Li Ke, he originally planned to move towards the battle group where the girl Samila he met was in, and talked to him about Shurima by the way.

“In fact, Shurima is not particularly bad. Although our family does not have land, we can only make a living by selling art, but if there is a river nearby, or close to the rainforest, it’s okay. They are all able to eat enough. People who plant the land will be richer, but illness will cause a lot of things. After all, the prices of shaman and wizard are very expensive.”

Samira kept saying Follow my life in Shurima.

“As long as there is no war, it’s actually not a problem to live there for a lifetime. It’s just that the hateful Void Prophet, he doesn’t want to live anymore, and he just wants to get someone else.”

When she talked about the experience of Noxus, who had left her hometown, Samira’s face showed a look of disgust.

“Although everyone had a very hard life, but they also worked very hard to live, but the bastard named Marzaha felt that everyone’s life was very uncomfortable. It is better to die together, I Although I haven’t heard their preaching much, but their teaching is probably like this. It doesn’t matter to say that everything in Human World is indifferent, because in the end we will have nothing. It is better to go directly to the void, avoid the hardships of life, and directly accept the void. The tranquility.”

Shamira’s tone was quite disdainful while shaking a throwing knife tied with a red string.

“Although I hate him very much, I have to say that there are too many people in Shurima who live but suffer. So that bastard’s sect has always had no shortage of manpower… but I have to Said that they are just a gathering place for losers and self-willed depraved people, that’s all, dreaming of the dream of not having to live hard, and being very courageous. They fear the future that sect said, so they want to pull people into the water, and I also want to make the other person appreciate them and increase their self-confidence.”

She kept talking about her views and disdain for those sect members, while Li Ke looked slightly surprised at this from The girl of Shurima, because what the other party said was indeed what those cultists would think of.

This is how cultists are. In order to make themselves more confident and at ease, they will force others to believe that this can be considered an alternative herd mentality, because even cultists, I don’t want to make myself an outlier. They will want people around them in the same situation and situation as themselves to believe what they believe, and after the other party shows negative emotions, they will feel a lot of anxiety and shame.

So here is the danger of cultists. If you want to save him, you must deny his only hope, and everyone knows what human beings can do if their only hope is denied. . The same is true for MLM. As long as you invest a little bit of money, for the possible return, and to prevent yourself from being afraid of being deceived, you will continue to be in a very dangerous psychological state, and people will continue to be in a very dangerous state of mind over time. Becomes extreme and restless, desperate to find a sense of security.

At this time, it is a very normal thing to keep investing money and let people around you invest money. It is not only to make money, but to quench your thirst by drinking poison, and want to make your own The sense of peace of mind goes even further. You put money in, making him happier than putting money on his own, and once you don’t invest, you are destroying his world. After all, he has voted that many. If you don’t vote, how can he believe that his money can be returned?

MLM and cults are slowly driving people crazy.

This is why it is difficult for people who have joined cults and pyramid schemes to break free, and some will continue to fall into it even after being saved.

What people lack most is the sense of peace of mind, whether it was once or in the present, it has always been this way.

“Is this also because of the barrenness there?”

Hearing what Shamela said, Ari beside Li Ke couldn’t help but pull Li Ke’s clothes Sleeve, asked it out.

“It can be understood almost like this. Hungry is always a terrifying punishment, and in this world, this punishment can come to almost everyone.”

Modern people have a lot of anxiety. There are anxiety about the future, anxiety about marriage, and there are many, many others. But at the end of the day, most of the anxiety can be traced back to the anxiety about hunger.

You work hard to prevent yourself from being starved to death. You don’t want to starve to death when you are unable to work when you see a doctor. You pay all kinds of insurance and savings, but also for the future when you are old. Will not be starved to death. In this World, the feeling of hunger is a sharp sword that haunts everyone’s hearts. It is not uncommon to kill or even eat people for a full meal in this world.

The more barren the place, the more ignorant it is. This is not only because they don’t have computer games, mobile games, music novels, and other things to pass the time, but also because there is nothing to let them go. If they firmly believe, then they don’t have the will to live.

This is also the reason why most Westerners and so-called elites say that there is no belief in the New Heaven, because in their civilization, finding a god to rely on is a very traditional and even habitual thing. But in our world, they can only find our blind obedience and sustenance to gods and prophets from the pile of old papers that are still new.

So some of them think we are crazy, and we think that some of them are fools.

Ah, there are people who learn how to bark.

“There are many reasons for them to become cultists, such as the country, the environment, the land, and the people around them, but the reason for them to become cultists instead of a small surrounding Sects sect is also very simple, that is, they I completely gave up my dignity as a person.”

If you just serve death or something, Li Ke simply won’t care. Kindred’s sect is such a group of people. They serve death and feel that death is the ultimate. Fate is also the gathering place of the losers and those who are willing to fall in the words of Samira. But those people were doing their own things silently, and volunteered to offer comfort and prayer before death for the poor, and to help clean up the corpses that no one cared about.

This sect is available everywhere in the world, Ionia, Noxus, Demacia, and only the Python Islands, which is not near Bilgewater, because the god of Illaoi takes care of everything about life and death. .

