Night is gradually coming, Cheng Shengnan's home ushered in a group of special visitors!

"Sister Xia, I'll take the ginseng soup to the young lady. You go and open the door. "

Huo Yanfen and her servant Xia Jie are in the kitchen. They have just cooked ginseng soup for their daughter, but the doorbell rings.

Sister Xia nodded. Go out and open the door.

"Who is it, sister Xia?" Huo Yanfen has some doubts.

"Husband and wife They, they are looking for... "

"Who the hell is it?" She asked again. But what she got was not Xia Jie's answer. It's a strange man's voice:

"I'm Dong Xinyi, a senior inspector of the serious cases department. Now we suspect that your daughter Cheng Yuting has something to do with a single seaside murder five years ago. Now we have to arrest her! This is the warrant and the warrant! "

Calm and powerful voice, with a chilling rhythm!

Instant. From the kitchen came the sound of a piece of porcelain falling on the ground and breaking!

G city police station, meeting room.

Cheng Shengnan and his wife are sitting in their seats waiting for their daughter to appear. They stood up in excitement.


"Daddy! Mommy

"What do you do? Sit down quickly The uniformed policeman with Cheng Yuting stopped.

Cheng Yuting was immediately scared more pale.

"Let's sit down and talk." Cheng Shengnan pulls his excited wife. The way of signaling.

When she saw her daughter, who was usually in their hands, she was pale and haggard at the moment. She was locked in for hours. It's just like this! Cheng Shengnan was deeply distressed: "it's inside. They didn't embarrass you, did they? "

"Yes! Ting'er. If you are wronged, you must tell your parents

In two days. The father was seriously ill and hospitalized, and the daughter was involved in a homicide case. Huo Yanfen is no longer the original scenery. It seems to be several years old in an instant!

"Daddy, what do they say? Am I going to jail? " Cheng Yuting's face was pale, and her swollen eyes began to shed tears.

Cheng Shennan hesitated. Holding her daughter's hand, he said, "the police say they have the evidence that you murdered Tang Zhimei and hurt Tang Tiantian. They will sue you next week!"

"Are they going to sue me!? I don't want I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to stay here, Daddy! You must save me, you must save me Cheng Yuting's face was almost as white as white paper, and tears gurgled from her eyes.

"Ting'er, don't be afraid. Your father and I will not let you go to prison!" Huo Yanfen comforts her daughter with her face on her face. In fact, she has no bottom in her heart. So she can only cast her eyes on her husband beside her, "Sheng Nan, ting'er will be OK. Are you right? "

Cheng Shengnan looked at his wife and his daughter. At the moment, they all pinned their hopes on themselves! He nodded a little hard, raised a stiff smile, "of course! Not only will ting'er not go to prison, but she will be able to go home soon! "

He is the head of the family, the hope and pillar of his wife and daughter! He must save his daughter!

After Cheng Shengnan and his wife came out of the police station, they didn't even have time to rest. They rushed to Huo's house in a hurry!

Although they were not rejected, the couple had been waiting in the living room for nearly an hour. However, the housekeeper who went to report to him was not seen. Not only that, but also the people of Huo's family, who were often seen everywhere, could not be found.

Make already full of uneasy couple is like ants on the hot pot, sitting uneasy!

"Why hasn't the old housekeeper come back so long?" Huo Yanfen read in a low voice, and the expression on her face expressed her inner anxiety.

Although Cheng Shengnan is as anxious as his wife, he still shakes his head and says, "let's be more patient. Now we ask for help. As long as they are willing to see us, let alone wait for an hour, even if they want us to wait for a day, we have to wait! "

Listen, Huo Yanfen can only nod, sit down and wait. Although she is Tianqing's aunt, she was selected by her father to be the successor of Huo's class because of her leadership talent. Therefore, her relationship with this nephew is not too close, perhaps even unfamiliar!

So she did not know this time to ask him, how much chance of success!

When both of them were waiting for each other, the one they were waiting for finally appeared.

"The sky engine is coming out!" Huo Yanfen finally saw the appearance of his nephew and showed a little hope for the first time. Since he is willing to see them, it shows that her aunt still has a certain position in his heart!

Cheng Shengnan also showed a happy look, "Tianqing, thank you, thank you for meeting us. But Miss Tang, she... "

He looked at Huo Tianqing's back, and found that there was no one else. The joy gradually disappeared from his face.

