Tang Tiantian knows that he is drunk, but his face is still burning more red. Put aside the head, dare not and his deep eyes to look at, it will let her heart can not help but crazy jump!

But Huo Tianqing seems very dissatisfied. But raised her hand to pull her face over, Leng is to ask her to look at him directly! The tiny cocoon of the big palm gently touched her white and delicate cheek, because of the backlight. The golden color of the eyes was covered up, and the eyes were as black as ink. Let her see God at once.

This look It's really like him!

"Qi'er", "Qi'er"

his drunken voice is like a basin of cold water. Bring Tang Tiantian back to reality.

He is Huo Tianqing, that devil like man! How could it be her "he"?

"Jill, why are you so cruel?"

Tang Tiantian just tried to push him away. But I heard him almost swallowing, with bitter words.

All of a sudden, he held her face tenderly and said in a low, thick voice, "Jill. Never leave me! Will you stay with me

"I'm not a sister." Tang Tiantian cried helplessly in the bottom of her heart.

She wanted to pull his hand away. But he saw that his deep eyes were full of pain and sadness, even the big palm holding her face was shaking slightly!

"I love you! Since I met you three years ago, I have been deeply in love with you! Please. Please don't leave me! Please He gazed at her dark and bright eyes. Just now I still have drunk eyes, but now I am full of deep affection!

Tang Tiantian was moved by his hoarse and choking voice.

He is a great young master of the Huo family. The chief executive of the Hoechst group is a prince in power. He begged a woman not to leave him in such a low voice! How much affection and love are there?

A strong sense of guilt filled her heart. He must love his sister very much! But she destroyed all his hopes and happiness!

My sister used to say that she was kind and stupid. But now she really feels bad! A slight tingling pain spread from the heart! She felt heartache for him!

The small hand could not help but gently touched his resolute and handsome face, with the meaning of comfort.

"Jill!" Huo Tianqing covered his small hand with his big palm and touched his face.

Tang Tiantian suddenly regained consciousness and wanted to draw her hand. But he was tightly caught! No time to respond, the handsome face then pressed to her!

She's not a sister!

He took her for his sister!

Tang Tiantian twists her head to avoid his kiss.

"No! Jill, don't get away from me! Don't... " He held the beautiful little face in his hands and gently fell on her smooth forehead, her pink cheek and her soft ruddy.

Tang Tiantian pushes him with both hands, but his body and body are like a mountain, which she can't shake! Can not stop twisting. Move his head, avoid his hot lips.

Huo Tianqing's head has long been smoked by alcohol. At the moment, there is only one thought in his mind, that is, he wants her! He wants this woman in front of him! He has been waiting for a woman for three years! His favorite woman! The movement is becoming more and more heavy, more and more fierce!

No! Don't do that! Don't

Tang Tianxin is flustered, but she can't even fight against it! Can not stop struggling, but she Jiao. Small strength where can resist Huo Tianqing's strength? The whole body can't move at all. It can only be pressed by him.

The mouth with the fragrance of wine was not polite to cover. Her small mouth, hot, hard sucking. Sucking, all the entanglement. Soft, flexible long tongue madly playing with the sweet in her sandalwood mouth.

Tang Tiantian can't help but be more flustered, the whole body tenses up!

He, what is he going to do! Body. Body can't help shaking, a face of fear staring at the handsome face close at hand.

Seeing her flustered face, Huo Tianqing felt pity and tenderness in her heart. He bowed his head and gave her a kiss.

Immediately, a drunken breath of wine poured into her nose, and his soft voice came from her ear:

"don't be afraid! I won't hurt you. Believe me

His voice is so light, but it seems to contain a strong force, heavy into her heart!

His eyes are so gentle! And in the mind that afternoon. Night dream back to the affectionate eyes are so similar!

She is like falling into a deep pool, this moment can't tell who this person is!

This time no longer with crazy. Storm rain, no longer wantonly plunder, some just a thousand kinds of tenderness, all kinds of softness! As if she is the most precious treasure in the world, gently care, gentle treatment!

Her eyes narrowed in bewilderment, only felt that the body was about to burn, and she could not help but tremble.

Gradually, her consciousness became blurred, subconsciously began to respond to the flexible tongue.

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