Stylistic road

Chapter 283 Endorsement (seeking monthly pass 4/5)

Chen Mingliang resumed training in the capital.

In fact, there are other factors.

Although altitude training is good, it also has drawbacks. His body has recently been reduced and he has lost 2 kg.

Since the 19th Olympic Games in Mexico City in 1968, altitude training has gradually attracted the attention of the world sports community, because the altitude of 2,240 meters has greatly helped athletes improve their performance.

After more than half a year of training, Chen Mingliang feels that he has made great progress, but his recent performance has not been more prominent, even his test results are mediocre.

The coaching team quickly found theoretical support.

The benefits of altitude training are the improvement of cardiopulmonary system function and the increase of hemoglobin in the blood, which improves the body's ability to carry and transport oxygen; the body's ability to use oxygen increases, and the muscles have higher acid resistance and oxygen utilization efficiency.

However, training at altitude for too long may cause weight loss, loss of skeletal muscle tissue, and muscle atrophy. The performance of its exercise ability is loss of muscle strength.

Chen Mingliang's diet is strictly regular, and the 2 kg weight loss immediately made the coaching staff understand that it was time to come down.

If you really want to go to the plateau, you can only go to the plateau for a period of training in advance, and then come down to recover for a period of time.

The subsequent results also proved the coach's guess!

By mid-October, Chen Mingliang's test results were about to explode on the spot!

In the 100-meter test, he actually ran into 9 seconds 70!

This is a limit that the current scientific community believes that humans cannot reach, but Chen Ming has achieved it in training!

In the words of the coach, this is Amazing!

It is a pity that the best state appeared at this time, and Chen Mingliang did not participate in the competition.

Although daily training continues, Chen Mingliang's performance is declining every day.

By mid-November, the result was stable at around 9.80 seconds.

During the epidemic, Chen Mingliang donated 5 million yuan. He regretted the donation and asked them where my money went. They refused to give an explanation, which made people distrustful.

Although they didn't use it, they gave a receipt!

I also asked very enthusiastically if I would like to help you get a receipt of 10 million yuan.

This is for the sake of donors. Some people even say that as long as you donate 2 million, you can get so many receipts.

Chen Mingliang was speechless and decided to go back to his hometown to do charity by himself.

In the past years, the words were fierce, and the income that can be announced to the outside world is very good.

Now Chen Mingliang’s endorsement income is "four horses share fat."

Well, this is a noun of the times, I can't say it now.

"Four horses to divide fertilizer" means that four units are jointly distributed.

Chen Mingliang accounted for the majority, with 50% alone; the remaining 50% was shared by the three, and more and more interests were involved. After many mediations, the national team was finally stronger. They occupied 20%. The provincial team and Qingmu Each accounted for 15%.

There are also many differences in advertising endorsements.

Chen Mingliang didn't pay attention to this matter. In his opinion, endorsements can have a lot of money.

However, Chen Mingliang insisted that the endorsement project must be approved by him, and he has the final veto power.

Chen Mingliang’s own team is not actively looking for endorsements, because they are a coaching team, the salary is provided by Chen Mingliang, endorsement income is not divided.

The initial endorsements were Qing Mu, recommended by the Provincial Team and Tian Guan Center.

Qingmu is an academic institution. They care about fairness and don't care about money. The annual financial allocation is billions. Even if Chen Mingliang doesn't want it, hundreds of thousands of bonuses are given to him every year.

Honor Chen Mingliang still likes it. He put all the bonuses in the charity pool. When he was ready to save a wave of money, he donated it all at once. He said that he would not keep a penny.

I have made enough money!

After two years of college, Qingmu was an advertisement and didn't get it. Advertisers didn't know that Qingmu still had the right to recommend advertising spots.

The rest is the advertisement recommended by the national team and the provincial team.

All the provincial teams found were advertisements within the province, and the scope of influence was limited; what the Tian Management Center found were all large advertisements, such as Aniu Milk, ethnic notebooks, and communication operators.

Seeing that the quality was good, Chen Mingliang agreed.

There is no dedicated person in his own team to take charge of this.The role of the team is mainly to coordinate Chen Mingliang’s itinerary and arrange for him to participate in the competition, because the team knows that Chen Mingliang is not short of money, and his money cannot be spent.

