"I was about to go back, but I met my cousin..."

"Tang Zhimei?" I remember that the police did salvage Tang Zhimei's body at that time. It was also proved that the two had a dispute at the seaside. But it can not be concluded that it is a plot kill case!

Tang Tiantian nodded and continued: "my cousin has been abused by domestic violence for a long time after her marriage. She has already begun to feel a little confused. She said I made her marry the upstart. Take a knife and push me to the rock I was scared, and I tried to explain it to her. But she has lost her mind. Just when I feel desperate. I saw Cheng Yuting. "

"Yuting?" Huo Tianqing is surprised again. He never thought that Yuting was also present at that time, but why didn't she mention a word afterwards?

"What happened then, and what happened?"

Huo Tianqing looks anxious. How can he not be anxious when he thinks that there may be someone around to hurt his beloved woman?

"Later, later, I asked Cheng Yuting for help, but, but..."

There was a flicker of hesitation in her face. I don't know if I should go on. But even if she doesn't say it. He already knew the answer, and helped her carry on, "but she didn't save you. And push you into the sea? "

Tang Tiantian can only nod at last.

After all, Cheng Yuting is his cousin. After knowing the truth. He must be very sad.

"Tang Zhimei has a deep knife wound on her body. Is that Yuting's stab?" Huo Tianqing's face became colder and colder. The voice was full of chill.

Tang Tiantian tilted her head and thought for a while. He nodded, then shook his head. "I don't remember very well. I just remember that it was a bit of a mess. My cousin was so excited. Stabbing Yu Ting with a knife Yuting was in a hurry to avoid it, and then she caught her cousin's hand with the dagger. Later, she did not know how the dagger was held by Yuting... "

"Wait a minute! You said that at that time, Yuting was in a hurry to avoid, but also caught Tang Zhimei's hand with a dagger!? How could that be possible? " If Tang Zhimei was really flustered to avoid it, how could he catch Tang Zhimei's sword holding hand at the same time?

"I, I don't know Maybe Cheng Yuting avoided it at that time and then turned around and snatched the dagger from her cousin's hand... "

"Sweetie, think about it again. What was the situation like then? Was it Yuting who stabbed you and pushed you into the sea, or were there other people at that time? " As far as he knows, Cheng Yuting is arrogant, but not bad enough to kill people. Why did she hurt both of them? She has no reason to do that! Or was there a fourth person at that time!?

"I, I really can't remember! I only saw the dagger thrust into my cousin's body, then, and then stabbed at me Sorry, I can't remember, I really can't remember... " She tried hard to recall the situation, but there were only fragmentary pictures in her mind. But originally white facial expression more and more pale, the slender body also follows unceasingly to tremble. The feeling of terror, although only memory, but also let her can not help but fear!

Huo Tianqing see beloved son this fear appearance, also don't willing to force her again, "sorry, I shouldn't force you. Don't be afraid. With me, they can't hurt you any more. " He put his arms around her, a soft voice of comfort.

At the same time, she is angry at those who hurt her! That pair of amber eyes covered with a layer of cold, the fist secretly clenched very tight, very tight!

Later, Tang Qier and others gathered in Huo's house.

They all came at the news.

Because Jing Chen had gone to the United States to treat a political figure, Du nianqiu had to resume his career as a doctor and give Tang Tiantian a memory test,.

"Because Tian Tian has been hypnotized, even if transplantation memory and ontological memory can coexist in the end, some parts of memory are lost!"

After the examination, Du nianqiu made a somewhat regrettable conclusion.

"Is there any way to help her remember? At least remember who hurt her back then

The question is Tang Qier. In fact, after she heard Huo Tianqing's phone call, the whole person was in a state of tension and alert. Like other people, she always thought that her sister died because of emotional problems, but she didn't expect that there was such an amazing inside story behind the whole thing!

And the murderer was not punished in the law, that is to say, Tang Tiantian was placed beside a time bomb, do not know when it will explode!

How does that make her not worry?

Everyone has the same worry, so they all look at Du nianqiu.

She just shook her head regretfully. "Now she can only rely on herself. Maybe one day she will think of it by herself, or she may never remember it."

The brain is the most complex part of human mechanism. Even if she is a doctor, she can't estimate the result!

"No! What if the killer knew that sweetie was still alive and wanted to hurt her again? " Tang Qi'er looks anxious, holding Tang Tiantian's hands, anxiously said: "sweet, sister, please, and think about it well, OK?"Tang Tiantian frowned and shook her head, "but I really can't remember."

"Sweetie, you have to think seriously, it's about your safety --"

"OK, don't force her any more! She really can't remember. " Huo Tianqing finally can't look down and protects his beloved in his arms.

