Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1499: Do you want to die

侍 The maid knocked on the door.


I immediately heard a lazy voice inside.

He sounded, it seemed that he was the same person as Fang Cai's sharp swearing.

"Miss, it's me. Someone wants to see you."

Upon hearing this, Axiu and Bai Su were unwilling at the same time.

I was just hindered by her, so the two did not have an immediate attack.

This "Miss" has a thick skin, obviously the man thought of a way to threaten himself, turned it around, and put gold on his face.

If usual, she would have turned away.

Before Xun met, she faintly felt a bit of annoyance towards her.

A woman like this wants to enter the door of the palace house, next life.

"Well, come in."

Brother Yi's so-called engagement contractor put a tenth percentile on the shelf.

The servant girl glanced at them indifferently.

"Where's my lady? I come from a big family. My temperament may be different from those of you."

"Big family?"

She sneered in her heart, I don't know which big family can raise such a proud person.

The servant girl gently opened the door and said to them.

"go in."

The room was quite spacious, just a little smaller than the one she lived in.

After all, she knew that she was going to come back recently. The elder brother had long ordered the inn along the way to vacate the best room for her.

This is the kindness of my brothers, and she is using it for the first time because she is about to arrive home.

I did not expect to encounter such an unreasonable Lord.

"You are here, sit down."

I didn't see anyone coming to greet him, but he only saw a layer of porcelain **** on the ground.

Sitting at the table, there was a woman in a gorgeous purple dress. The woman looked very pretty, but she was proud and almost mean.

When I saw them, I just looked up and down with my eyes.

"I don't know what my sister is calling?"

Do you want to take advantage of yourself?

What a pity, she didn't make such a willful "sister".

"The title is unnecessary, but I don't know what opinion the lady invited us to."

She is so simple, she respects her, and she respects her.

Now this person is shameless, why should she be polite.

Sure enough, the pretty face frowned because of her words.

But after a short while, the man grunted coldly.

"I really don't know where the country girl comes from, but I don't understand the rules so much. Even so, I will put the ugly words in front. If you are like this, don't even think about entering the palace house."

She almost laughed angrily.

Do you really think you are the head of the palace's house?

I don't know if it's angry or ridiculous, she turned around with a look of indignation on her face.

别 "Don't think that you have a marriage contract with Brother Gong Bin and you can sit back and relax. I and Brother Gong Bin are a natural fit. The two of us have already made a white-headed appointment, what do you think?"

Bai Su and Axiu were dumbfounded.

Seeing that she played vigorously, she had to swallow the words, which one is this?

"Well, you are a shameless thing! I know that you are all coming to my fiance! I will tell you now, you die this heart as soon as possible! The palace family attaches great importance to commitment, this Mrs. Gong's position will never be on your head! "

好 "Okay, then we'll just walk and see. Look at Brother Gong Bin, who do you like!"

She ignored the other's threats and turned to leave.

I didn't expect that the man was mad, or was intentional, and threw away a tea cup.

She turned her back, and even when she stopped, she had no time to hide.

Fortunately, Bai Su was on guard at any time and stepped up to protect her behind her.

"Bang Dang", the tea cup was hit by Bai Su and hit the wall.

"Dare you touch my master!"

Bai Su's words have already mixed three-point chill.

Axiu was one step late, but immediately came over quickly, staring angrily at the lady.

But neither of them, Lin Mengya's anger, came scary.

拨 She turned away from Bai Su and A Xiu, and walked to the lady without expression.

"Do you want to die?"

声音 Her voice was so cold, especially the dark water-like eyes that locked the man dead.

The man must have never seen such a battle, and for a while, he was stuck in place.

"You, dare you threaten me?"

"You can't help it, come here and kick me out."

The words did not fall, Bai Su had already passed at people.

"How dare you treat me like this? Come, I want to see Grand Master Gong! I want to tell him that you insulted his unmarried wife!"

The man started yelling, the shopkeeper had heard the movement over here for a long time, and now he was leading someone over.

At first sight, it was the two of them, and they frowned fiercely.

But then, the woman holding the token that the young master personally gave down gave him a glance.

