There was a lot of traffic outside and inside the car was full of laughter.

"Mommy, sweet and beautiful?" The five-year-old sweetie looks like a doll carved with powder and jade. She was sitting in her mother's arms with a hairpin that her mother had just bought and pinned it on the braid, smiling at her mother.

"Beautiful. Our sweet is the most beautiful girl in the world

Mother did not answer, in front of the father will smile to answer.

"Yes Mother echoed. Print a kiss on her daughter's forehead. Another way: "this wait a moment, remember to give it to my sister, sister today is not comfortable, sweet to take good care of her sister oh."

The little man's eyes and brows were bent with laughter. Suddenly remembered because of a cold and did not participate in the kindergarten parent-child activities of the elder sister, little sweet clever nod, "sweet know! Tiantian has to tell her sister everything about today. In this way, my sister is like a parent-child activity. My sister will get better soon

Sweet and Jill are twin sisters. When I was young, I ate and slept together. I almost did everything together! Today, I haven't been with my sister all day. I miss my sister very much. I hope I can go home and play with my sister soon!

"Daddy. hurry up! Tiantian is going back to play with her sister The little man's urgent urge.

"All right! Sweetie, please sit down. I'll be home soon! " The father comforted the anxious little man.

The mother laughed and shook her head, holding her lovely daughter.

This is the moment. Suddenly there was a loud noise.

"Wife!" Father roared.

Mother subconsciously immediately forced to embrace the daughter in her arms.

Sweetie doesn't know what's going on. She just knows that the car is banging. She was held tightly by her mother, bumping around, dizzy!

Her happy world instantly dyed red!

She began to cry. "Daddy, Mommy! Daddy, Mommy Sister


Tang Tiantian wakes up from her dream with sweat on her head. She can't respond to the moment when she opens her eyes. She stares at the strange ceiling and realizes that everything just happened is just a nightmare that has troubled her for many years! The same dream, although it has been a long time ago, but always clear as yesterday!

The traffic accident killed her parents and her voice. The doctor said that this is the sequela caused by excessive fright. It's not sure when the voice will recover. Maybe in a few years, maybe in a lifetime

She has been used to it for more than ten years.

The only thing I'm not used to is that every time I wake up from a nightmare, my sister will hold her by her side and comfort her! Now and even later, she can only face the panic after the nightmare alone!

Maizijun is right. She can't always rely on her sister like this! My sister will have her own life and her own ideal in the future. She can't be the burden of her sister! Maybe when she learned to be strong, she would no longer be afraid of that nightmare.

At the bottom of her heart, she encouraged herself again and again, waiting for the fear to gradually subside.

Eh? What about the man?

Suddenly think of their own situation, but found that the side of the position has been empty, bedding is also cold.

Tang Tiantian suddenly sat up, looked at the time has been nine o'clock, can not help but gently relieved.

Now Mai Zijun has taken her sister to a safe place!

Lift up the thin quilt, under the sheet of their own body, white as jade on the skin is full of blue and purple traces and fingerprints. Those are the testimonials that he left last night and this morning!

Although it's hard to say, she doesn't regret it! For my sister, everything is worth it! Even if the next need to face is the devil's revenge!

Tang Tiantian slightly pulled the corners of her mouth, showing a wry smile.

At this time, the door was knocked twice, and then came the servant's voice with respect, "excuse me, is the little lady up?"

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian don't care about the sour double. Leg, immediately get up to put on clothes, and then open the door.

She suppressed the fear and panic in her heart and showed a smile to the visitors.

The maid seemed to be a little surprised at Tang Tiantian's small face, but she soon regained her consciousness and said respectfully, "young lady, it's time to go down and offer tea to the old master and his wife. They have been waiting downstairs for a long time

Although the old master and his wife downstairs have been impatient, she still can't offend this new young lady!

In the morning, when the eldest young master went out, he ordered that no one should disturb the young lady. Blind people all know how nervous their young master is about this new wife! These servants have to do things according to the master's preference!

Tang Tiantian's eyes flashed a flustered color, then nodded slightly, followed the servants downstairs.

I saw an old man with white hair but a ruddy complexion sitting in the middle of the room, while a middle-aged woman who looked noble was sitting on the side. Both of them looked very serious, which made Tang Tiantian grow a kind of fear from the bottom of her heart.Huo Tianqing's father died in a plane crash a few years ago. She knows that! Then these two people should be Huo Tianqing's grandfather and mother!

"Old master, Madame, young lady is here!" After the maid respectfully reported to her master, she automatically and consciously stood aside.

Huo Hanyang coldly glanced at his late granddaughter-in-law. Although he didn't speak, Tang Tiantian felt that he didn't like himself. There is the middle-aged woman who is also staring at herself with cold eyes. She doesn't like herself either!

At this moment, she couldn't help but be happy for her original decision! They did not know that they were not sisters, but showed such disgust that they were not satisfied with Huo Tianqing's wife, whether she or her sister!

So she was glad that she had borne all this!

"Housekeeper." He called faintly, and the housekeeper beside him turned and took the tray held by a servant to Tang Tiantian.

"Young lady, go and offer tea to the old master and his wife." The housekeeper said as he handed the tea on the tray to Tang Tiantian.

Tang Tiantian takes over the tea cup, but she is still a little afraid, but she is calm. Keep telling yourself that you can't show your horse's feet! Even now my sister and they should be safe, but this is not the time to confess!

Tang Tiantian kneels on the blanket prepared by the servants. The soft blanket does not make her aching legs feel too much pain.

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