The cleaning work for more than a week didn't make her tired, because the Buddhist temple was not big, and she had a private helper, Xiaotong. So this is the week since. She should live at ease.

It's just that the word "freedom" has nothing to do with her. In fact, she's exhausted.

These days, she not only studies the company's old cases, but also follows them to hold meetings. Sit next to the Secretary, like a secretary's little secretary. Listen to the data she doesn't understand!

It turns out that going to work is such a hard work!

And the most painful thing is. Obviously, he is more busy than himself on dozens of times, but he is always able to handle it, a look of ease. And at night, he has great energy to do bad things, as if his energy is inexhaustible!

Relatively speaking, she is really inferior!

Today, they are going to sign a contract worth hundreds of millions with a multinational company. She is a rookie who is not fit to be present. To get a breath secretly.

Last night, he was excessively energetic and asked for it. She could not fall asleep until dawn, leading to her serious mental deficiency. But the case at hand has to be seen. Later, we will summarize the proper and inappropriate handling of these cases. There's no way. She had to hold her eyelids, which were about to fight, and tried to focus her attention on the information.

However, the line of sight is not obedient to fall on that empty desk. I don't know why I feel empty in my heart. Without him in the space, she even felt a little unaccustomed!

All I could think of was his handsome face. His deep but magnetic voice, his hot and fierce kiss, and his overbearing and gentle Zhan

The familiar information ring pulled her thoughts back. Only then discovered oneself unexpectedly is full of those let the human face hot heart beat picture! How could she be so shameless!?

She took out her mobile phone to check the information.

It turned out to be a short message from Bai Chen. He returned home.

He had long wanted to return the ten million check to him, but his secretary told him that he had gone abroad to consult the public. In fact, she had thought about giving the check to his secretary directly, but she wanted to thank him in person. Although the check was not available, she was very grateful for his generous help.

The message didn't contain too much information. It only said that he was now in a coffee shop near Hawthorne's and asked her to meet him. It is estimated that the secretary told him that he had been looking for him.

Tang Tiantian looked at the time. It was estimated that Huo Tianqing's meeting had not finished so soon, so she picked up her coat and went out.

Bai Chen, a warm man like spring breeze!

His temperament is quite different from Huo Tianqing!

He is gentle and elegant. He is always gentle and courteous, and many of his sweethearts are broken. However, Huo Tianqing is domineering and indifferent. His inborn king like temperament always gives people a sense of distance, but he is attracted by his unique charm. Both of them are quite different in appearance or character, but they are equally excellent. Wherever they go, they are the focus of their eyes.

Maybe it is because of his temperament that she has a sense of peace of mind, so that she can accept his help when there is no way out.

Bai Chen is sitting on a window seat. He seems to like sitting by the window. When you taste coffee, you can enjoy the scenery outside the window.

But he did not know that at the moment, he has become another beautiful scenery in the eyes of others.

Around him, young single girls frequently cast their eyes on him, but he seems to be absent-minded and unaware.

Tang Tiantian, with a faint smile on her lips, walked into the scenery of others and pulled the absent-minded man back to the gods.

"Coming?" Bai Chen gets up over the table and opens the chair for her.

These gentlemanly actions of the upper class once made Tang Tiantian at a loss. But now I'm getting used to it, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Just faint smile to him, express thanks.

"Can I get you a latte?" Bai Chen's voice, like his appearance, always makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Yes, I'll do whatever I want." In fact, she is not particularly fond of coffee. She prefers scented tea.

He seems to be very tired, and there is indelible fatigue between his fair eyebrows. Must be very tired on business trip! He felt very sorry for the trouble he had caused.

"I'm sorry, but I have to make you come here."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I was just about to send a document to the client. I came by the way. I hope it didn't cause you any trouble There was an apologetic voice in his soft voice, and he was sorry for his recklessness.

He did send the contract to the customer nearby, but it was only a small business of the company. It was not necessary for him, the general manager of Bai's company, to deliver the contract in person! I just heard the Secretary say that she had looked for herself during his business trip abroad, so she decided to send the contract by the way.

