Luxurious room, covered with a layer of light yellow. Color light, if not in the center of the room that high-grade and soft hospital bed and beside the beeping medical equipment. There was no sign that it was a ward.

The humidifier continuously spurts out the white mist like water drops, which makes the dream like room more illusory.

Thin and delicate people lie quietly in bed. On the bed, it is Tang Qier who is unconscious because of the traffic accident! Although the bandages on the arms and head have been gradually removed. But there was no sign of waking up.

The oxygen mask still could not be pulled out of her nose, and her heart pulse was still attached to the instrument for detection.

As you can see. If it had not been sent to the hospital in time. She must not live!

A tall figure stands quietly by the window, with deep eyes watching the people lying on the bed. There are deep and complex emotions hidden under their eyes. Seems to be bothered by something!

In a moment. He walked gracefully and slowly close to the window, and sat down gently, as if afraid of disturbing the hospital bed. Unconscious people.

The big palm gently wrapped the pale and thin little hand. Feel her cold body temperature. The other hand gently caresses her face, which has lost a whole circle. Her deep eyes are full of affection and helplessness.

"Jill. When are you going to sleep until you wake up? How can you make me so miserable? " The bitter and hoarse voice escaped from the beautiful thin lips. It seems that it's just a whisper. But full of pain.

"Are you angry with me? You are angry that I have not visited you in the past three years. I am angry that I have not asked your permission to give betrothal gifts to the Tang family. Angry that I didn't protect you well... " Over the past three years, he tried to suppress himself. Suppress the kind of to meet with her. Move, that is to protect her! He didn't want to repeat the scene that almost lost her, but he didn't expect that she would finally lie in the cold hospital!

He hates it! He hated himself. Why didn't you go to her! Otherwise, she won't be framed by her sister, and she won't lie here!

"Jill! You are angry with me, you scold me, hit me, but please don't ignore me! Qi'er... " He buried his handsome face in the fist he held with her. It was painful and fragile. It was so sad and heartbreaking!

But the person on the bed still lay there quietly, without giving him a trace of response.

Suddenly, he raised his head, revealing a pair of eyes full of blood and fishy. His eyes were cold and brewing strong resentment, and the cold air all over his body was frightening.

"Tang Tiantian! I'll make you pay the price... "

The deep and gloomy voice drifted away with the wind, but it was more chilly like a devil.

Tang Tiantian sat on the bed, her eyes almost closed every time, but she immediately forced herself to open her eyes and stare at the motionless

after last night's event, she was still in fear! She was afraid that she would sleep in the middle of the night and be oppressed by a mountain of people!

Although she has always told herself to be strong, can not be cowardly, but in the face of Huo Tianqing that cold and terrible eyes, her body and body can not help shaking! He is really like the devil from hell, she can never be immune to him!

She needs courage! Except for her sister, there is only one thing that can give her courage!

She rummaged through her little bag for a moment and took out a small cloth bag. The corner of her mouth lightly stained with a smile, she carefully opened the cloth bag, a glittering Necklace lying in her hand.

The pendant of the necklace is a big pink diamond like a finger. The workmanship of the whole chain is very exquisite. You can see that it must be a valuable thing.

The necklace is "his" and he accidentally left it in her coat. She thought that "he" would come back to find her, although it was just for the necklace, but after all, "he" never came back! Once she also doubted, can "he" never appear, all of that day's own fantasy?

She was careful not because of the value of the necklace, but because it was the only way to prove that "he" had appeared in her life.

Only by holding the necklace so tightly, can she be sure that "he" is real in her own life! Her missing is not put into an illusory person, but a real person, perhaps he does not like her!

But that's enough!

She will always remember the scene when "he" helped her block the knife, which would make her stronger and more courageous!

She turned the pendant upside down and engraved two letters DH on the back. She didn't know what the two letters represented. Maybe it was the name of "he".

Once again, she tightly held the necklace in her hand, and a soft warm thing flowed all over her body.

This comfortable feeling made her forget the warning and soon fell into sleep.

In the dream, she repeated that dream, they met in church, he even ignored his life in order to protect her

Everything, just like what happened yesterday.All of a sudden, she felt wrapped in the cold, and her breath seemed to be blocked by something, forcing her to wake up.

Consciousness gradually return to the cage, she was surprised to find that the familiar huge figure is positive pressure. In her body!

She took a low breath and began to struggle in panic. It's not the cold air in the night, the comfortable and hot breath!

Fear captured her in an instant, struggling desperately.

In the dark, she could not see his face clearly, only his unfathomable eyes! Instinctively, she only felt fear and fear, constantly moving body. Body, just to escape the devil!

Jiao. Small body did not know when has moved to the bed, suddenly behind a empty, gravity will pull her to the bed.

Tang Tiantian was suddenly surprised and had no time to respond. She only had time to close her eyes and tighten her body. Although the room is covered with thick carpet, it still hurts to fall down from it.

But the expected pain didn't come. Instead, she felt a pair of strong and strong arms holding her firmly, and then she lay on the soft bed again.

Was it just a nightmare? Or hallucination?

All of a sudden, a deep low laugh came from his ear. "Do you think that with your eyes closed like this, it won't hurt?"

Mellow and deep voice, very clear ring in her ear, proved that it was not a dream, nor her illusion! It's really Huo Tianqing!

Tang Tiantian Shua opened her eyes and found Huo Tianqing's beautiful face close at hand!

She subconsciously from the bottom of her heart a wave of fear and panic, slender body. Body again moved back.

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