告诉 "Tell everyone in the palace family that in the future, they will not be allowed to enter the city, including their family. No matter whether it is stationery or gifts, they will not be allowed to enter my palace house to seal the land!"

The woman was very imposing, and the shopkeeper was a little surprised, then suddenly remembered the command of the young master.

Is this really Mrs. Young?

"What the **** are you and you have to kick her out!"

Miss Suona still held her head up high, but Bai Su, who was standing beside her, reached out, and the man was dragged out by Bai Su.

"Step aside!"

In spite of the woman's crying, Bai Su looked at the shopkeeper coldly.

The latter flashed away immediately, afraid to stop at all.

But in my heart, I made up my mind. Regardless of the consequences, first listen to the lady with the token in front of me.

The woman was crying, Bai Su was really annoyed. With one hand going down, the woman fainted and softened.

I don't think my own lady is treated this way. Where are the maids, who dare to stubbornly.

After rough packing, he chased out.

"I don't know, what else can I tell you?"

The shopkeeper's attitude towards her has become more respectful.

I wondered, and she asked.

"Have you seen this young man, Master?"

The shopkeeper immediately shook his head.

"No, she has been here for almost half a month. Every time, no matter what method is used, the young master will not see her. It is just that the young master has ordered to be nice to each other."

This is the usual practice of the elder brother, even if he does not like people, he will remain three points.

But now she knew why the woman was dying.

I'm afraid that after I hope to make things bigger, the palace family will have to come forward.

I also blame the woman for having bad luck. How come she met her?

"Okay, you go down. I will explain to the young master personally."

The shopkeeper heard the words, thank you very much.

"Sister Ya, didn't you say your identity should be kept secret? You are not afraid, will you be exposed because of this?"

A Xiuqi get angry, but still worry more.

"Anyway, they dare not say more. And that woman will certainly think that I am a big brother."

Those who can run Taining Inn are carefully selected by the elder brother.

The first one is absolute loyalty to the palace family.

The others are set aside, this is the palace's fiefdom.

How could the elder brother be careless on his own site.

This is the first line of defense to enter the palace. If she expected it, this person should be the confidant of his elder brother.

Xi Baisu did everything neatly and forced the women out of town with a sword.

Don't say, they dare not make trouble.

It seems that at a critical moment, it is better to use fists to speak.

Wu Tianshui had just been wiped out, and it was still a few hours before she went to bed.

She thought about it, this time, Miya's identity can never be revealed.

So I still take the current pseudo identity and make things easier in the future.

"Girl, are you asleep?"

Qi Qinghu knocked on the door, and Axiu immediately got up and opened the door.

The man came in with a few lotus leaves in his hand.

"Eat hot."

This guy, I must know that she didn't eat well for dinner, so I bought these supper deliberately.

I greeted Axiu, the three of them sat at the table and used some.

"What happened to the master and servant?"

When she quarreled with others, Qinghu didn't show up.

But she knew that Qinghu would never miss anyone who had a chance to hurt herself.

So, he should be tracking.

"It's okay, it's just that there is nothing dry in your mouth."

Qinghu said with a smile.

Every time this guy shows such a soft smile, it means that he must have done something bad.

He raised an eyebrow, she asked tentatively.

"You killed them all?"

Qinghu shook his head, 嗔 said strangely.

"Aren't you forbidden to kill me easily? But, I don't like them to say something that will vilify you casually, so I will kill them."

I beat my heart, Lin Mengya probably guessed who was suffering.

"Relax, you can't die. I just cut her tongue in front of her master. After keeping it, she knew exactly what to say and what not to say."

I heard Qing Fox say this, but Lin Mengya was relieved.

Qinghu has always ignored human life, and in the past it was killing people without blinking.

收敛 Although there is convergence now, once it is about himself, he will recover his nature.

"Well, there are examples of her. Those who want to send their daughters to the door, I think they can weigh them."

Although she is more anxious than her brother's wedding.

But this does not mean that those families can use this to make up the palace family under the guise of marriage.

They don't need any power to marry, their brothers are so outstanding, they can shine through the door without their in-law relationships.

So, in terms of marrying a wife, she wants her brothers to choose their favorite partner.

Otherwise, if such a "shock-to-be married" vixen enters the door, I'm afraid that after the palace family, there will never be peace.

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