Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1823: To the Zhao family

I watched the people in front of me step by step. Sun Mingyi knew that if he pushed again, he would be seen as flawed.

Gritted his teeth, he answered.

I was just dragging on for two days. As long as I could wait for the hybrid to be used, Zheng Rongrong's life would have nothing to do with him.

好 "Well, in this case, I can only respect and inferiority."

"It's so good, I still have to trouble Dr. Sun a lot."

大 Master Zheng was very pleased and said sincerely.

But Lin Mengya is not an honest person. Since others have made up her mind on her head, and come and go without being rude, she will never let those people get better.

At the moment, he made a worried look and said, "Although Zheng Fan just used one hand to scrub our innocence, but the thief did not get rid of it, I was finally troubled in the bedroom. Dare to ask the master, this thief's movements , Can you find out? "

Master Zheng didn't want to make the family ugly, but Zheng Fan's actions just made this a secret.

Concealing at this time will make people speculate.

"This thief is really abominable, so far, there is no clue."

"Oh, but I feel weird. I traveled north and south before, and I've been to several wealthy and wealthy homes. I heard that the inner library in each house is the most secret place. Beside the sophisticated locks, There are layers of guards outside the house. That ’s why I feel weird. Where outsiders do n’t even know the direction, how could it be so easy and stolen? ”

As the saying goes, without a home thief, no ghost can be attracted.

Master Zheng Zheng is always pondering this.

I was like she said, let alone outsiders steal, it is impossible to even approach.

What's more, almost half of the internal library has been moved?

Is it something that the family members committed?

He doubted, like the fire of Hagiwara.

Lin Lin Mengya just mentioned a word, but who can be burned next, it is not her matter.

"I have this in mind, thank you Brother Yang for reminding me. Come, restore the doctor's house to its original state. In the future, no one will be allowed to disturb Yang Shenyi without my order!"


The Nursing Homes responded steadily.

Although some of them are the second master, and some are uncle Zheng, at this stage, the grand master Zheng is still their serious master.

He wants to serve the new Lord, he must have his life, and he can play his part.

If the master drove them away in anger, then they would really become waste wood.

"Thank you, Lord Zheng, for being innocent."

Zhe Lin Mengya stood at the door and said to Master Zheng outside.

护 Those nursing homes started to pack up, and Lin Mengya, who was the party, grabbed Long Tianyu's hand and waited outside.

As Lin passed by Sun Mingyi, Lin Mengya glanced at each other with a smile.

"Ming Sun, people say that women love gossip. It seems that you have a woman's charm."

The grandson Sun Ming was so angry that Lin Mengya refused to give up and shouted from behind him.

"In the past few days, I'd like to ask you to take good care of Sister Zheng for us. Oh yes, even if she is cured, that credit is half of us!"

With a bang, the door slammed in front of her.

Lin Lin Mengya's smile has become a sneer.

"Dare to count me, I'm afraid I have enough!"

Leaning aside, Long Tianyu was heartfelt and grabbed her left hand.

At this moment, a curled palm opened quietly.

I saw a dark red mouth in the white palm of my hand, which had already formed a blood puppet.

"Does it hurt?"

虽然 Although his voice didn't change much, Lin Mengya knew that he was distressed.

"It's okay, not deep, and it doesn't hurt anymore."

She's a little guilty.

These scorpions were brought in by her blood.

And the gold and the jade buddha are indeed in the scorpion nest.

Her blood poison is too aggressive, even if it is diluted with medicinal water and attracted, they are all Scorpion King level.

Fortunately, before they rushed in, they let the scorpions drag things into the hole.

The scorpions are big and have strong ability to dig holes. In addition, the soil under the window is really soft, so it is dangerous to hide away.

Nine Dragons Tianyu did not speak, only her fingers, stroking gently where she had not been hurt.

血 This blood poison may be fatal to others, but to her, it is the blood that she can never stop leaving for a moment.

Every time he saw her bleeding without hesitation, he felt distressed.

"I was afraid to be discovered by them, so I kept stunning, you know, my recovery ability is particularly good."

"No matter how good, you will also hurt. In the future, don't do this."

His simple words made her heart slightly pantothenic.

Wu Mingming is something that she doesn't think she has, and it is a big thing in his eyes.

Is so valued, who can resist?

"By the way, although I reminded Master Zheng, but I think that in accordance with his style of work, in the end, I am afraid I will leave it alone."

This matter, others do not know, but they are very clear.

