In the frame-by-frame video, it can be clearly seen that Shen Hao suddenly appeared on the woman's mobile phone screen, raised one hand, extended his index finger and thumb, gestured like a gun, and whispered:"Pah!"

At the same time, an invisible bullet instantly hit the woman's forehead, went through the back of her head... and disappeared...

The woman's eyes were blank, her expression was dull, and she fell to the ground with her face up...

Blood instantly flowed all over the ground……

"It's Shen Hao! He suddenly appeared on the phone screen, just like he appeared on the big screen in the commercial street!"Liu Qing suddenly exclaimed

"Jarvis, analyze other videos with mobile phones to see if there are similar situations!"

Chu Xuan said in a deep voice

""Got it, Master!"

Jarvis replied.

One minute later

"Master, the analysis is complete. Of the 125 videos so far, 86 videos show mobile phones. After frame-by-frame testing, in the period from two seconds before the victim was shot to one second after the victim was shot, the head of Shen Hao appeared on the mobile phone screen in 32 videos; the mobile phone screen could not be observed in 34 videos due to the angle; the mobile phone screen could be observed in 10 videos but there was nothing wrong with the screen.……"

Jarvis quickly read out the test results and projected them into a holographic image.

"Retrieve 10 videos showing no abnormalities on the victim's phone screen."Chu Xuan said calmly.

""Understood, Master!"

The holographic projection in the air suddenly split into ten windows!

Each window played a video of the victim being killed.

The scene was so tragic that it was unbearable to watch!


"Did you notice that in these ten videos, in addition to the mobile phone in the victim's hand, there is also a screen……"Chu Xuan spoke calmly.

Liu Qing and the girls forced themselves to move five pairs of eyes back and forth in the ten windows.

Sure enough!

In these ten videos, in addition to the mobile phone screen, there are either mobile TV screens in the bus, computer screens in the office, or IPAD screens.……

""Slow down, slower, slower, stop!"

Chu Xuan controlled the playback progress and suddenly called for a stop!

The videos in the ten windows paused at the same time!

Everyone looked and saw that among the ten paused videos, the boy named Shen Hao appeared on the computer screen, IPAD screen, and TV screen in four videos... He raised his finger and was about to make a snapping sound...

Although Shen Hao did not appear in the other six videos for the time being, it was only because the video time was not synchronized. If you go a little further forward or backward, you can also find Shen Hao's figure suddenly appearing on those screens!

""Jarvis, analyze all the screens in all the videos!" Chu Xuan said.

He had roughly understood it, but he needed Jarvis to verify it again.

Two minutes later.

Sure enough, through Jarvis' analysis, all the videos of the victims had such a feature:

Shen Hao's figure appeared on all the electronic devices around the victims, including mobile phones, tablets, laptops, TVs... and all devices that can connect to the Internet and have screens!

In all of them, Shen Hao made a gun gesture on the screen, and a snap sound came from his mouth!

Then the victim was shot in the eyebrow and fell to the ground and died!

"It is indeed so!"

Chu Xuan nodded slowly.

"Ah Xuan...what on earth is...going on?"

"Brother Xuan, what kind of superpower is this?"

""Brother-in-law, please speak quickly!"

All the sisters said anxiously.

Under everyone's gaze, Chu Xuan slowly spoke:

"This Shen Hao's superpowers should be network penetration + remote telekinesis + reverse perception! It is extremely rare for a superpower to have three superpowers at the same time!"

"Network penetration allows him to penetrate the Internet and treat it as a part of his body's sensory organs. He can access all electronic devices connected to the Internet through the Internet!"

"Remote telekinesis allows him to use his telekinesis to form invisible and colorless warheads!"

"Reverse perception allows him to see others in reverse while others see him! So, even if you only see him on a TV without a camera, he can still see you in reverse and use remote telekinesis to snipe you!"After

Chu Xuan finished speaking, he was also full of emotion.

Sure enough, if you have multiple superpowers at the same time and can cooperate with each other, the effect of one plus one is far greater than two! The three abilities of this Shen Hao are superimposed together. For ordinary people, he is like a god who can decide life and death!

Even when facing other superpowers, he has an overwhelming advantage!

"……Breaking news, due to the evil superpower named Shen Hao slaughtering innocent people, the Super Hero Association has urgently dispatched several superheroes……"

"The superheroes call on Shen Hao, the grudges between the superpowers will be resolved by the superpowers……"

The TV on the wall suddenly played the emergency news again.

In the picture, several superheroes faced the camera and loudly challenged Shen Hao:

"Shen Hao, since you were once an ordinary person, you should know the pain of ordinary people! Now that you have become a superpower, if you want revenge, then go after the superpower!"

"You spineless idiot, are you just hiding away and attacking ordinary people who are powerless?"

"If you dare, come at me!"

There are several superheroes who challenge Shen Hao in front of the camera, including Crazy Bear with A-level beast transformation ability, High Iron Man with B-level speed ability, and Mountain Girl with A+ level gigantic ability...

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