The reason for the housekeeper's procrastination is that he is afraid to make Tang Tiantian unhappy. After all, their eldest son almost married the eldest daughter of the Cheng family a few months ago.

But he secretly noticed Tang Tiantian's expression. I saw a puzzled look on his face, but there was no displeasure, and the bottom of my heart was quietly relieved.

Huo Tianqing is also confused. But his face was a little cold. The Huo family is in today's situation, thanks to Cheng Changsheng father and son, although it has nothing to do with Cheng Lufei. But now he doesn't want to see the Cheng family at all!

"Tell her. I -- "

unexpectedly, Tang Tiantian interrupted me and refused," tell her, Tianqing will see her later. "

After the housekeeper takes orders. Leave in a hurry.

Huo Tianqing looks at Tang Tiantian with disapproval, "Tiantian..."

Tang Tiantian walks over and shakes her head. Put your hand against his beautiful mouth. "Don't worry, I won't be angry because she almost became your wife, because now - you only belong to me! And Cheng Changsheng and his son are in collusion. But I believe Miss Cheng is innocent. She chose to meet you at this time. Maybe she has found a way to save Tianxiang. Maybe this is the chance God has given us. We can't miss it

The more Tang Tiantian said, the more she felt she was right. Smiling, he took his sleeping daughter from his arms and urged him to go quickly. This may be the only chance. "

See this, Huo Tianqing can only nod to agree.

Although Mr. Huo is still lying in the hospital, the Huo family is still a bit colder than before. It's not a mess. The servants are still working in an orderly manner, which depends not only on experienced and loyal housekeepers, but also because they know that there is a Huo Tianqing in the Huo family!

Although it is said that Huo Tianqing is cold-blooded and merciless, the people of Huo family all know that as long as Huo Tianqing is there, the Huo family will not fall!

Huo Tianqing came to the living room and saw Cheng Lufei sitting on the sofa. This is the first time to meet her since I made myself clear to her last time.

She is much thinner than before. There are no secrets in the upper class, and of course he has heard of her bad days. Before that happened, my grandfather had also asked the housekeeper to send a message indirectly, asking him to call to comfort her, but he did not. It's not that he's really cold-blooded and merciless, but that procrastination or indecision about emotional matters will only hurt her more. Instead, it seems that cold-blooded determination can make her recover quickly.

Tiantian is right. The man who framed Tianxiang is her grandfather and father, it has nothing to do with her! He shouldn't be angry with her!

"Tianqing," Cheng Lufei stood up, staring at him with his eyes full of crazy eyes.

"Lufei, what can I do for you?" Huo Tianqing's face, for example, has softened a lot, and part of the reason is to see her slightly haggard face.

Although love is what you love me, there is no right or wrong, but after all, I hurt her, and I still feel guilty about her.

Cheng Lufei seemed to have just regained consciousness, and his eyes turned to worry. "I heard that grandfather, forehead and grandfather Huo are in hospital. Is his condition OK?"

"Yes, he has passed the dangerous period, and now the situation is stable." When it comes to the grandfather who was ill and hospitalized, he can't help but think of Cheng Changsheng and his son. Huo Tianqing's face can't help getting cold.

Looking at his face turning cold, Cheng Lufei's face also became dim. His expression was sad and complicated, "Tianqing, yes, I'm sorry!"

"Sorry?" Huo Tianqing asked, looking cold, and his voice was just like coming from the cold pool. "Can I make my grandfather recover and leave the hospital? Can Hawkes be brought back to life? Can Tianxiang be cleared? no You can't If not, what's the use of apologizing? "

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I don't know. They... "

"No! You know, you must know, as long as you are willing to help us... " Huo Tianqing suddenly grasped her shoulders and looked at her closely, "you can help us!"

Cheng Lufei shakes her head, and the mist is surging in her eyes. "Sorry, I can't..."

"I know it's very painful for you to betray your relatives! But if you think about it, Tianxiang is innocent. Although Yu Zhaoxiong has committed a crime, he will not die. No innocent person should be hurt in this matter! If you know, please tell the police! " Huo Tianqing's face is full of requests, hoping to persuade Cheng Lufei to destroy his family.

But Cheng Lufei still shook his head and said with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry! I really don't know anything... "

Huo Tianqing suddenly understood that, no matter Cheng Lufei knew or not, she would not be out. The seller's!

Cheng Lufei suddenly raised her head, and her beautiful face was shining with hope --

"Daddy, daddy, and"

but her voice was interrupted by a childish voice.