What those people are looking for is the gold and jade Buddha that Zheng Luxi gave them.

In other words, these things are likely to be things in Zheng's library.

Even if it isn't, Zheng Luxi will definitely hit a rake, and then they will have a hard time turning over.

In this case, it also shows that the thief who steals the internal library must have a great relationship with Zheng Luxi.

Otherwise, why did he not know the prophet so well that he would be exposed today about the theft of Neku.

He also instructed Zheng Fan to come to their yard to search for stolen goods?

As for the medicine brought by Tang's, it is also a double insurance.

Medicine can also be used as evidence when stolen goods are not found.

This design is just trying to put them to death.

"I have my own way, and I can't calm this down."

Xiaolong Tianyu's eyes flashed. Like his wife, he couldn't be so generous, to forgive those who calculated himself.

"That's good, but these few days, Sun Mingyi must be very bad."

Lin Lin Mengya pursed and laughed.

According to Dr. Sun's doctor's medicine, Zheng Rongrong will be "violent" for a maximum of two days.

They should have wanted to push themselves, but they didn't want to, three days more.

Xun Rao is based on Sun Mingyi's medical technique, but it is also very difficult.


Xiaolong Tianyu also had some vague expectations, he greatly appreciated the struggle of those prey in the oil pan without knowing it.

In the end, death will be their only relief.

Unfortunately, it's not so easy.

There was no sign of restlessness at the theft of Xun Neiku.

I was just Lin Mengya and Long Tianyu, but they were not able to see.

Zheng Rongrong's aunt, Tang, was worried that a thief would hurt her niece, and in front of Mr. Zheng, he urged Zheng Rongrong to live with his grandparents for a few days.

Bian Shundao also consoled Mrs. Zhao's feelings for Sun.

Master Zheng had some disagreements, but he couldn't bear to be disturbed by his daughter and had to give in.

It's not easy for Zheng Rongrong to go out now, not only to take his servants, but also to take three of them.

Lin Mengya, because of her age and an apprentice, was assigned to the carriage of Zheng Rongrong and his party.

But in the end she was standing as a man, and could only sit outside the carriage.

Zheng Rongrong deliberately talked to her to relieve boredom, and along the way, her conversation also made Tang's impression of her very good.

After the three of them chatted for a while, Zheng Rongrong thought of his grandmother's situation and couldn't help but ask, "Auntie, my grandmother and grandmother, how are you now? Well, let Yang Shenyi look at it together."

Tang sighed and lowered his voice, saying, "Stupid child, your grandfather and grandmother, as long as you see that you are safe and sound, you are at ease. You also know that our family is uneasy and uneasy there Fortunately, I'll hold you back, and I won't be able to find anything. "

"Aunt them, have they gone again?"

Zheng Rongrong's tone was somewhat helpless and a little angry.

Tang touched her head and said lovingly: "Anyway, she is your uncle's sister and your grandfather's daughter."

Lin's family had a difficult scripture, Lin Mengya didn't deliberately ask about it.

After all, this is a family thing.

The horse-drawn carriage came out of the city gate. In the middle of the night, no one was on the road, and their party began to run away, and it would not hinder anyone.

的 The conversation in the carriage gradually quieted down.

And Lin Mengya leaned on the door, closed her eyes to reconcile.

Suddenly, two “两” sounds came from the door panel.

She woke up all of a sudden, then stretched out her finger and knocked twice on the door.

"Please, help my aunt and grandmother."

A soft and soft voice came through the gap in the door.

Lin Lin Mengya squinted her eyes and continued to sit there without moving.

What do you help them? Is it about Zheng Rongrong's aunt?

Lin Lin Mengya didn't ask, and the inside continued to quiet down.

After a while, Zhuangzi appeared in front of them.

I presumably learned the news in advance. Outside Zhuangzi, many people were standing.

It was dark and the light was not good. It was only when she was near that Lin Mengya saw that standing in the front was a middle-aged man in his forties.

Although the man was slightly blessed, he still looked very energetic.

Slim eyes are very similar to Zheng Rongrong, standing there, looking forward to their arrival.

The carriage stopped and Zheng Rongrong was helped out of the carriage. When he saw the man in front of him, he couldn't help but walked with a smile.


My grandmother greeted me warmly, and Zheng Rongrong's grandma Zhao Heng looked at her up and down.

"Well, growing up and looking much better. Come back this time, be sure to live more days, your grandparents, they are thinking about you every day!"

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