Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1498: Arrive at Beiling

Compared with the lifeless home, the palace is more vibrant.

They came all the way and encountered many ordinary people who migrated here.

Big brother, they are doing a good job, but there are more people, which means more trouble.

On the premise of ensuring that the lives of the indigenous people are not disturbed, there must be some relevant provisions for proper placement of foreigners.

"It seems like something happened earlier, you guys just wait for me here."

Outside the carriage, there was a call from Qinghu.

Through the window, she saw Qinghu riding a horse and stepped forward alone.

I did have some loud noises, but they never stopped since entering the boundary of Beiling.

After a while, Qinghu turned back.

"The family really do business. If you want to enter the city, you have to pay three dollars each. I heard that it was only two dollars yesterday."

Lin Mengya frowned slightly.

Twenty-three money is not much for them, but for these ordinary people, it is not a small expense.

I suppose the situation here, brother they will not know.

How could this happen?

"Let's go and see."

He took the carriage and walked to the gate.

情况 The situation here is quite orderly. The carriage and the pedestrian are divided into two rows. When you enter the city, you only look at the people, not the carriages.

Although there were many complaints, I didn't cause any trouble.

He Shoucheng received money from the palace.

He's attitude is also not kind and courteous, but at least he didn't call out to these people.

Sting her heart, let go a little bit.

In my opinion, they are still very capable.

Just after they paid the entrance fee, just after entering the city, they heard a violent drink inside.

"Stop me! If you catch me, you have to rip your skin!"

Suddenly the voice was furious, and the crowd in front of them moved quickly. Soon, a thin figure came into their presence.

Qi Qinghu didn't want to bother, but the man was like a headless fly and came straight to her.

As soon as the long arm was stretched out, the man was stopped.

He didn't want the man to have a knife.

The two daggers of Xiu Yin were extremely sharp, and the man was also a ruthless character. He had to pierce Qinghu's abdomen in the homeopathy.

Who is Qinghu?

He only heard a slight snoring, who just slid with the swimming fish just now, and he was photographed with a single palm.

"Come, catch him!"

When he saw the man flying out, the chaser behind him said nothing, and came forward and held down the opponent.

After a few moments, the half-dead guy was **** firmly.

"Thank you very much for this son, and inquired in the palace, only to surprise the two."

Zhe Lin Mengya's eyes brightened, but she soon covered it up.

In fact, the palace family, she is most familiar with only a few brothers in the family, as for the others, she did not have much contact.

Seeing that the opposite side is born tight, want to come, it may be a separation from his hometown.

"It doesn't matter."

Qinghu is cold and indifferent to anyone, and Gong Xun looks like a big five and three thick, but he doesn't mind the attitude of Qinghu.

"I won't bother you if I have a problem. If they have any difficulties here, you can go to the patrol to find me. Two, leave."

I do things cleanly and neatly, and there is no bullishness at all, Gong Xun is a usable person.

I watched him take his men and take away those who had attacked them before, but Lin Mengya's heart raised a little doubt.

She thought the man was just a thief, but didn't want the man's way of acting just now.

With so many migrants in Wucheng, there will certainly be problems in law and order.

I'm afraid things are more complicated than she thought.

The large and small inns in Wucheng are full. Fortunately, the Taining inn in the palace family can only live in the family directly connected to the palace family.

拿着 She took the token left by her elder brother and quickly found two rooms.

I was thinking of going up for a rest, but was stopped by someone.

"Slow, you can't go!"

She glanced at the guy who was standing in front of her. It was a pretty girl who looked pretty. She looked like a lady's maid.

I was just arrogant on that face, but she didn't catch a cold.

"Step aside."

Xi Baisu sank a face and blocked her.

凶 "What fierce? You, leave a room to my lady!"

Hehe, the tone is not small.

I dare to see her for the first time in her inn and let her give up the room.

"This girl, the shop really does not have any extra rooms. And this lady is a close friend of our palace family. Please, make it easy."

Seeing this, the shopkeeper immediately came out and rounded the field.

Gao Linmengya is not clear. The token given to her by her elder brother is the highest in the palace.

Seeing it is like seeing your elder brother in person.

I did not receive such treatment in my original home.

Don't say it is to open two rooms, even if the inn is sold, they still have to pay enough attention.

In short, the shopkeeper understands that this person cannot easily offend.

