Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1821: Search for booty

Lin Mengya pursed her lips, some were not happy.

"I saw it clearly, it was you who broke in suddenly and scared it away!"

The way she complained was not as if she was scared by a mouse, but as a pet.

The nursing home headed by Xun was more certain that he was playing a firearm.

Hu Leng hummed, and the nursing home looked at them with obvious goodwill.

"Search me!"

Nianlong Tianyu ignored those people, but reached out and took her off the table.

He just, with sharp eyes, saw Lin Mengya's left hand that had been curled up.

Although the outside looks the same as before, the circle around Hukou is a little abnormal.

顺 He wanted to take out her hand to look at it, but Lin Mengya hid gently.

Alas, she did not dare to look at him with his eyes.

Xun Long Tianyu understood something in her heart and pulled her behind her, hiding her big hands behind her, and looping her left wrist tightly.

Lin Lin Mengya always lowered her head, thinking in her heart, how to explain it in a while?

I am different from the ambiguous interactions on their side. As soon as the nurses entered the door, they looked like the hungry wolves entered the flock.

After a while, the inner room turned them upside down, clothes, bedding, and all over the floor.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at it coldly. Before they were in Sun Mingyi's room, they didn't hear anything.

Huh, double standard dog!

I wandered for a while, and almost didn't demolish the house. The group of people didn't even see the shadow of things.

Not to mention under the bed, almost every grain of dust was turned over.

Outside, she and Long Tianyu stood there watching the show coldly.

And the nursing homes are becoming more and more heart-warming. To understand the order given by the master, it is clear that they should not disturb the two noble guests too much.

But their boss brought them here secretly.

If it is okay to turn it over, it will be troublesome if you ca n’t turn it over.

的 Living in this room, but the lady's life-saving benefactor.

His servant gave a wink to the boss, and the man was wondering.

Did n’t he say that it was hidden under the bed? Was it transferred by them?

"You all look carefully, don't lose a chicken feather in the kitchen, but also rest on our heads."

Lin Lin Mengya was so energetic now that she was taunting.

The nursing homes were also a little anxious. After all, they could find all the places in the house that they could find. There was nowhere!

"What's the hurry? If you are innocent, I will of course give you an innocence."

The nursing home was anxious, and shouted angrily at her.

Lin Mengya just hummed from her nose and eyes, but she still looked good.

The nursing home realized that the divine doctor was guarding the door just now, maybe it was time for her apprentice to hide things.

At the moment, not just rummaging in the inner room, but taking people to the outside.

The layout of the outer room is very simple. There is a table, chairs, and a small couch by the window. It looks like it can hide things.

After searching his eyes up and down for a while, he landed on something on the table.

I took three steps and made two steps forward. I wanted to grab it, but Lin Mengya covered it with her right hand.

"This is my husband's medicine box. It's full of precious things. Don't touch it!"

越 The more she did, the more the nursing home felt that there was something wrong with her medicine box.

I am not sure, another thing is hidden inside.

At the moment, he will start to snatch.

"Yes or no, I'll know if I look, and let go now, or I'll chop your hand!"

"If you don't let go, just don't let go. If you have the ability, you can chop my hand now. By then, I will let everyone in the world know that your Zheng family treats benefactors like this!"

"Let me go!"

The man used a lot of brute force, Lin Mengya was defeated by him.

He was just the moment the medicine chest was about to be released, but the other big hand was placed between them.

Suddenly, the nursing home couldn't move.

I let him grit his teeth and flush his face, but he couldn't move at all.

Jain was staring at the bland, dead face in front of him. He didn't believe it, and today he gave it up in the hands of two little beasts.

"Let me go!"

"I want to be beautiful! Just keep it!"

Gao Linmengya was much more relaxed than the nursing home and made a grimace at him, which made him very popular.

Suddenly, the nursing home was also embarrassed and angry, letting go of his hand and holding the knife in his hand, he slashed into the medicine chest regardless of his care.

The two were not stupid. Long Tianyu immediately retracted her hand, and by the way held her hand in her palm, her actions were almost in parallel with the withdrawal of the nursing home.

I heard the sound of "Dangdang", and the medicine box cut down with a lot of effort by the nursing home instantly became two halves.

Many medicine powders and pills were scattered on the ground.

Lin Mengya blinked, and then she opened her mouth and started to chatter.

