s land. Only those city-states and regions that firmly cooperate with the actions of the Noxus people and pay a huge price for this, will be lucky enough to enjoy the benefits of Noxus.

As for Ionia? They are more willing to engage in massacres there. Don’t even think about relief and preferential treatment. The best home for the Ionia people in their hearts is to work on that land as their slaves, and contribute countless crops and wealth to them, the nobles who own a lot of Ionia land. As for the relief area, I have never thought about establishing a few cities there, because the price to be paid is too great. Moreover, there were too many people who resisted Ionia, and they couldn’t find a force to support.

So the person in charge of this aspect looked at Li Ke, and then at Nora, who was correcting the documents, but did not dare to respond to Li Ke’s request for a long time. After seeing this scene, Nora sighed helplessly, and then nodded to the nobles and officials in charge of these. These officials dared to kneel on the ground and said that they had accepted the order. And Nora clapped her hands again afterwards, so that everyone who discussed things here retreated from this gorgeous great hall, leaving this magnificent great hall to Nora and Li Ke.

In the past few days, they have thoroughly figured out the details of Li Ke, and learned about his past cover-up deeds, but because of their interests, they did not directly transfer to Li Ke’s subordinates, but Continue to stand firmly on Nora’s side. After all, no matter how strong Li Ke is, there are still that many people he can use. They can only get more things by standing here with Nora. Standing rashly is not only extremely dangerous, but also terrifying with low returns.

Looking at these ghosts, Li Ke picked up a wine glass a bit boringly, tasted the clear water in it, and then spoke in a taunt tone to Nora, who was walking slowly. .

“It seems that I still need to do a cleaning. What I want to do is contrary to their interests. They It shouldn’t be obediently and honestly accepted my order, and they want to come for no more than a week. , I can hear the news that the guy named Durkur attacked the capital of Ionia, Presidian because of information delays.”

Nora raised her eyebrows, she smiled Lifting up his skirt, revealing his long white legs in black garter socks, Li Ke can clearly see the rose pattern on it. And she unceremoniously sat on Li Ke’s lap and kissed Li Ke on the cheek.

“There is no way, after all, you want to touch their cakes as soon as you get on stage, how could they think that you are a Holy Lord? And you are in Piltworth’s’Atrocities’ But it’s clear to them that if it’s not for your strength, I’m afraid that Noxus has begun to rebels. Ah, in fact, several city-states supported by Demacia have begun to stir. The vacillating guy also abandoned our covenant and chose Demacia. I think in no more than three days, we should be able to receive the report of the attack on the border, right?”

Nora took it up. Another wine glass, but the real wine in it, not clear water, her leg leaned against Li Ke’s hand impertinently, letting Li Ke subconsciously embrace her in the embrace of Princess.

“But even so, I’m impossible to stay here.”

Li Ke of course knows that her purpose of saying this is to let herself stay in Noxus temporarily and wait until everything Go to other places when it’s over. But he didn’t have the time to play a counter-insurgency game with her, and the trouble she caused naturally had to be dealt with by her herself. My first priority is to solve Atrox’s problem. If I don’t have the weapon to kill Atrox, it’s really hard for me to relax and develop my own power.

“What a ruthless guy, he was still so passionate yesterday…The waist still hurts now.”

Nora’s complexion stiffened, she is the most The person who didn’t want Li Ke to go, so she immediately sat upright in Li Ke’s arms, put her beautiful cheeks facing Li Ke, and kissed Li Ke on the mouth.

“Are you still the kind of person who can speak upright after putting on his pants?”

Mordkaiser is resurrected, and it is the immortal fortress behind her The resurrection was the time when she and Li Ke discovered the person whose soul had been taken away by Mordekaiser. There is no doubt that the horrible breath was left by Mordekaiser’s return to the world. Although I don’t know why Mordekaiser suddenly disappeared, and even the underworld can’t perceive his existence, but he has been resurrected, LeBlanc is certain.

That’s why she rebelled at this time, and after paying countless costs, how could she let Li Ke leave at this time?

Always impossible. Mordekaiser’s resurrection was just an accident, and then it failed, right? She simply wouldn’t consider this possibility, because it was really an insult to her IQ and Mordekaiser’s ability.

So, Nora can use her reputation as a guarantee to guarantee that Mordekaiser will definitely have a terrifying conspiracy that she does not even know about!

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