The beast-like Crazy Bear raised a pair of bear paws, slapped them on the ground, raised them high again, roared, and challenged Shen Hao from a distance!

Gao Tiexia stomped his feet, and moved like the wind. Every step he took left a deep footprint on the ground. In a few breaths, he actually drew a large"Garbage Shen Hao" made up of hundreds of footprints on the ground!

Shanling Niang's body also expanded rapidly. Within a few seconds, she expanded into a female giant over ten meters tall. She shouted at the camera:"Shen Hao, come on, fire at me!"

Crazy Bear, Gao Tiexia, Shanling Niang, these superheroes, although not the strongest in SH City, are the most active. Every time an evil superpower appears, these people rush to the front!

Now they stand up, firstly to try to provoke Shen Hao out, and secondly to divert Shen Hao's attention and reduce some casualties among ordinary people...


At this time, not far from where the three were, on the bus stop on the street, an electronic signboard suddenly flashed with snowflakes.

Then, Shen Hao's figure slowly appeared on the electronic station sign screen.

"I said that I would challenge this city by myself. Since you hypocritical superheroes claim to protect this city, you are my enemy! My enemy must die!"

Shen Hao said coldly with cold eyes.

"Shen Hao, if you have the guts, don't hide behind these screens, come out and fight me squarely!"

The mad bear roared, got on all fours, and swung his huge bear body towards the electronic station sign screen!

The Shen Hao on the screen gently raised his hand, extended his index finger and thumb, and gestured like a gun.

""Crazy Bear, be careful!" Shanlingniang exclaimed, taking huge steps.


Gao Tiexia also ran at full speed, instantly exerting his speed to the limit, and rushed to the side of the Crazy Bear like lightning.

"" Pah!"

On the screen, Shen Hao's mouth twitched slightly.

At the same time, Gao Tiexia pushed the mad bear to the side with all his strength! With a puff, a transparent telekinetic bullet flew past the corner of the mad bear's eye... and dissipated.


Kuang Xiong roared in pain. His face, from the corner of his eye to his ear, and then to the back of his head... was plowed by the bullet and left a deep blood groove!

If Gao Tiexia had been one tenth of a second later, Kuang Xiong would have been shot in the head like those ordinary people!

"Haha, it seems that superheroes’ brains are no harder than ordinary people’s. So, what makes you so arrogant?"

"What makes you so indifferent to the lives of ordinary people?"

"What is it that allows you to have this damn thing called immunity to super power out of control?"

"Are you born nobles, born with the right to the first night of the people under your rule?"

On the electronic signboard screen, Shen Hao became more and more excited, with his index finger extended, and another"pop" sound came out of his mouth!


This time, Kuang Xiong could no longer dodge!

However, Shen Hao was like a cat playing with a mouse, and did not aim directly at Kuang Xiong's head, but shot at his shoulder!

The blood hole penetrated Kuang Xiong's entire shoulder, and blood gushed out!




Shen Hao made three consecutive sounds.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Three deep blood holes instantly appeared on the right chest, lower abdomen and leg of the mad bear. Although they were not fatal, they made the mad bear roar in pain.

"Gao Tiexia, quickly take the mad bear and retreat first!"

Shanling Niang took a huge step forward, and her body over ten meters long blocked the mad bear.

"Haha, now that you're here, don't leave!"

On the electronic signboard screen, Shen Hao had a blank expression on his face, and his index finger moved back and forth between the three people in turn, and then he made a brisk sound:

"Dadada... Dadada... Dadada……"

Instantly, transparent telekinetic bullets shot out like machine guns, suddenly appearing in front of the three people.

Puff puff puff...

Dozens of blood holes instantly appeared on Shanling Niang's huge body, and she fell to the ground with a bang!

Many of the blood holes penetrated Shanling Niang's body and even penetrated the mad bear behind her.

Although Gao Tiexia dodged several attacks with his extremely fast speed, he only lasted a few seconds before being hit and fell!

"Now, you can't run anymore, right? I don't have the patience to play with you anymore. After I kill you, I still have many people to kill! After all, this city has 24 million people!"

Shen Hao on the electronic bus stop said lightly, and raised his index finger again. This time, he aimed at the foreheads of the three people!

Kuang Xiong, Gao Tiexia, and Shanling Niang endured the severe pain of dozens of transparent blood holes on their bodies, barely stood up, and looked at the electronic screen in front of them with grief and anger. Their eyes were full of despair...



At this time, a small missile suddenly fell from the sky and blasted the electronic bus stop screen in front of them into pieces!

The three of them looked up at the same time.

I saw a drone hovering above the three people's heads.

"Destroy all the electronic device screens on the scene, so that he can't use his abilities!"

A man's unquestionable voice came from the drone.

If there were familiar people here, they would definitely be able to hear that this was Chu Xuan's voice!


The three were still in a daze. Not far away, on the outdoor electronic billboard of a building, Shen Hao's figure appeared again.

As soon as he appeared, Shen Hao immediately raised his finger and made a"pop" sound in his mouth.


A ball of fire and a cloud of green smoke immediately emerged from the drone above the three people's heads, and it fell down!

On the billboard screen, Shen Hao sneered, moved his fingers, and aimed at Kuang Xiong, Gao Tiexia, and Shanling Niang again!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

At this time, several small missiles whizzed in with long tails and hit the electronic billboard in an instant!


The electric���The billboard exploded into pieces, and Shen Hao disappeared again.

In the distance, dozens of drones quickly arrived and quickly descended. The cameras on each drone quickly rotated 360 degrees, identifying the targets on the screens of nearby electronic devices at the fastest speed...

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