The slender fingertips touched her lips, and the place was as red as cherry. It was too confusing for him! Can't resist the desire of heart. He bent his head and captured so ruddy, warm and soft. Tossing and turning kisses.

Sleeping people can't bear to be disturbed. You wake up.

At first, I was still confused about what was blocking her mouth and making her breathe hard. Then the star eyes gradually open, on the pair of eyes as bright as gold.

She took a heavy breath and tensed her whole body.

Instant. There was a rush of pain.

I feel like I was run over by ten trucks. I feel pain all over, especially in the most S-I area. It's more like a flame burning.

All the memories of last night in my mind immediately came back like a spring. The thought of those shy pictures made her blush instantly.

What happened last night, is that what my sister told her about men and women?

Huo Tianqing see her wrinkled face, can not help but rise in the heart of a guilt.

It was he who was too reckless. Did not take into account just taste cloud. Rain of her!

"Awake?" A deep, mellow voice came out of those fine thin lips. It has a light musk smell.

His mouth was on the corner of hers. Warm and unique breath was sprayed on her face. The eyes with three lazy seven points smile, Tang Tiantian heart empty face. Nodding slightly.

I heard he was a demon, cold-blooded and merciless. And moody.

He made himself tired and hurt last night, but now he smiles as if nothing had happened! But why is it that his beautiful eyes seem to contain tenderness?

Huo Tianqing saw that she was so shy that her ears were red. Her white face was like a red apple that attracted people's attention. He couldn't resist the temptation. He bowed his head and gave her a kiss on her red face.

Then he picked her up and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom is very big. There is a bath about two meters in diameter.

Tang Tiantian, who was thrown into the water, nervously grabs Huo Tianqing's arm and knows that it is a dry duck.

Huo Tianqing eyes full of pain pet smile, gently hold her in the arms, one hand to stabilize her delicate. Small body, the other hand scoop up warm pool water to help her wash body. Body.

"Does it hurt here?" He held her tiny ankle and pointed to her calf.

Tang Tiantian looks at him timidly and then nods.

After receiving the instruction, Huo Tianqing starts to press and rub her shins for her newly married wife, and then slowly transfers to big leg

Why did he suddenly become so gentle?

Tang Tiantian's heart is full of confusion and doubt, but there is no way to prevent him from pressing for himself.

Sore body. The body was pressed by him. After rubbing, the pain reduced!

However, at this time, her heart can not help but rise a touch of guilt.

Why is he different from the one he was last night? His eyes, his movements are so gentle! It's not what she imagined!

He should be a good man! Although there are still many doubts in the bottom of my heart, her intuition tells her that he is not bad! At least she did not abuse. Treat her, but also gently help her bath!

He hasn't found himself yet. He thinks she's a sister! So does he really like his sister? That's why he is so gentle, so concerned about her!

But if he knew he had been cheated, what would he do?

I can't help feeling guilty about him. If he really likes his sister, then she can only be sorry for him!

"Jill, you know what? From the first to see you, I was deeply attracted by you! At that time, I said I would marry you He gently helped her wipe her back, bent down in her ear whispering.

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian body. Body immediately a stiff, his words confirmed her heart guess, and the heart of guilt is also growing!

"Jill, why don't you talk?" Huo Tianqing just remembered. Think of it, as if they met until now, she seems not to have said a word! Has he forgotten him?

See in the arms of the people that small head is getting lower and lower, almost to the water. Huo Tianqing burst into laughter and threw aside the questions in his mind. It turns out that she is shy! I've been pestering him all night, and I'm so shy!

Huo Tianqing thought so, but I don't know that Tang Tiantian bowed her head because she felt guilty!

Her uncomfortable behavior, as well as the brand he left on her last night, deeply provoked his body's enthusiasm. Suddenly, Huo Tianqing's eyes became extremely deep.

Fire. After the hot morning, they wake up leisurely.

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