“But it’s not easy to get our adult fooled, LeBlanc.”

Put the red wine called Parting When he reached the stone bench, Vladimir raised his eyebrows. He didn’t care about his grandnephew not far away at all, but spoke directly to LeBlanc.

“Although Foyego’s power is indeed good, for that adult, it’s just a small matter that’s all. You don’t think that my ineffective grandnephew can treat that adult What trouble is it? You and I know that if he hadn’t done anything to this World now, Foyego would have died.”

“But it doesn’t prevent you from washing your body of blood. Isn’t it?”

LeBlanc asked directly back, she didn’t believe that Vladimir would show up in front of her without a backhand that she didn’t know. In fact, they both had each other. It is impossible to confirm whether each other came here from the real body. Two guys who are good at fake and fraudulent death, it is difficult to say that they have the word trust.

“So we must also find Isul, and let her be blocked by our adult before Fjego can get her. In the process, I must also show that I can use it for him. Place. I can’t do this without your help, LeBlanc Young Lady.”

In fact, it can be done.

Vladimir showed a humble smile. He pointed to Foyego on one side and showed a mysterious smile.

“It seems that the blood given to you has indeed been researched by you. Some results have been found.”

LeBlanc frowned slightly. She once gave it to Li Ke The blood was obviously researched by Vladimir with some results, otherwise the other party would not say such a thing. And she immediately began to think about how she can show her sincerity to Vladimir without revealing herself, or what step she can do so that Li Ke will not let Li Ke hit her.

“Of course, who would not explore the power of God? Even more how is me chasing blood.”

Vladimir took out a small bottle With a slight sway, he is very obsessed with Li Ke’s power, but he dare not touch it rashly, because the destructive power is simply not something he can resist, and if used, it will irreversibly cause a huge impact on his soul and body. The loss, but for his grand-nephew Foyego…

Then it’s okay. Foyego is an infatuated man. For Isurd, even the world can be destroyed. Trifling physically The damage is just trivial.

“That’s it…”

LeBlanc looked towards Foyego, and the opponent’s current strength can already be said to be shocking. If you let him recover If Isurd, plus the test product in the hands of Vladimir, you can really pass the field in front of Li Ke, and you will not be killed directly. In this case…

The operating room is much larger!

Just as Lovelan was thinking about how to help Vladimir, a hoarse and long voice came from behind them.

“It seems that you are discussing some interesting things, do you mind if I also discuss it?”

This voice is very magnetic, and it follows There was also a burst of green smoke, and in the smoke, the first thing that caught the eyes of the two was a green Lantern, who kept wailing, and then a green skeleton with only bones in his hand holding a chain.

The Chain Warden.

Le Fulan’s eyes reflect the terrible figure of this monster, and the other’s skull face seems to have a thick mockery. He smiled and looked at Love who stopped because of his presence. Lan and Vladimir were full of teasing in their voices.

“Or you don’t welcome me?”

When he said this remark, he slightly shook the chain in his hand, and the hook with cold light flashed In the eyes of the two of them, the two of them glanced at each other slightly, and both came to a conclusion.

This is a good substitute, but he will definitely be killed immediately when he appears in front of Li Ke.

“No, for any like-minded people who are willing to join us, we are always very happy to accept them. Come on, partners, drink this wine together, so that our friendship can extend infinitely “

Vladimir once again took out a wine glass, the motto is to be elegant, but he is fully prepared anytime, anywhere, and Thresh looked at the wine full of parting sadness , With a strange smile, took the blood-like wine that Vladimir handed over with his green misty skeleton arm, and put it on his’lip’.

The wine entered the’lip’, Thresh immediately felt the difference, he saw a scene full of sadness:

“…elder sister, where are you going? “

Looking at the younger sister who was seriously ill and comatose, she has been hanging out with each other on the street, and the elder sister who lives on each other for life thinks of her mother who can’t find food, and then thinks that her own has disappeared. Long time father. Crying, he put the last half of the brown bread in his arms into the arms of the younger sister who had lost most of her consciousness and was seriously ill, and then wiped her tears with her arm, and fled amidst the bewildering calls of her younger sister. Out of this dark alley they previously called home.

But although her tears were constantly shed and she was very painful, but her footsteps did not stop, because she knew very well that if she continues to bring her seriously ill younger sister, not only her younger sister will If you die, you will die too.

So she must abandon younger sister, just like mother and father abandon them. If she wants to live, she must abandon her family like them.

She didn’t want to make her escape look so despicable, so she thought of her father, mother, who also abandoned them because of poverty, but her inner conscience and past memories kept condemning her, letting her know what she did. What kind of thing happened.

She wanted to let her go and shout, but she was afraid that she would wake up some powerful people, or alarm the guards at the night watch. In that case, she would be mercilessly killed and thrown into the stench. In the ditch.

I don’t want to die, I don’t want to make myself despicable, but I still do despicable things. Even if I struggle to live to the 2nd day, I might die like my younger sister in a few days.

The fear of death, the unwillingness and guilt in the heart, the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with such a situation of oneself, the expectation and yearning for a better life, the suffering of conscience, and the crying Grief. All emotions converged into a bright red liquid, which permeated his mouth, and his in the depth of one’s soul function made him no longer have any human thoughts, and infinite sadness emerged.

“Ah…really, a pleasant torture.”

The scarlet liquid turned into a cloud of mist in Thresh’s throat and dissipated, and he did it too. I definitely felt the sensation of wine in my throat. Vladimir is worthy of being a true artist. When he brewed this relationship, he also plot against the taste.

