This is not her worry about creating something from nothing. In this era when everyone yearns to join the army and contribute to Noxus, she has seen countless Noxus people because of their longing and Dreams and ideas to change the status quo have joined the Noxus army.

They are full of enthusiasm, hoping that the Noxus capable system can make their families full and warm, so that they can make their lives worthwhile.

But what did they get?


All they get is betrayal, ignorance, and painful death. They didn’t get anything. The chiefs in the battlefield didn’t care about their lives. They were just consumables, and that’s enough, they would face more terrifying things. The wife who lost the husband, the mother who lost the child, among them, I don’t know how many families lost their only source of income and could only continue to join the army, and this also led to the birth of another tragedy.

Quiletta clearly remembered the scene of Ionia’s battlefield when he brought a team of young soldiers with an average age of only ten years to the battlefield because of the order from above.

Some of these young soldiers were born in orphanages, some were born on the streets, and some had secretly escaped from home after hearing some battlefield stories, and wanted to become the next Darius.

Because in the stories they heard, the Darius brother and their friends were on the battlefield at a young age, and then they were valued by the general for their bravery in combat and were promoted. Not only did they make great achievements for Noxus, but they also made them famous and won the highest honor of the empire. So these children, who were constantly propagated by the imperial propaganda machine, naively thought that they would be able to gain military exploits even at their age, so they went to the battlefield.


This is not the case.

This reason has hurt Quiletta countless times, because the battlefield these children went to was Ionia, and the empire was not able to completely nibble down after continuous attacks. Recently, it has been stabilized by the entire country. Down the battlefield. The reason for bringing these children on the battlefield is also very simple, to the point where she is at a loss.

Their age will shock the people of Ionia and show a weak spot as a result.

It’s just that. At the beginning, countless children as big as her children were thrown into various battlefields, and they were used as bait and consumables to be active on the battlefield when Noxus did not fully expand the battle line.

The results are remarkable, the effect is remarkable, and the effect is good until now.

She clearly remembered that a twin with a sweet smile entered the battlefield of Ionia, and then asked her if they could come home with merits and rewards at the Ice Festival. She was shocked by the appearance of children lined up in armor, so she was subconsciously nodded.

She can’t forget the smile of the twin siblings afterwards.

After that, she saw their fragmented bodies on the battlefield.

From then on, she wondered whether the war of Noxus could really make them realize their ideals? Can this empire really become stronger? Is it true that adults like them sent a child to the battlefield right? Although there are many orphans in Noxus, it is common for women who have died of husbands to remarry and give birth to a few more children. Noxus never lacks children, and children who can’t eat, you can let them go to the battlefield without worrying about consumption.

But can’t these children grow up? Even in terms of battle strength, how much battle strength can a child have? Ten children who are less than ten years old can really achieve what results?

Don’t the people above understand?

A country where even a child has to be sent to the battlefield, can this country be considered powerful?

We are working hard to make Noxus stronger. Noxus’s is indeed stronger day by day, but in the end, will we still have a little child on the battlefield?

These questions and doubts made Quiletta extremely annoyed on the battlefield of Ionia at the time, and sometimes even because of these hesitations, he did not perform well on the battlefield. And subconsciously inquired about the commander’s orders, and voiced doubts about these matters in private. This kind of behavior in Noxus is undoubtedly a dangerous behavior on the battlefield. If Quiletta at that time was not high enough in prestige and military exploits, but also a signboard, then she was likely to be taken by the emperor. Killed by the assassin to prevent her from shaking the morale of the army.

Yes, Quileta is a celebrity, just as she feels guilty, she is a friend who struggles with Darius, brother…

and a lover.

She grew up with Darius and Draven. Although there is a Tamara and Draven in the back, the relationship is good, but the relationship between the three of them is the deepest. To Draven, she is the elder sister, mother, and the only lover of his brother. In her eyes, they have always been small children, and troublemakers who make trouble all day long for her to deal with. They grew up and grew up together. Among the typical Noxus, there is her name, and among those children who admire her, she also has her silhouette. That’s why she feels guilty to the children and feels that she killed them.

Usually, it was Draven who arranged things to cause a commotion. Darius helped his younger brother to fight back, and then waited until they suffered, or they couldn’t solve the trouble they caused, and then she and Darius would stop it all the time. Draven, who refused to admit defeat, was punished together. She clearly remembers those days, and she also knows that most of Draven provoked others because she had been targeted, and she would encounter a lot of bad things if she didn’t make a fuss, and therefore she has never been extremely tolerant of this. For Brother, grow up dependent on them.

Until Draven wanted to get ahead and assassinate Noxus’ generals, and then their lives were related to Noxus. They also joined the Noxus army because of the talent and courage of Draven and Darius, thus allowing The childhood of the three of them is guaranteed, and they are no longer three useless orphans. As a result, they learned the ability to make them safe and secure, and because of Noxus’s teaching and training, they are extremely loyal and love to Noxus, because everything they have is indeed given by Noxus. The reason why they can grow up is also because Noxus can do it. On the concept.

When she grew up, Darius became shy and bold in her eyes. He was very enthusiastic, but he was very shy in many cases, which made her unable to help being cute This adjective that seemed completely unrelated to him was placed on his head. They are like glue, but unfortunately they are all fighting in different places. They can only meet for a short time when they are on vacation. At that time, the relationship between them has become complicated, in order to prevent Darius who is fighting on the front line from being distracted. , She concealed the fact that she gave birth to a child. Originally, she thought that they could talk to each other when they got together in Ionia, and when she told him that he was a father at the right time, her doubts about Noxus made the relationship between them more complicated.

The tragedy also began here.

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