Tang Tiantian had been in a very nervous mood. Now Huo Hanyang drank so much that his heart suddenly felt a little shivering. But it didn't make her flinch. She took out the note she had written just now and handed it to Huo Hanyang.

Huo Hanyang's face was ugly, after reading the note. Almost black, a pair of eyes through the vicissitudes of life stare at Tang Tiantian as big as a copper bell. It's almost like a fire coming out.

"You did it! You did it on purpose! You mean to be against me. It makes me angry! Right? You wicked mute He destroyed his wife's favorite flower! He's pissed off! how absurd!

Huo Hanyang was furious. Looking at the woman in front of her, Huo Hanyang raised his hands and wanted to fan to Tang Tiantian.

Tang Tiantian closed her eyes tightly. Clenched his teeth, waiting to bear the biting pain, but the expected pain did not hit.

The sound of clapping. It's on someone else. From the front of the body!

Tang Tiantian immediately opened her eyes and saw a small figure in front of her, bearing the angry slap for herself!


Tang Tiantian is very surprised. There's no time to think about it. Immediately came forward to help the child that thin figure. How and how could she come out of the blue?

Didn't she tell her not to come out?

She looked at it with disapproval and turned pale. The corner of the mouth drips the blood silk child, the heart one bursts of pulling pain. This scene moved her again. It's heartache again! In the past, only my sister would protect her. She was beaten for her! How could she have the courage to be beaten for her?

"Young lady, I can explain it for you." The child raised a pale smile to her, but her eyes were full of firmness.

Listen to your speech. Tang Tiantian's heart flowed through a burst of warm current, and nodded gently, but her hands were more forceful to support her.

Huo Hanyang was also stunned by the boy's sudden intrusion. At the moment, he came back to his mind. His face was livid and he roared: "who are you? Get out of my way

The child took a deep breath, but firmly stood in front of Tang Tiantian, "no! Master, the young lady didn't mean to! These flowers and plants are made by me and the young lady together, but we really don't mean to destroy them! We want to save these orchids! It's true! "

Children's voice with anxiety and tension, but very sincere. Of course, there is still fear in her heart, because no one in the Huo family will not be afraid of the harsh old master, but she will not allow herself to shrink back! She wants to help the young lady explain clearly!

Huo Hanyang smelled speech but frowned and said sarcastically: "joke! How many days have you two been in the garden and dare to say you want to save my orchid? "

"No! The young lady used to be in charge of taking care of flowers and plants in her mother's house. Her knowledge of flowers and plants is absolutely no less than that of Uncle Li! " She had been with her wife yesterday and learned more than when she followed Uncle Li. Many ways to manage flowers and plants, even Uncle Li, don't know, but the young lady knows!

So she can be sure that the little lady knows more about flowers and plants than Uncle Li!

"Fart! How dare you two dare to argue like this when you make a mistake? Get out of Huo's house now Huo Hanyang's anger burned from his heart and immediately called the housekeeper to drive people out of the gate.

"Housekeeper, drive this damned maid out of Huo's house Huo Hanyang, an old face who has experienced many vicissitudes, is red with anger.

Smell speech, the child's face immediately pale, but not too much fear, because from the moment she decided to follow the young lady to stand out, thought there would be such a result! It's just a pity that she may never see the young lady again!

Tang Tiantian's face turned pale at the smell of speech. She didn't know where the courage came from. She stood up and stood in front of the little boy, staring at him in black and white. She was not afraid of the knowledge. Huo Hanyang's eyes were full of anger.

Huo Hanyang was stunned by her actions. In front of him, the granddaughter-in-law has always been timid, cowardly and submissive. But how dare she look at his angry eyes so fearlessly?

"What else do you want to say?" Huo Hanyang is cold and cold, but he has already restrained his anger. His eyes turn to cold and stare at Tang Tiantian. He just wanted to see what the cowardly mute granddaughter-in-law could say?

In fact, Tang Tiantian's heart is still very afraid, especially Huo Hanyang's angry eyes are so similar to Huo Tianqing, which makes her feel fear from the bottom of her heart, but she constantly tells herself that she can't shrink back! Because she can't watch the kid being driven out of the Huo family!

"We really want to save these orchids! These orchids are my grandmother's favorite. If you have a chance to save your life, you won't give up, will you? " Tang Tiantian immediately handed the written note to him with a sincere face.

After reading the note, Huo Hanyang laughed coldly, and his tone was full of sarcasm. "Do you think these orchids can survive if you cut them into this shape?"

"It will be known in two weeks whether it is dead or alive. If grandfather really wants to punish us, can we wait until then? At that time, no matter what punishment it is, I can accept it! " Tang Tiantian's soft pleading way."Xiao Li?" Huo Hanyang suddenly stares at Uncle Li.

Uncle Li was shocked by the sudden appearance of Tang Tiantian and Xiaotong. At the moment, he suddenly regained his mind and said, "return to the master. It's true that in about half a month you'll know whether it's dead or alive. "

"Well, I'll give you half a month. Xiao Li, give me a good supervision of them Huo Hanyang pondered for a while, then agreed.

Tang Tiantian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and did not notice Huo Hanyang that astute eye ground brewed out the calculation.

Huo Hanyang looked at her coldly, turned and strode away.

Tang Tiantian suddenly felt a cold line of sight, she looked in that direction, only to see her mother-in-law Yu Yinhui indifferent back!

"Young lady, can these orchids really survive?" Uncle Li, who had already recovered, asked curiously.

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian can't help but stupefied. Can you really survive?

She's not sure! But she won't give up!

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