Huo Tianqing did not see them happy, nor angry, just as usual indifferent, raised his hand to interrupt Cheng Shengnan's question, "I know the purpose of your coming here! But I can tell you the truth, sweetie won't see you"No! Tianqing, you need to help aunt, Yuting is your cousin! Are you willing to see her spend the rest of her life in prison Huo Yanfen said, excited to pull Huo Tianqing's arm.

"Tianqing, I know it's Yuting who made the first mistake, but she was still young at that time, and she didn't know what was good and what was bad! You can help her, I promise she won't make the same mistake again

Cheng Shengnan see Huo Tianqing indifferent, quickly join the camp of persuasion.

But Huo Tianqing is still a cold face, just with a faint glance in his eyes, the indifferent eyes let them feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

The couple could not help but wipe a cold sweat.

Huo Tianqing finally stops his eyes on Cheng Shengnan. Although he doesn't stare at him intentionally, his sharp eyes still make Cheng Shengnan feel heavy pressure.

"Tiantian was one of the victims in those years, because she was lucky to be rescued, she can live to this day, but Tiantian's cousin, that is, another victim, is not so lucky! She was hit seven or eight times and died of bleeding! Being young is not an excuse for her crime. No matter who she is, since she has committed the law, she should be punished as she should be! "

After a pause, he went on and said, "you should be very aware of Tang Qier's character. She can do anything for her sister! With her ability, Yuting may stay in prison all her life! "

In an instant, Cheng and his wife became pale.

But Huo Tianqing feels that Cheng Shengnan's expression is a little strange, not only worried, but also seems to be hesitating about something. Under amber eyes, a touch of strange emotion flashed over him. He stared at Cheng Shengnan and asked, "are you hiding something?"

Cheng Shengnan immediately looked flustered and shook his head, "no! I didn't hide anything I, I beg you, advise Miss Tang not to sue our family Yuting! My uncle and your aunt, there is only one daughter like her

"Yes! Tianqing, help your aunt! If ting'er has something wrong, I don't want to live! " Huo Yanfen cried out with tears all over her face.

But Huo Tianqing coldly withdrew his hand and looked at the two humanitarians: "you only have one daughter? Others have only one daughter, only one sister! But what did Yuting do? She killed someone else's daughter and hurt their only sister! If you are sad, don't others

Huo Tianqing's words are like a basin of ice water, which extinguishes the couple's last hope! They couldn't say anything to refute. They regretted that they didn't teach their daughter well!

Seeing their painful appearance, Huo Tianqing said: "in fact, I don't believe that Yuting is cruel and cruel to kill people! I grew up watching her grow up. Although she is sometimes willful, she will never be cold-blooded enough to kill people! "

"Yes, yes! How can Yuting kill people? Even if she had that idea, she would not have the courage! " Cheng Shengnan hastily agrees, Huo Yanfen can't say a word, but also repeatedly nods to express approval.

Huo Tianqing slowly, and then said: "so I think Yuting must have been instigated or abetted by others to commit the mistake of killing. As long as she can tell who instigated her to kill, there is hope for her! "

"Order! Instigate Cheng Shengnan's mouth unconsciously murmurs these words, the expression appears to be a little confused, as if is doing something inner struggle.

Huo Tianqing's sharp eyes stare at Cheng Shengnan, "yes! Who instigated her to kill Tang Zhimei and Tang Tiantian? Why kill them? "

"I, I..." Cheng Shengnan suddenly widened his eyes and glanced across his eyes in panic, "I don't know! I don't know anything! "

"You really don't know anything? Or who are you covering up for? " Huo Tianqing's harsh questioning, full of majestic eyes and tone, makes people feel more pressure!

Cheng Shengnan is more like being stabbed in pain, the face showed panic, "no, I don't!"

Huo Yanfen was puzzled by her husband's changing mood and frightened look. She couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "husband, what's the matter with you? Sheng Nan

"Let's go, let's go!" Cheng Shengnan said, pulling his wife away.

"Shennan, what's wrong with you..."

"You can keep hiding! I don't know if that person is worth your help, but daughter, you have only one! "

Huo Tianqing said coldly, although the voice is not big, but he can be sure that Cheng Shengnan completely heard his words! Because he saw Cheng Shengnan's figure stiff. If he really loved his daughter, he would confess everything! In fact, this is the reason why he decided to call the police for investigation, hoping to stimulate Yuting to tell the truth of the whole thing!

He never believed that Yuting would be so cold-blooded!

Behind him came a light footstep, which interrupted his thinking.

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