“This world is always so beautiful, even without a real master polished, you can still create such an art… You are really a Vladimir, dear sir, sucking the essence of other people’s lives, And to brew it, you deserve to be a true artist.”

Thresh handed his empty glass back to Vladimir with a sigh, and Vladimir smiled Refilled him with a glass of wine, although the man in front of him was just a lowly jailer at the beginning, and he would feel that he was lowly if he polished his shoes. But the other person obviously has the same place as himself in some places, and even if others don’t know, he knows what the person in front of him has done.

To be honest, he wanted to kill the skull in front of him. If it weren’t for his bewilderment, he could still play the game of chess thousands of years ago for a while, and it’s because of this guy. Because of the reason, the kingdom where he lived at the beginning ended in a stupid way.

Yes, it was Thresh’s bewitching that Foyego successfully found Life Water on Fuguang Island and read the Blade of the Ruined King on the sword of the Blade of the Ruined King. Curse. Turned Fuguang Island into Shadow Isles and brought the black mist to this World.

But seeing that the other party is about to be the second target that he sprang out of his own initiative, he doesn’t care about it anymore. Everyone can still talk about art a little bit.

“Where and there, Mr. Thresh’s torture of the soul is breathtaking, but don’t you think it’s a bit rude? Look, it’s like the person you killed before. We can ……”

Vladimir discussed with Thresh what he saw when he came here, that is, Thresh killed the other son in front of a mother, and put him in front of the other The souls of the son and the husband of each other reclaim the scene in Lantern. At that time, he didn’t think so, but since he wanted to win over this guy, he could comment a little bit on what the other person was doing.

To be honest, he does think that the other party’s idea is very good, but it is a bit crude. If the mother can also join the drama, instead of just a spectator and a tortured People are the most perfect drama.

After all, the most tormenting thing is not that you are powerless, but that you love each other, but destroy each other because of your own desires and desire to survive.

This is the real torture.

Thresh still has some omissions in this regard.

“Ah, indeed, I did miss something…”

Thresh nodded, although he felt that the greatest pleasure of his life was being plotted against Hurry up and have a look, but since the other party is also a guy with good taste and strong strength, it is not impossible for everyone to communicate with each other.

I want to come at the end of the story, when I take this artist into my own Lantern, his wailing must be very beautiful. After all, the person in front of him is Foyego’s uncle. The tragedy in the family ethics drama can make his works and fun to please him to a greater extent.

Fyego is really a treasure boy, and he can always surprise him.

“Boring idiots.”

Looking at the scene where the two people talked happily, LeBlanc did not have any thoughts of communicating with this suddenly appeared skull. The other party, like Vladimir, simply does not have convergence and humility, and is completely a monster. Only Vladimir, who feeds on human emotions, can talk to him well.

As for yourself?

She is a sixteen-year-old young girl, and she also holds an empire. How can she be with the beauty of being thrown out of work by a heartless man all day long?

Just leave it to Vladimir here.

When LeBlanc thought of this, her silhouette went into the darkness, and when Vladimir looked towards the other party with the corner of his eye, she saw her still in the darkness The hand gave himself a gesture, and then the whole person disappeared.

“brought trouble to others to Mordekaiser…she will cooperate with me…and help me seduce Mordekaiser.”

Vladimir saw it at a glance With the secret words of the other party, a confident smile appeared on his face. With the words of Foyego, the lord of the black mist, this plan is feasible!

The same is true for LeBlanc. As long as Fyego absorbs the power prepared by Isurd and Vladimir, then she will be able to appear a helping hand. And when she thought of this, she sipped a sip of juice in the empire’s reception room and looked towards the Lissandra witch in front of her.

“So, we have reached a consensus. As long as we follow our plan, the door of Mordekaiser’s world will be opened, and you will be able to communicate with our gods.”

Lissandra, wearing a white gauze skirt, smiled slightly at LeBlanc.

“Of course, after all, we are all serving one person, aren’t we? LeBlanc Young Lady is indeed a very good talent. I feel that our master can be like yours. Fortunately.”

Lissandra has always maintained that kind of indifferent confident smile, while LeBlanc’s movements are just a meal. What she seeks until now is a real name, and the other party actually uses her hands. Come down and call yourself…

“Each each other.”

She decided to give this Lissandra a good look in the future, just looking at the other person’s blindfolded posture and the body The lace robe clothes with explosive lustre is really different from the witch in the ice armor in his intelligence.

“Where did the clothes come from? They look pretty good.”

“The master gave it to me. I think he is suggesting me. This is really distressing. After all, I I’m only loyal to the master, but the master seems to value my appearance more. This is really melancholy. After all, I only want to be able to work for the master wholeheartedly.”

“Yes. Is it? That’s great.”

So the two people who met sipped in their hearts at the same time.


“Found it! Someone named Li Ke!”

Fyego, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly opened his eyes. Stepping into the black mist that suddenly appeared in front of him, and fighting each other, Thresh and Vladimir, who were drinking, looked towards him, it happened to be the scene when he disappeared into the black mist.

Fjego simply didn’t care about his uncle’s thoughts. Anyway, he didn’t know how much conspiracy he had. He just heard someone calling Li Ke’s name suddenly near the black mist, and then The soul in the black mist that he spread suddenly dissipated, so he wanted to get rid of Li Ke so that he could continue to pursue Isulde’s Foyego, so he used his black mist to appear in the place he felt. .

“You are Li Ke?! Come and die!”

Fuyego was confident of Li Ke who pinched a soul by the neck and beat his head crookedly. Man full pointed his sword at Li Ke and issued a declaration of victory.

The most powerful force in the world is love, and his heart is full of love and determination for Isul, so this battle will win!

Love is invincible!

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