But Kindred’s sect has never been considered a cult. On the contrary, although some people will dislike the people of Kindred sect and feel that it is very bad for them to deal with corpses and dead people all day long, most people still treat them. Reported with respect.

Circumstances are important, but personal will and choices are also very important.

“But for them, there is no need to show mercy. If I want to say, this sect can be destroyed directly. It is estimated that Azir and I have the same idea, and he will kill them directly. So Samila , They will disappear soon.”

He comforted the girl next to him a bit, and the other party pulled at the corner of his mouth a little far-fetched, because for her…

She also doesn’t like Azir, and the reason is very simple. Because of the appearance of Azir, the town where she was originally located is a lot empty. The people of Shurima like to live near the water. In addition to Azir’s series of policies, there are many newly built cities, so the town where she and her parents were doing business suddenly fell into depression, and many people went to the relatively low-priced Shurima New City.

After all, a new place has a new life. Those who are dissatisfied with their own house can find a good location, and those who are dissatisfied with their own land can also find a piece of land near Life Water. Cultivation of the land nourished by the magic currents. Even people who are unwilling to do business, want to be farmers but have no way out, or are farmers but have no land of their own, all flock to the place where Azir is, enjoying everything that Life Water brings.

As for why Samila is unhappy, it is because of this that there are fewer people at the bottom of the town and the rich can no longer lead a good life, so they too, the rich people are gone, they Naturally, his income has also decreased. The life of eating some meat for three meals, or the life of a few eggs disappeared all at once.

Why not go to the new city of Shurima?

Although the location of the performers is not completely fixed, if they are closer, they will kill people. Although Samila is a little confident about her military force, they only have three people, and the performers in Shurima New City are all large groups of dozens or hundreds of people.

How could they compete with those people and become farmers? They don’t even have farm tools, and neither of his parents have planted land. They may starve to death if they rush to plant land. And they have no money for transformation.

So although she also knew that the appearance of Azir was a good thing for Shurima, their lives were indeed interfered by the emperor, and she did not have the money to treat her parents. Because of Azir, their income has decreased. Otherwise, she won’t join the Noxus clan so quickly. At the very least, she has to try her own business.

Although she doesn’t think it will be any better, because compared to Shurima, which is not much fun, Noxus has a arena, theater and opera, and various circuses. Although her Shurima acrobatics are excellent, they are really average here in Noxus.

So whether or not Azir destroys Marzaha’s sect, it is nothing to her. She is impossible to return to Shurima.

When it came to this, Li Ke also sighed. Whether it is a cult or anything else, there are too many paranoias in this World, not just heroes, but there are also too many paranoias among ordinary workers. However, at this moment, a rush of bells suddenly appeared in the town in front of them, and an ominous feeling also appeared in everyone’s hearts.

“The feeling of a curse…”

Soraka frowned, she looked at the panicked town, and in her eyes she saw the black mist constantly churning in the middle of the town.

But Li Ke can see more clearly. In his eyes, a group of people in strange uniforms stood out with various strange’guns’, moved towards the black mist gushing out The place is moving forward.

The guns in these people’s hands are filled with holy white light, and to be honest, their guns simply can’t be called guns, because apart from the fact that they can be seen on the trigger, they are guns. The upper body is a piece of milk-white Malphite, which is decorated with patterns, but is actually shrouded in silver carvings of the magic array.

As long as they pull the trigger, a path of light beam will emerge from the milky Malphite to attack the black mist, and from their skillful movements, they are used to these Things are fighting.

“Don’t worry too much, there are professionals there, and there is a rather holy power there, no problem.”

Li Ke laughed, but he moved towards there The pace has also accelerated.

“Quick! The black mist is here again! Urias! We need your support!”

But Li Ke thinks the people in this sanctuary can handle it, But the people in this sanctuary didn’t think so. They glanced at the girl next to the named Guangming Galio with some strange eyes, and then rushed into the black mist under Elder’s order.


The person called Ulias also understood the urgency of the matter. He immediately drew out his pistol and moved towards calling himself Elder and rushed over. And when he did this, he didn’t forget to call his apprentice.

“Let’s go! Senna! Come with me!”

The apprentice he called was a girl with exactly the same skin color as his, and he was rescued by the beach a few years ago. A girl, the other girl is different from other girls, because as long as the other girl stays in one place for too long, a lot of black fog will appear in that place. He instinctively felt that the opponent’s body had a way to solve this thousand-year black fog, which could completely end the soul-eclipsing night that had plagued the world for thousands of years.

So, he accepted this girl as an apprentice instead of letting him become his apprentice as his son Lucian thought. Of course, he did not have the energy to bring two apprentices, but the idea that he did not want his son to be involved in this dangerous thing had to be said to be an important reason.


Senna, who had only eaten two bites of hot rice, wiped her mouth and picked up the silver sword beside her: she has not experienced complete training. And trials, so they are not qualified to take firearms made of holy stones.

But when she ran towards Ulias, the wall beside her suddenly shattered, and a Sion over three meters high smashed the gate of the castle and moved towards her. come.


She looked at the monster’s Kog’Maw in horror. She didn’t have time to do anything, but at this moment, a shining light was worn Seeing through this huge ghost, it blasted it into a light spot in the sky, but in the place where the monster was originally located, there was a simple two-handed sword.

Li Ke’s sword.

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