Lei Xingfeng also took Tang Qi'er and advised him, "yes. Jill, calm down. It's not just you. Everyone wants to know the truth of the matter. But if you force her like this, she can't remember. It will only make her more miserable! "

Tang Qi'er was surprised that she was too excited for a moment, "sorry, sweet! I didn't mean to force you, but my sister just

Tang Tiantian shook her head and comforted her: "sister, I know you are just worried about me. I'm fine, really! "

Tang Qi'er holds her sister's hand and smiles at ease.

After a while of silence, Du nianqiu put forward his own worry, "but Qi'er's worry is not unreasonable. The murderer wanted to hurt you in those years. Now if you see that you are not dead, you are back. It's hard to avoid killing again! "

Tang Qi'er had regained his composure and nodded: "in fact, this is what I am worried about. But the murderer is in the dark and we are in the light. It is very dangerous to be in this passive situation! "

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian did not answer, but look a little strange to see Huo Tianqing.

Tang Qi'er noticed that, could not help frowning, asked: "sweet, what's the matter?"

Huo Tianqing felt Tang Qi'er's inquiring eyes and sighed, "in fact, Tiantian doesn't remember what happened at the seaside. He remembers that in addition to Tang Zhimei, Yuting was also present at that time. "

"Who is Yuting?" Du nianqiu is at a loss.

"Cheng Yuting's mother is his aunt, and her father is Cheng Changsheng's second son!" Because he had planned to retaliate against Huo Tianqing, Tang Qier, who had done a data search, had a certain understanding of Huo Cheng and his family.

Huo Tianqing did not answer, but he acquiesced.

Du nianqiu was obviously surprised and hesitated. "Did she want to help Tiantian?"

"At that time, everyone was optimistic about Huo Cheng's marriage, and Cheng Yuting always hoped that Cheng Lufei could become her cousin. Later, the Huo family lost face because Tian Tian couldn't speak. She must also hate Tian Tian! Tang Zhimei drowned and had a fatal wound on her body. Tiantian was also seriously injured. Fortunately, she was saved by elder brother an and survived. But Cheng Yuting never mentioned it. There must be something strange about it! "

Tang Qi'er frowns tightly at the same time, while analyzing, he also stares at Huo Tianqing.

Tang Tiantian also looks at Huo Tianqing at the same time, but with some anxiety in her eyes. Although Cheng Yuting really hates herself, she is not bad enough to kill herself, but the most important thing is that Cheng Yuting is a relative of Tianqing!

Huo Tianqing understood the worry in her eyes. He held her hand tightly and gave her a comforting smile. Then he turned his head and nodded to the three people who were full of doubts: "in Tiantian's memory, it is indeed she who stabbed Tian Tian with a knife! But I don't know why she would kill Tiantian. Although she is arrogant, her nature is not bad! "

"But she did harm to Tian Tian!" Tang Qi'er looks cold. "As for why she wants to kill tiantiantong, I think the police will find out for us."

Tang Tiantian immediately widened her eyes and said with disapproval: "sister, this matter has been going on for so many years, and now even if the police are willing to investigate, it is very difficult. And my memory is not complete. Maybe, maybe Cheng Yuting is not the killer! "

"Sweet, my sister knows that you are kind-hearted and don't want to hurt others. But if Cheng Yuting is really a murderer, even if she continues to hurt you in order to cover up her crime, your situation will be very dangerous! I can't just sit around and let my sister arrange it. "

Without waiting for others to speak, Du nianqiu immediately said, "this time, I agree with Qi'er. No matter how true. Xiang is, Cheng Yuting is now the biggest suspect. It's safer for the police to investigate this matter! "

Lei Xingfeng did not speak, but his eyes revealed his approval of the other two people's views.

Tang Qi'er is deeply entangled. She should understand the worries of her sister and sister-in-law, but after all, Cheng Yuting is Tianqing's cousin. This period of time let him upset enough things, she does not want to be one of his many hit!

She turned her head and gazed at his deep eyes, which were full of struggle!

At this moment, the housekeeper's announcement came:

"young master, there is a police officer named Dong outside."


Everyone was surprised.

Only Lei Xingfeng seems to have the answer, Huo Tianqing ordered with a calm face: "please come in."

Although the housekeeper felt very strange, but did not ask more, he nodded out.

Tang Tiantian but nervously grabbed Huo Tianqing's arm, "Tianqing, how can a police officer come to you? What happened? "Huo Tianqing bowed his head and gave her a faint smile to comfort her nervousness. "You don't have to be nervous. I found officer Dong."

He paused, looked up at everyone, and then said, "because I have already decided to take this matter to the police."

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