"Let ’s go! Good friend? I tell you, my young lady is the younger grandmother of the future house, maybe it is the future housewife. Well, I want her room!"

The servant girl was prideful, she saw more.

But it is rare to be accustomed to this.

I met such a person, but she didn't want to bother.

"Bai Su, let's go up."

He faintly opened his mouth, Bai Su nodded, and the three just wanted to go upstairs, but the maid dared to reach out and push.

"Dare to touch my lady, you can try it."

Xi Baisu's voice was indifferent, but the sword in her hand came out of the sheath, shimmering in the cold light, making the maid shrink involuntarily.

Her gaze was so cold that where the maid had seen such a woman, she opened her body subconsciously to make way up the stairs.


Pu Qinghu's eyes flickered slightly, and he only smiled softly after glancing at the maid.

别 "Don't make things big, it's just a maid."

Lin Lin Mengya said softly.

Wu Qinghu retracted his gaze, but his lips sneered.

"Okay, I'll follow you first. If she's dead, she can't blame anyone."


Lin Mengya was completely speechless.

She looked at Qing Fox and Bai Su who had reached a full understanding and sighed.

I just wanted to push her a bit, and I have n’t pushed it yet. How come to the two of them?

She shook her head. She first took Axiu and Bai Su into the room.

She was a little curious about the maid's words just now.

It's hard to tell, which brother's fiancee?

But before she came back, she often communicated with several brothers, but never heard them mention it.

In my opinion, it really is that people are afraid of famous pigs.

"咚咚咚", slamming the door came.

She frowned slightly, and before she could talk, Bai Su drew her sword and slammed into the door.


"Hurry up and open the door! My lady, I want to see you!"

I was just the maid who was blocking the road. She was a black line.

怎么 Why can't this be thrown away?


苏 Bai Su has a bad tone and drinks coldly.

But the people outside didn't budge, and they continued to shoot.

"If you don't see it, you won't see it! My lady wants to see you, that's your great blessing. Hum, if you put it on someone else, maybe you'll have died out!"

In this world, there is a kind of person who always thinks that I am the first in the world.

I don't know, in this world there are mountains and there are people outside.

Gao Lin Mengya smiled lightly and shallowly, for fear that the young "grandmother of the palace" did not know that the true decision-making power of the palace family was in her hands.

The so-called marrying a wife and marrying a man depends on the qualities of this maid, and this person cannot enter the gate of her palace.

The door was shot so loudly that Bai Su couldn't help it, and suddenly opened the door.

The auntie didn't notice, and one aunt almost fell in.

"What the **** are you doing? My lady said, see you!"

Bai Su frowned and said coldly.

But the latter glared at her in the end, and finally, as if remembering something, still put up with it.

"I know what you think, isn't it just a room? My lady said, she has looked at her, let me give it to you. My lady is so forgiving, your lady, how much should I say?"

Bai Su almost laughed.

The room was originally theirs. Where did this guy and her young lady come from and dare to let them thank you?

"No time."

I said she was going to close the door, but who knows, the maid was flexible and squeezed in the middle of the door.

"Okay, you do n’t have to pretend to be aloof. To put it bluntly, are n’t all of you coming to the sons of the palace family? My lady is different from you, but she is the fiancee of the palace family .If you are smart and sensible, maybe my lady can speak for you. "

It turned out that this level of relationship still exists.

But Lin Mengya had never heard of his great ancestor and his elder brother.

Also, it seemed that many people came to the four elder brothers to listen to her.

Since this is the case, then she really has to "inquire into the enemy".

"Is it?"

As soon as Su Bai wanted to catch someone, he heard the voice of his master.

侍 The maid showed a proud look, as if she had eaten her, she would be heart-beating.

"Of course. If you don't believe it, then forget it. But if you are the first one to get on top, you will lose more."

She came out with a smile on her face.

"So, there is work."

The servant girl looked at her up and down, smiled disdainfully, and turned to leave.

"Come with me."

Bai Su Axiu looked at each other, and they were not very clear about what kind of medicine Lin Mengya sold.

"Bangdang", before they got to the door, they heard the sound of something breaking.

Suddenly Lin Mengya frowned.

And the maid was not strange, just heard a sharp female voice inside.

"What a reason, they dare to fool me with such things!"

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