"You pay! You pay! This pill is made of ginseng from the millennium! That medicine powder can be added with refined Ganoderma lucidum! And the powder made by Tianshan Snow Lotus"

She cried, blowing these pills and powder into the dead.

Suddenly stupefied by the nursing home, he immediately went through the medicine box. Except for some medical stuff, it was really nothing.

Soon, he thought of what the grandfather had ordered him to do before he left, and immediately rumbling in a pile of bottles and jars.

Finally, he saw the small jar with cracked ice.

Unfortunately, he was so troubled just now that the small jar was broken, and the pills inside were mixed with those pills and powder.

Alas, and all those things look like, how can he be separated?

I'm done!

Suddenly the head of the Nursing Home came to understand why, just now, the divine doctor did not take the medicine box away, but only pulled his elementary school student to withdraw his hand.

"I'm going to Grandpa to discuss a fairness. How did we offend you, even the guys who ate with us were ruined! Also, there is a medicine that my husband is going to give to the young lady. You are ruined, my husband will not be able to treat the young lady tomorrow! "

Hiding in her heart, she still had a grieving cry on her face.

He stood outside the door, waiting to see the lively Sun Mingyi, but secretly screamed badly.

Zheng Rongrong drank today is the last post he posted.

He waited for them to take over the day after tomorrow so that they could be charged with the crime.

The medicine is ruined now. In case if they use this reason to postpone it for a few days, then they just lifted a stone and hit their own feet.

No, he must not let this happen!

Uncle Grandpa and Second Master have already planned. Although people can run away, before that, they will pretend that people will plead for them.

I waited until their medicine was in Zheng Rongrong's mouth, then they became anger and murder, more reasonable and more dead.

He strode in and looked at the medicinal powder to prepare to speak, but was snatched by the elementary student.

"Is Sun Mingyi here to see the excitement? Oh, I see! It must be you who ordered him, right? You are afraid that my husband ’s medicine is more effective than yours, so you bought him to destroy my husband You are despicable! Even if the medicine is ruined, it only takes three days for my husband to dispense the medicine. You do n’t want to take all the credit! ”

I was robbed like this, and Sun Mingyi's face turned green.

想 He wanted to rush forward regardless, and heard the call of the little hybrid 杂.

不 "No! You can't go one step further, you have to destroy the medicine to be willing?"

Gao Linmengya was righteous, and Long Tianyu stood behind him, blocking the road tightly.

I am so angry with Sun Mingyi, I really want to slap the little hybrid.

But now, he went forward, and it was ruin.

The little bastard's mouth was so fierce that he might buckle another hat.

While they were deadlocked, a surprise cry came from the inner room.

"There is a hole here!"

The head of the nursing home and Sun Mingyi looked at each other, and they saw surprises in each other's eyes.

I, especially Sun Mingyi, had lost all the anxiety before, but I just glanced at them with bad intentions.

And the head of the nursing yard, she flashed into the inner room and yelled away from the crowd.

哪里 "Where is the hole?"

"It's just under the window, they must be hiding things in this hole!"

喜悦 Everyone is happy.

The head of the nursing home lay on the window and looked at the hole. Sure enough, he looked at the grass next to the hole and there were traces of being stepped on.

It seems that I haven't run here.

This time, he learned something good.

Quiet and calm, let people surround the hole, but did not start to dig.

He walked back to the inner room with the full state of the winner.

"What else can you quibble about now?"

Lin Lin Mengya tickled her lips and made a stubborn look.

"It's just a hole. What does it have to do with us? I don't know until now, what has been lost in your house and it needs to be so popular."

The head of Xuanhuyuan felt that he was already holding the winning ticket, and he was not polite to treat them.

"You lost something, you should have some in your heart. Our grandfather and young lady are not kind to you, but you use their trust to do this kind of thing, it is really shameful!"

"I tell you, you speak with evidence!"

Lin Lin Mengya waved her fist, with a little dissatisfaction in her eyes.

The head of the nursing home also squinted his eyes and said to the person behind him according to the plan made before. "Go to the front yard, please come to the master and the second master!"


His servants immediately ran to ask, and Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu always straightened their waist bars, and they were half-dimmed.

But Sun Mingyi and the head of the nursing home ignored this.

They feel that the other party is just dead support.

I waited until the evidence was conclusive, and when people were stolen, they saw how they still resisted.

Not long after, a few people walked outside.

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