Therefore, whether it was an advertisement or a TV station invitation, as long as the team found it inappropriate, they refused.

Chen Mingliang himself only accepted one endorsement, the farmer's wife Shanquan, and he gave an offer of 8 million yuan, and he agreed with him. The original limit was 15 million yuan.

Among other things, Chen Mingliang’s rent income is now 20-30 million a year.

The boss is not bad!

During the epidemic, Chen Mingliang’s advertisements expired, and the contract was to be renewed because Chen Mingliang was not in the capital, and neither the provincial team nor the national team agreed to the offer.

Life-saving is important, who still cares about advertising endorsements?

Because Chen Mingliang didn't say agree or disagree, he just dragged it away anyway.

Several old partners are still using Chen Mingliang's advertising portrait rights even after they expire.

Ren Jing officially graduated in June and officially signed a contract with Sister Hua.

Sister Hua saw that Chen Mingliang wanted to invest heavily in her girlfriend, so she became more concerned about Ren Jing.

In the entertainment industry, as long as there are resources, there is nothing that is not popular, even if it is not popular, it is relative.

Everyone says that Da Tiantian is not popular, but there are still so many people who know her, why is she not popular?

There are so many popular fried chicken, popular little flowers, besides the fan circle, how many people really know?

Not being popular is just relative. You can't bring the goods and sell tickets, so it's not popular.

The resource support is in place, and the degree of recognition is appropriate.

Sister Hua sent Ren Jing the most powerful economic man in her hands to coordinate the work.

The person who came was her niece, also named Hua, and everyone called her Xiaohua.

Although he is older than Ren Jing and Chen Mingliang, there is already a sister Hua in the entertainment industry, and there is no possibility of a second one.

Now Xiaohua and Xiaosu are Ren Jing's queens, Huo Ha, two generals, each with skill and skill.

Xiao Hua learned the essence of being an agent from Sister Hua, and she took care of Ren Jing properly, and was much more competent than her boyfriend Chen Mingliang.

When filming "One Meter of Sunshine", the weather was so bad, it was hot and cold, and there was a sudden rain.

Ren Jing plays the most part, but she just didn't get sick, and she didn't have a cold.

It's all taken care of by Xiaohua.

Chen Mingliang was annoyed by the urge to negotiate an advertisement, so he handed it over to Xiaohua.

Xiaohua finally got her wish!

How much is the endorsement fee of Yao Yao, how much are you!

Student Xiaohua immediately put infinite energy into the limited endorsement fee negotiation.

Look at what endorsements you have received before: communication operators, 6 million a year; ethnic notebooks, 4 million a year; Aniu Milk, 4 million a year; clothes, no, they wear national team sponsored brands; There are no shoes. They wear a brand sponsored by the national team.

Among them, the most expensive one is Nongfu Mountain Spring. It's kind of... the family gave 8 million directly, and you can add it if you think it is not enough.

The number of advertisements received is quite large. In general, the advertising fee of 30 million is about the same as the income of Dayao.

Xiaohua rejected all these advertisements, and then sent a lawyer's letter to ask them to stop the infringement immediately.

"We want to talk. If you don't talk about it, why do you still say that we have infringed." The advertiser is very wronged.

If the ads are not off the shelves within three days, a press conference will be held and they will be sued!

In the meeting room, the director of Tian Guan in charge of investment promotion was full of anger:

"Ran playing the piano! It's simply playing the piano! Chen Mingliang's current sponsorship, which is not something we have discussed hard, but the woman said she refused and refused. Who she thought she was!" The director's voice grew louder, as if she was venting herself Emotions.

The others were very calm. The merchants sent a lot of protest letters, but their power was not here, and there was no benefit to them, so they were too lazy.

Dayao's advertising revenue is so much. Chen Mingliang is an athlete who is even more famous than Dayao. Who believes there is no tricks in it.

As an internationally renowned sports athlete, Chen Mingliang pays half of his advertising endorsement income, and the association receives 20%, which is really a lot.

The money received last year was 67 million.

What is this woman going to do?

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