"How beautiful Tang Tiantian's two beautiful eyes smile to complete the curved moon, toward the child than the thumb.

The little boy nodded, "of course. These flowers were planted by the old lady herself! Although the old lady has been dead for several years, it still keeps its original appearance and is well managed! You see. How beautiful those roses are! There are perfume lilies, and there are crabapple flowers here. Eh? What kind of flower is this? It's kind of like a rose. But there's no sting

After hearing the speech, Tang Tiantian took a closer look and couldn't help but smile and shake her head and wrote: "this is not a rose. It's tulip! "

"Tulip? Do you have this red tulip? " The child looks puzzled and widens his eyes to study the flowers in front of him.

Tang Tiantian nodded affirmatively, "this kind of red tulip is very rare. It is usually produced in a small town called mipia in Holland

After reading the note written by Tang Tiantian. The child suddenly looked at her in surprise, smiling a little embarrassed, "so you are more familiar with these flowers than I am!"

Tang Tiantian shrugged. "I used to be at the second uncle's house," he wrote with a smile. It's in charge of the garden. "

Tulips of this color are rare. She also happened to see in a plant book, no wonder she did not know!

"Oh! i see! You are very good! Not only is the writing beautiful. Even these flowers and plants know so much! " The child immediately looked at Tang Tiantian with admiration and admiration.

Tang Tiantian was stunned. Her words?

Seeing the doubt in her eyes, the little boy immediately explained, "those words you copied from the Buddhist scriptures! I saw it by accident! It's really beautiful

Tang Tiantian could not help shaking her head. He made a gesture of thanks to her and wrote in the little book, "OK! We should start working now. Otherwise, the Housekeeper will swear

Tang Tiantian wrote, grinning at her.

At once, the boy did not dare to make any more mischief. They began to fertilize the flowers and plants, which should be watered. Because the children really only worked in the garden for three days and only knew a little about flowers and plants. And in order not to damage the beautiful garden, Tang Tiantian no doubt when the conductor.

Working in the garden is very tiring, but very happy!

After a very comfortable hot bath, I felt a lot less tired.

Today she is very happy, not only because of the flowers and plants that she likes all day, but because today she found that it is so good to have friends!

Yes! Although some accidents, but the child did become his first friend in the Huo family, perhaps also the only friend! In the past, because she was forbidden and bullied by her peers in kindergarten, her sister protected her very well. She had no chance to contact other people, let alone any friends! Now, she really feels very lucky to know her friend!

I don't know whether it's because I'm too tired, or because Huo Tianqing hasn't come back all night these days, which makes her alert heart relax. She thinks about it in bed, and she falls asleep soon.

I do not know how long sleep, suddenly feel a heavy weight on their own body, Tang Tiantian suddenly wake up, only to find a huge body. Body heavy pressure. In his body.

She suddenly opened her eyes in panic and tried to push the heavy objects away with her hands. However, the huge body. Body will her tight pressure, she has no spare force to resist. In her panic, she could smell the strong smell of wine from the man, with the familiar musk in it.

By the light moonlight outside the window, I finally saw the appearance of the man lying on his body! Isn't that tough face Huo Tianqing?

"Qi'er, Qi'er..." The man on the body murmured indistinctly, and clasped her tightly with his hands. The kiss spread from her face to her slender neck.

He's drunk!

Almost immediately, this idea appeared in Tang Tiantian's mind. At the same time, she tried hard to avoid and pushed hard, and finally pushed his unstable body away!

Push him away, Tang Tiantian moved away, nervous and panic looking at the man lying on the bed.

He seemed to be asleep, and he lay there motionless.

This space becomes very quiet for a moment, only Tang Tiantian's breathing sound appears to be rapid because of panic.

Tang Tiantian turns on the lamp and pats him gently on the shoulder. But he didn't respond. She frowned and worried. After that, I couldn't care so much. I turned him over and lay on my back. Drunk people can not lie down, or it is easy to choke because of vomit blocking the trachea!

Under the light yellow light, his eyes were closed, his handsome face was tinged with light red wine, and his good-looking thick eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, as if he had something to worry about.

It seems that he is really drunk.

Tang Tiantian cushioned his head with a pillow, then turned to the bathroom and took a hot towel to help him wipe his face. However, he found that his clothes were wet, and there was a strong smell of wine, which should have been spilled on his clothes.

It's easy for drunk people to catch cold!Anyway, he is sleeping heavily. There should be no problem.

Tang Tiantian hesitated for a moment, and finally took out his dark gray sleeping suit from the wardrobe, intending to help him change his wet suit.

With the release of buttons one by one, a strong and strong body gradually revealed.

As strong as marble, six abdominal muscles arranged in order on his small. Abdomen, with the breath up and down contraction expansion. In the light yellow light, showing the body. Body attractive charm!

Tang Tiantian can't help but blush.

Although he did not feel it at all, she was still too shy to look at her little head.

Finally, he took off his black shirt, and Tang Tiantian's white face was as red as shrimp.

She picked up the cotton sleepiness she had left aside and was trying to help him put it on. At this moment, however, a big, hot hand caught her by the wrist.

Black and white water eyes suddenly on that pair of bright amber eyes like gold!

Tang Tiantian only felt a sudden shock in her heart, as if a certain place had been shaken.

Stunned, a strong force came from the wrist, and the next moment she was lying on his smooth and strong chest! The white face was close to his hot skin, and the temperature almost made her face burn!

Tang Tiantian was suddenly flustered, and had no time to think about it. She was going to struggle.

But Huo Tianqing's strength is almost ten times her. She is tied tightly in her arms, and then turns over and easily presses her. Under the body!

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