"Honey, didn't mummy say that. Daddy has something important to do... "

The voice sounded, and then a small figure came down the stairs, followed by a figure in a hurry!"Xiaotian, be careful. Don't fall." The soft and crisp voice sounds a little panting, which is obviously caused by the rush to catch up.

Huo Tianqing went to the stairway, just happened to hold up the daughter who ran to the stairway. His face disapproved, but he was full of doting: "naughty, how did you run down?"

He picked up his daughter with one hand and reached out to take Tang Tiantian's hand.

"Xiaotian wakes up, but daddy is gone. I want to see daddy, but Mommy won't let me." The little man stuck in his father's arms, telling his grievances.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect her to sneak down and disturb you." Tang Tiantian said, moving her eyes to Cheng Lufei, trying to convey her apology. "I really hugged him."

but she was frightened by Cheng Lufei's eyes, which were full of hatred and resentment, and her words of apology were stuck in her throat!

Huo Tianqing looked at her face white, can't help but close the eyebrows, "sweet, what's the matter with you? Sweet

Pulled back by the low voice, she looked at her eyes again, no longer full of hatred and resentment, but with courtesy and estrangement, as if that moment was just her illusion!

But - is it really just an illusion? Why does she feel that kind of look in the eyes, there is a sense of deja vu?

She reluctantly pulled the corners of her mouth, laughed at him, shook her head and said, "I'm ok. I'm sorry. I'll take Xiaotian to the garden. You can keep talking

Huo Tianqing waved his hand and said coldly, "no, we have finished chatting."

"Tianqing, we..." What else did Cheng Lufei want to say, but Huo Tianqing didn't want to say any more. He directly ordered the housekeeper and said:

"housekeeper, see off the guests!"

Since she refused to destroy her relatives, they had nothing to say!

In this case, Cheng Lufei can only leave under the guidance of the housekeeper.

"Tianqing..." Tang Tiantian looks at him with her eyes, but she is still worried about him.

"It's going to be OK." He gently put her in his arms and said in a deep voice. Now comfort each other, it's all they have left!

"Well." Suddenly, her eyes froze, but then she froze.

Huo Tianqing is sensitive to her change, and opens the distance between them in doubt and asks, "what's the matter?"

Her eyes touched her face, only to find her face suddenly turned very pale.

"Sweet, what's the matter with you?" He quickly put his daughter down and put Tang Tiantian on the sofa with both hands.

"Mummy, I'm sorry. Xiaotian promised not to be naughty again! Don't be angry I think the poor mother is still angry for her little things.

Tang Tiantian patted her daughter's cerebellar pouch melon and said with a smile, "Mommy, it's not Xiaotian's gas. Mommy just, just remembers some bad things... "

In the study, only Huo Tianqing and Tang Tiantian are left.

Huo Tianqing's handsome face was full of gloom and fury. "You said that you were not so frustrated that you wanted to die, but that you were pushed into the sea!"

Everyone thought that Tiantian was killed because she could not bear the blow because she had been knocked out!

For five years, he lived in guilt and regret every day, but he didn't expect that there was another truth!

Even though Tang Tiantian's face was not very good, she still calmed herself down and nodded.

"When I woke up in the hospital, I thought the child was gone and I felt very desperate. A person walked into the church we met for the first time, and then came to the seaside. Standing on the beach and looking at the rough sea, I really wanted to jump down. But then I gave up the idea of suicide, because I thought of my sister who was still in a coma. I couldn't leave her selfishly... " Although it had been five years, in retrospect, the feeling of despair still made her shiver.

Huo Tianqing tightly hugged her, full of guilty repentance, "OK, don't say it, don't say it again! It's all my fault, it's my fault I am too stupid, if I would admit my feelings and recognize you earlier, you would not have to suffer these pains! Sorry, sorry... "

Tang Tiantian raised her head from his arms. Her eyelashes were still covered with a few drops of crystal. However, she had a smile on her face. Her soft little hand covered his mouth. "You are really stupid! It's not enough for you to blame yourself for this for five years. Are you going to continue to blame yourself in the future? "

Others said he was cold-blooded and merciless, but she thought he was the most understanding! What she fell in love with at first was the longing for love under his indifferent eyes?

He shook his head, pulled up her catkin, gave a kiss to his mouth, and said with a smile, "No. Because I intend to use the rest of my life to love you and Xiaotian

Tang Tiantian nods with satisfaction, but secretly adds a sentence in her heart, as well as their unborn baby in her belly! Although can't wait to share the joy with him, but this is not a good time! She plans to wait for Tianxiang to finish, and then tell him that he is pregnant again!

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