“It looks like…Our emperor Your Majesty is really a enthusiastic and kind saint!”

Li Ke’s behavior was captured Lieta saw that she had turned herself into a Li Ke fanboy because of the ideas and writings of horse hair and the others, and she immediately couldn’t help but praise her, which made her daughter frown again. , After all, this kind of operation is not very brilliant in her eyes. For this girl born in Noxus, what Li Ke should do is accept the kindness of these people, then subdue them and let them fight Nora. Because only the people underneath contradict each other, Li Ke’s position can be more stable and his power will be greater.

So to her, Li Ke’s image is getting worse and worse. Of course, Li Ke’s remarks that let all soldiers under the age of sixteen were discharged from the army still made her very happy, because in this way, her rebellious big brother Desius would not be able to continue to stay in the army. Then, he was able to return from Freljord to mother Quileta, so that Quileta could be happy.

“Futiya, you are still young, you don’t understand the above things. Many times we have to compromise with other things if we want to do something… like your big brother , Although I really want Darius to send your big brother back, but if I say so, then Darius will definitely refuse, because he is that kind of person. And although he will not specifically target your big brother, but you But he hates me because of his character, because in his heart Noxus is the greatest person in this world…At that time, we will really never be able to reunite.”

Mother can naturally see what her daughter is thinking, but her words make her daughter lower her head because she doesn’t know that although his daughter is not as enthusiastic about Darius as her son, but her daughter admires most People are also the hands of the well-known Noxus, the one who moved Freljord away for the empire, and successfully made the Freljord people not step into Noxus this year.

“I understand, mother.”

The reason why Futiya did not show her admiration for Darius in front of her mother was naturally because she was aware of how mother did Darius to Darius. She didn’t notice the complicated feelings like her idiot big brother, so she kept concealing this worship from her mother. And she has always had a conjecture that she herself couldn’t believe that would make them siblings ecstatic: their mother kept saying that their father died in the endless war of Noxus, just a nameless person.

But she has always had complicated feelings for Darius. Not only did she reluctant to hear any information about the most outstanding soldier of Noxus at home, but her servants were also frightened and banned. , Don’t let them say anything about Darius. There is no trace of anything about her father. You must know that your mother is able to fight alongside Darius and the others in the legend, and is a woman who can manage a kingdom transformed into a city-state. What about her spouse? Could it be an unknown person?

She knows her mother too well. Her mother is a very proud woman. If her spouse cannot convince her, then she will never give birth to their siblings with each other . And the man who can convince his mother…

How could he not even have a bit of information?

In terms of paperwork and correspondence, she can often see her mother and Darius’s brother. Similarly, the well-owned Draven has a secret exchange, and every year during the Chinese New Year, she will often see her mother and Darius’s brother. Some gifts were secretly put away by my mother. And after her investigation, the places where these gifts were sent are coincidentally the places Darius fought.

All these clues made her think about it, and she was ecstatic. After all, what can make a girl who yearns for father’s love more joyful than the national idol you admire most is your father? But she still hid it well. After all, although her mother was not bad, she was still a little bit worse than Darius. She didn’t dare to be completely sure, and she didn’t dare to slander her idol. And her feelings for her mother made her not want to hurt her like this.

Be aware that she also thought about going to Freljord to join the army with her big brother, and going to Darius’s men to take orders. But after seeing my mother trembling because of Desius’s departure, the shrewd and capable woman of the past disappeared instantly, even after she almost fell ill. She stopped thinking about Darius, but took over her big brother’s previous work and became her mother’s assistant, helping her deal with things in the city and taking care of her sad mother.

After all, no matter how much she desires to know the truth and wants to work for an idol, she is also a child of mother.

“No, you don’t understand, do you think I don’t know that you also worship Darius like your big brother? No, I know, but I am also very relieved because you are not like you Abandon me like a big brother.”

But mother’s words shocked the calm-willed girl, and a sense of panic appeared in her heart, making her afraid to look directly at her mother’s eyes , After all, the big brother had already betrayed them, she really didn’t want her to see the light she considered betrayal in her own eyes.

“No, mother, I don’t have one.”

“Child, you can’t fool me, because you are so much like that man, your character…”


Quiletta hesitated for a moment, and did not go on completely, but changed the subject.

“He has become the weapon of those nobles. He has betrayed our Noxus will. He has been serving for unnecessary killing and has become the best among them, killing civilians and his own people. Noxus can’t make Noxus stronger, but he takes these things for granted, and is willing to give up some of the virtues that humans should have in order to complete the so-called task…so he is not worthy of the name of Noxus at all! He just A simple executioner! He doesn’t understand that the war is not just won! It needs to have a goal, a purpose! It doesn’t have everything if you win! The process of war is equally important, it’s not. Simply victory is all you need!”

Quelleta hugged her daughter. After being betrayed by her son, she was really afraid that her daughter would leave her too. It’s like…

Like their father Darius, leaving him alone, and he is still powerless.

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