Stylistic road

Chapter 284 Chapter 280 (seeking monthly pass 5/5)

The Tianguan Center soon found Chen Mingliang.

You have to be conscious of the people.

Chen Mingliang turned around and asked Xiaohua, "What are your plans? Are you really not advertising?"

In fact, Chen Mingliang did not advertise for money, but for enjoyment.He still likes advertising, especially the Mandadao Street is full of his portraits. The beautified photos are really handsome, and I feel so refreshed.

Xiaohua also said very directly, "I want to match your endorsement advertising fees with your identity. Before, we didn't have a reference standard. Now that Yao is in front, we can compare his standards."

You don't think you are less famous now than him.

Dayao became famous a little later than Chen Mingliang, but he started very aggressively in the past two years. In 2002, he entered the NBA, letting the people of the whole country know how high the income of athletes is.

As the champion of the men's 800m at the last XN Olympic Games, Chen Mingliang failed to open up the situation in the endorsement session. What a pity.

However, because next year is the Olympic year, Chen Mingliang's popularity is bound to rise during the Olympics.

In particular, he has three gold points in his hands, and they are all popular sports.

The international influence is not comparable to Ping Pong Feather.

Xiaohua discussed with everyone and announced the advertising standards. This guarantee is definitely based on Da Yao. There are no secrets in the sports circle. How much money he gives to the country in a year, and after calculating the ratio, you basically know how much endorsement costs. .

Chen Mingliang asked to set up an investment window, otherwise it would be noisy and annoying every day.

Although the terms have not been made public, the merchants who have cooperated have all been notified:

1. The investment window is half a month, no matter what the result is after half a month, the window is closed, and Chen Mingliang will not accept advertising in the next year.

Second, the minimum advertising fee is 15 million. There are different standards according to the athletes' cooperation, such as how much money to attend an event, how much money to shoot an advertisement, and how many advertisements a year.

Third, the type of advertisements to be auctioned, only one of the same series of products will be accepted, and there will be no more than 10 advertisements a year.

As soon as the standards came out, the outside world was in an uproar, and even the leaders of the association bluntly said that you are crazy about money!

Then asked Chen Mingliang to reduce the price, at least a half discount is reasonable.

Ordinarily, the interests of Chen Mingliang and the Association are the same. When Chen Mingliang receives more money, the amount of money turned over to the unit and the Association Development Fund is more.

If Chen Mingliang’s endorsement fee is low, he will naturally turn in less, and the association and center will suffer losses.

From this point of view, Tian Xie and Chen Mingliang's essential interests should be the same.

However, no matter how much money Chen Mingliang handed in, it was from the public.

From the perspective of leadership, I have no influence on your power. Power cannot be realized anymore. What does it matter to me whether the association makes more money?

However, at the beginning, Chen Mingliang's portrait rights and endorsement rights were not in the association, which was a bit ambiguous.

The advertisers of Chen Mingliang stopped broadcasting the advertisement. Everyone was watching what to do. Stop the infringement first, otherwise it would be really troublesome if Chen Mingliang was sued.

No one thought that Nongfu Shanquan was the first to compromise, signing for two years at a price of 18 million yuan a year, they were considered a mistake.

What is your difference in selling water?Didn't you see that the communication operators and national computer laptops did not move anything?

This advertisement alone brought 3.6 million yuan in revenue to the center and the association, which was half of the fees paid by Chen Mingliang last year.

Can't let him taste the sweetness anymore!

Some people can't sit still now, and the leaders of the association specifically told them brand owners, "You must keep the limit, don't get used to him, and you can't take the initiative to contact him!"

To this end, a special coordination meeting was held to ensure that they can use Chen Mingliang's portrait rights.

But what they didn't expect was that there was no traitor among them, because they had tasted the good quality and low price, but others didn't, and they wanted to come in.

Among the three major operators, the second child has already chosen Dayao and will definitely not choose again; the other has always been the endorsement of Chen Mingliang before; there is also the third child, no one can like him, one is a fixed phone, who will care for you .

But the more inconspicuous, the more he likes to destroy the good situation. People are not bad for money, and they directly offer the same price as Dayao, 30 million a year, to endorse the "xiaotongtong".

It is believed that only the expulsion of a price of 30 million yuan can meet the equal status of Chen Mingliang and Dayao.

After signing this contract, Xiao Hua suddenly felt as if the farmer’s wife and Shanquan had been talking less.

As an athlete, it is a shame not to act as a sports brand.

The reason why Chen Mingliang didn't accept it was that the brand owners used only a small amount of money to let the whole team speak for their brand.

Of course, they paid a lot of money privately.

This time Xiaohua finally chooses a sports brand for Chen Mingliang.

The first choice is definitely a domestic sports brand, but everyone is unwilling to match the high price of 15 million yuan. The endorsement fee of the little gymnastics prince is only several million yuan a year. During the promotion, Chen Mingliang is not also printed on the advertisement.

In fact, Chen Mingliang’s favorite sports brand to wear daily is Adidas. He bought clover as soon as he had money. He thought the name was very romantic.

But the "checkmark" found Chen Mingliang!

They missed Dayao this year and almost turned into a laughing stock.But they did not want to give up the Chinese market, and instead set their sights on Chen Mingliang.

Because Chen Mingliang has not yet taken over the sports endorsement, they don't know the market, they know that Chen Mingliang is not bad for money.

They were also afraid of missing the opportunity again, and directly offered an offer of 10 million US dollars a year!

It is an exclusive agreement, that is, some Nike products, Chen Mingliang, can no longer receive advertisements from other brands.

Chen Mingliang is not allowed to wear clothing of other sports brands in daily and attending activities. If he must participate in the national team, he needs to cover it with number plate cloth.

You are going crazy!

Xiaohua asked Chen Mingliang, and Chen Mingliang said, "Thirty million dollars for three years?!"

"Damn it, damn it! Grab money, so ruthless! What is Adi in front of money!"

This is nothing!

The price was 35 million dollars in three years, and Chen Mingliang's team immediately agreed!

There are still many brands, do you want to continue talking?


"Milk will not be signed. I own a farm and sell champion milk!"

There are also many brands with strong intentions.

For example, men’s clothing, including men’s wardrobes that have been hired by the instructor;

For example, the watch, which is often on the news network.

But Chen Mingliang is no longer ready to receive more advertisements.

Dayao’s annual advertising revenue is 160 million, so Chen Mingliang should also set 170 million.

The last day of investment promotion.

Chen Mingliang asked Xiaohua to send inquiries to the businesses that were negotiating. Next year, Chen Mingliang's last advertisement will be 40 million.

At this time, there are a certain milk, a certain wine industry, and a certain direct-selling health product........

The first to match the price was an insurance company, okay, okay!

Then endorse the insurance company at a price of 40 million a year!

Aniu Milk and National Computer are still grinding and negotiating with the national team. They are still determined to win Chen Mingliang.

The results were announced. The last brand endorsed by Chen Mingliang was an insurance company!

In this way, Chen Mingliang really leads the domestic athletes with 170 million endorsement fees.

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