Oh, my God! He is the one who should be asked if there is anything wrong!

"How are you? Are you ok? Your hands are bleeding Tang Tiantian was flustered for a moment, and her hands in the air did not reach the language. Want to reach out to hold his red and cut left hand to check, but afraid to hurt him!

I saw her worried about herself. There was a strange warmth in his heart. It's not bad to be nervous and cared about!

"Don't panic! I'm fine. " He comforted her softly, with a soft smile on his lips.

He said it was ok? It's bleeding! The back of the hand is also red and swollen!

She was supposed to have suffered. He stood in front of her and helped him bear all this!

Think about it. The guilt and worry in my heart interweave into tears. Silent drop in the eye socket, spread in the face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's me who hurt you -- "if she's smart, if she can get away in time. He won't get hurt! The heart of the guilt heavy accumulation of chest!

"No, it's just an accident. You don't have to feel sorry. So don't cry. " He comforted her softly. In front of her face. He subconsciously stretched out his uninjured right hand to wipe the tears from her face.

All along, women's tears can only make him feel helpless, guilty, and even bored, but only in the face of her guilty tears at the moment, she has heartache and do not give up!

For people who are already guilty. Gentle consolation made her conscience more uneasy than cruel condemnation.

"Sorry! Mr. and miss. I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to! "

Behind him came the timid apology of the careless waiter. It also broke the unusual atmosphere surrounding the two.

"I'm sorry, this employee is new. Clumsy! Your hand seems to be badly hurt, sir. We need to go to the hospital and bandage. You don't have to worry, our shop will be responsible for all the medical expenses until your hands recover! "

I don't know when. The middle-aged woman boss of the coffee shop also came over and said apologetically.

Two people come back to God, Tang Tiantian some unnatural face, dry tears.

Bai Chen also found that he had made a transgressive move, took back the empty hand, turned to the coffee shop owner and shook his head: "no need. It's not a serious injury. "

"Well, how about that? Your hands are still bleeding Exclaimed the shopkeeper.

"Yes! Must go to the hospital to bandage, otherwise will infect Tang Tiantian also insisted.

Seeing this, Bai Chen had to nod.

But he didn't ask for the medical expenses given by the female shopkeeper, so he took Tang Tiantian away from the coffee shop.

This district is a prosperous area, and there are all kinds of enterprises. There were also several hospitals nearby, and they found the nearest one.

Originally he wanted to say that he would go, but Tang Tiantian was not at ease. He said that he would go with him.

The doctor's diagnosis is that the wound caused by broken glass is relatively shallow, and it is not a big problem. It is just that the scalded injury is more serious, and the medicine should be applied for several days. Fortunately, he injured his left hand, which did not hinder his work.

"I've sorted out the medicine for you. You remember to change your dressing every day and come back to see the doctor after the application. " Tang Tiantian gave him the medicine after he had finished his orders.

Thanks to her sister who is careless about the little things in her life, she does them very well.

"Thank you." Bai Chen to her gentle smile, conveniently took the medicine bag, "thank you to accompany me to the hospital."

As the eldest son, I always take care of others. It's good to experience the feeling of being cared for and taken care of occasionally!

"I should say thank you! I was supposed to be the one who got hurt The beautiful little face is full of guilt, of course, the heart is also full of moving.

"I can't just watch you being disfigured?" He chuckled.

Yeah! If he hadn't blocked those hot coffee, she would have been hurt now, and on her face!

His smile is so warm and calm, as if it is natural to protect her! She was sorry and moved, but she couldn't help thinking that if Huo Tianqing was present today, would he protect her like Bai Chen?

She was not sure, but she had expectations in her heart.

"All right! The doctor has finished. You should go back soon! Tianqing should be worried if you don't go back for such a long time. " Out of the door of the hospital, Bai Chen actively recruited a taxi for her.

Smell speech, Tang Tiantian immediately looked at the time, the original she has been out for a long time! Oh, no! Huo Tianqing doesn't know if the meeting is over. If he finds out that he is not looking at the materials obediently, it will be miserable.

"Then you..." She looked at him anxiously.

His hand is hurt and he can't drive!

"I'll just go back by taxi myself." He was a little funny, but his hand was hurt, not a serious injury.

Listen to him say so, Tang Tiantian just nodded, "that, goodbye."

"Well, see you next time." He waved to her, then explained the location to the driver and carefully noted down the taxi number.In fact, it's only a ten minute drive from the hospital.

But if Huo Tianqing knows that she goes out to fish in troubled waters while he is in a meeting, the end will be very sad! So when she got off the taxi, she ran to the 38th floor.

Fortunately, they haven't finished the meeting yet.

She went back to Huo Tianqing's office and continued to look at the unfinished materials and cases.

Half an hour later, Huo Tianqing finished the meeting.

Through the office glass, we can see that those people left with smiles on their faces. We can guess that the two sides have reached a consensus and signed the contract this time. I can't help but feel happy for him! Every case is the result of our joint efforts for a long time. Especially after knowing that the work is so hard, she can feel the feeling of not touching the pillow for a case.

Seeing the document in his hand, Tang Tiantian got up to help him open the door.

He glanced at her with sharp eyes and asked, "are you back?"


Tang Tiantian looks at him in surprise. Why does he ask?

You don't have to ask her to know the confusion of her eyes. He explained, "just came back to the office to get information. You are not in."

He, he just came out!?

Must it be when she goes out, do you want to come from the truth? But he hates people fishing in troubled waters when they go to work!

"Maybe I just went to the bathroom." Finally, she wrote these words with a guilty heart. She didn't dare to say that she was going to marry and pay the check, but her cousin was hurt! What a tragedy!

"Oh, really?" He didn't seem to notice her guilty heart. In fact, he just asked by the way to find out the real meaning.

Tang Tiantian follows him and nods gently.

He went to his desk and caught a glimpse of the cold coffee on the desk. He turned around and caught her bumping into the body. He couldn't help but frown. What was she thinking, so distracted?

He patted her on the head and said, "go and make me a cup of tea."

She vomited for her impudence. After nodding, she turned to the tea room to help him make tea.

Coffee was the only drink he could refresh himself with, but she liked to make some scented tea by herself. Since her office, also often filled with a fragrance of petals. However, once he accidentally took her cup by mistake. After taking a sip of flower tea, he asked her to make tea for him from time to time.

Knowing that he likes to drink his own tea, she is very happy and satisfied! So she should be able to see her sister soon!

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