"No!" She shook her head. He was always so kind and considerate that he was sorry for her trouble.When the waiter put down the coffee, he asked, "did the Secretary say you wanted to see me? Is something going on? "

In fact, after giving her the check that day, he went directly to the airport and flew to the United States to negotiate with him.

Since going abroad for a week, every day has been full of work, but I always think of her affairs and worry about whether she has handled them well or her aunt and cousin will come again to embarrass her! He is Tianqing's wife and should be regarded as his sister-in-law. He cares about her and what's wrong with her. But he knew that she didn't let Tianqing know, so as to avoid misunderstanding in the future, so she could only suppress her worries.

Tang Tiantian gently shook her head, "nothing happened. I just want to give this back to you. "

She drew the check out of her pocket and handed it back to him.

The check - the ten million he lent her!

"Why? You don't want my help? " He didn't take the check, just frowned and looked at her.

Why not? He knew she needed the money! Would she rather go bankrupt than accept his help? Although at first they thought that they were the culprit of the cold war between their husband and wife, and offered a helping hand out of guilt, the idea made a pair of beautiful eyebrows wrinkle more tightly.

Tang Tiantian knew that he had misunderstood herself, so she quickly explained, "please don't misunderstand. It's not that I don't want your help. As a matter of fact, it has been settled. "

"Solved?" Bai Chen looks at her suspiciously.

Now that it's settled, why is the money still in her hands? But as far as he knows, the enterprise of Tang family is not big. Since it will owe 10 million debts, it is absolutely impossible to pay off the debt by its own ability!

Unless --

"Tianqing solved it for you?"

Tang Tiantian is stunned for a moment. She admires his intelligence and intelligence. She guesses it right.

"Yes She was a little guilty, but of course she would not admit to him that she was Huo Tianqing who had to tell the whole truth when she saw the check, so she told a little lie, "that day I went back to think about it and thought that I should confess to him, so I told him the whole thing!"

"So it is." I don't know why I feel that there is a breath of air blocking in my heart, some stuffy feeling.

"Tianqing must be very angry." He ignored the dull feeling in his heart and said with a smile.

Tang Tiantian nodded and admitted, "yes! He's really pissed off So angry that she thought he would kill her!

He is such a strong and domineering man that he will not allow others to cheat him.

"In that case, I'll take back the check." He said, taking the check from her.

"Good! Thank you anyway Tang Tiantian showed a grateful smile to him.

"Nothing." He shook his head and said with a smile, "as long as your husband and wife are OK, that's fine."


Tang Tiantian didn't expect that he would say so, and didn't know how to react for a while.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the party last time." Although he admitted that he had no idea about her, he unintentionally caused a misunderstanding of Tianqing, which was caused by his thoughtfulness. He should apologize.

That thing!

Tang Tiantian suddenly understood what he meant, "no! It's none of your business. It's just Tianqing who lost his temper. You don't have to apologize! "

How could he have apologized to her for that? She is the one to apologize! Because of her reason, Huo Tianqing would be so angry. He was just dragged into the water innocently!

Bai Chen just smile, "no matter how, the matter has passed."

This is to her and to himself! It wasn't a big deal, but it didn't mean to estrange their husband and wife and upset his conscience.

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian also nodded, very agree with his statement.

Bai Chen looked at his watch and looked up and said, "OK! It's getting late. I have to rush back to the company to process some documents. "

"Well, I'm going back too."

when Tang Tiantian's hands were half crossed, a tall figure suddenly enveloped her.

"Be careful!"

There was a low drink above her head, and then she fell into a warm chest.

It happened so fast that she didn't have time to react.

It turned out to be a careless waiter who accidentally tripped over while walking, and the tray on his hand flew to Tang Tiantian's direction in a parabola. However, at the critical moment, Bai Chen jumped in time to protect her in front of her, and the pot of hot coffee will be sprinkled on his body!

It is also mixed with the crisp sound of broken glass, but it makes people's heart tight up!

"Are you all right?"

There was a worried voice in her ear, and Tang Tiantian came back from her astonishment. He raised his pale little face and faced his handsome face. His white shirt was stained with a lot of coffee stains. His arm occupied a large area, and the back of his hand was scratched by glass!

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