When Liu learned that Qingxue was banned for one year, an idea popped up in his mind.

After hesitating for a long time, he tentatively sent a message to Yukunran.

It was a test, but also an apology.

Liu had left Qian Zhenzhi without saying goodbye because of moving, and he felt guilty about it.

The Kanto Tournament is expected to start in half a month, and the first semester of junior high school is about to end.

That day, the military advisor privately found Minister Yukimura, "Seishi, I have a request."

"So serious? Renji" What can make their military advisors at Rikkai University so serious?

"I have a doubles partner since childhood, also Kojinran. Because Seigaku was banned, I invited him to Rikkai University. I would like to ask you to agree to let him join the tennis club."

"Of course, but this semester is about to end. You Kojinran will definitely transfer to Rikkai University when the next semester starts. Transfer students can apply to join the tennis club. You don't need to ask specifically~"

The gentle and loyal Renji is so cute.

The military strategist who regained his friend's understanding did not think about this. A major mistake!

Liu silently arranged extra training for himself this week*2 in the little notebook in his heart!

Although such a mistake has nothing to do with training, who makes extra training a specialty of Rikkai University~

"Sadaharu is already going through the transfer procedures. Can Sadaharu participate in Rikkai University's training in advance during the summer vacation?"

Thinking of Seigaku's lack of attention to first-year students, Liu believes that Kojinran should be properly trained.

"Sure, since it's Renji's request, I will definitely agree."

Inui Sadaharu accepted the olive branch thrown by his friend. Rikkai University respects strength, and Seigaku has been banned.

Although he can't play in the game if he is not banned, Seigaku's lack of attention to freshmen makes him see the scene of his future being wasted.

And Tezuka has also transferred to another school. Tezuka is the most powerful among their first-year students.

No, Tezuka is the strongest in Seigaku's tennis club.

They, the first-year students, originally planned to follow Tezuka to train hard and strive to play well for Seigaku after playing, but such a bad violent incident happened.

The inaction of the tennis club disappointed Tezuka and disappointed them.

At this time, his friend Yanagi Renji sent him a message.

Although he was far away in Kanagawa, he also collected bits and pieces of information about his friends in Rikkai University.

Yanagi Renji, one of the "Big Three" of Rikkai University, Rikkai University is the overlord of Kanto.

Has Renji, the Kanto champion for thirteen consecutive years, grown to this point?

Rikkai University's strength is beyond doubt. If he goes to Rikkai University, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

It couldn't be better to be with Renji again.

Renji helped him get the opportunity to train with the regular and semi-regular members of Rikkai University during the summer vacation. He will definitely not disappoint Renji's expectations and work hard to improve himself.

The Kanto Tournament is coming soon, and the Rikkai University Tennis Club has never stopped training for a day.

Niou's mental tennis has a breakthrough during a practice match against Sanada.

He suddenly transformed into Sanada, twisted and danced on the court in the appearance of Sanada, and made faces at the original, which made Sanada's face black as the bottom of a pot.

Niou and Sanada fought against "Wind, Forest, Fire and Mountain". Niou shouted "Invasion is like fire", but he actually used "Its speed is like wind".

The stubborn Sanada was fooled by him several times, but Nioh's "illusion" could only last for a while.

Yukimura watched how Yukinen was easily fooled by Nioh. Sometimes being too upright makes the weakness too obvious. "Too rigid is easy to break, Genichirō, you'd better think about it carefully."

Marui's fantasy castle was also completed ahead of schedule. He has been working hard to strengthen his physical training and defensive ability. The genius of Rikkai University must have no blind spots!

Kuwahara's mental power has also improved significantly. Marui and Kuwahara have not opened synchronization in the first round, and the two are constantly trying to comprehend synchronization.

Karasuma Gaki is also trying to develop mental power skills. His sparring opponent is Mori-senpai, who has a thick mental barrier. "Mori-senpai, then I'll start."

Karasuma Gaki released his mental power to cover the entire court. Mori, who has a thick mental barrier, felt the strong mental attack, bent down slightly, held the racket with both hands, and made a defensive posture.

Karasuma Gaki threw the tennis ball backward and swung his racket, hitting it with a powerful force.

Maori looked at the flying tennis ball and was about to catch it, but the tennis ball in front of him suddenly streaked with light, forming an upside-down pentagram.

Wrapping his neck in the middle of the pentagram, he felt suffocated.

He opened the barrier and struggled hard to break free from the mental attack, and the suffocation was terrifying.

And UmaruThe tennis ball that Karagaki hit had actually landed on Mori's court.

"Why did Karagaki's mental attack materialize?"

"That's an upside-down pentagram, locked on Mori-senpai's neck!"

"Mori-senpai looks like he can't breathe... so scary"

Yukimura sat in the coaching seat on the court with his arms folded, "Kagaki's mental power is much higher than mine. Mori-senpai's mental barrier is thick and can last for a long time. I don't know how long it will take for Mori-senpai to break free"

Mori didn't break free the first time, and finally Karagaki took back his mental power before he was exhausted.

Mori, who was freed from the pentagram, sat on the court and gasped, as if he wanted to take back all the oxygen he had just lacked.

After recovering, Mori, who had grown to a height of 1.8 meters, pouted.

He hung on Yukimura, who was still petite and thin, and buried his face in Yukimura's thin shoulders and shouted, "I don't want to practice with him anymore, he's too scary! Woohoo~"

Yukimura sat in the coach's seat, looking at the big cat hanging on him, and sighed helplessly.

He stretched out his little hand and went around behind Mori, patting his back, "Mori-senpai, this will also be of great help to you. When you encounter difficulties, you must overcome them, not escape~"

Karasuma Gaki gritted his teeth and rushed up to pull down the poor and big cat.

He was stopped by Niou and Marui, who tried to persuade him.

"Be patient, who told you to beat him like this?"

"If you go and pull him now, there will be no one to practice your moves with you..."

"Think about it, it's really cool to beat someone unconscious with one move, you need Mori-senpai to practice with you!"


After all the training, Yukimura and all the regulars and semi-regulars took turns to play the 7-ball game. After one round, everyone except Karasuma Gaki was lying on the ground in tatters.

"Let's stop here for today's training~ Everyone is great, I'll treat everyone to food."

It just so happened that we won a prize in the painting competition a few days ago. The members worked so hard, so let's reward everyone~

Marui Bunta got up bravely and ran to Yukimura's arms, intending to thank the beautiful and kind-hearted beautiful director, but was grabbed by Karasuma Gaki,

"You just rolled on the ground, your body is so dirty! Don't bring bacteria to Seiichi, go take a shower."

"Hehe, after taking a shower, let's go eat something, is there anything you want to eat?" Yukimura and Karasuma Gaki, who was carrying Marui Bunta, walked side by side to the bathroom.

Inui Sadaharu, who was originally lying on the ground like a dehydrated sea urchin, raised his head with difficulty and trembling fingers.

Today, today is his first time to participate in Rikkai University's training.

"Meat... barbecue, I want to eat..." He was trained to the point of wanting to cry, what, is this the devil Rikkai University?

It's obviously the king Rikkai University! Don't complain secretly in your heart!

Yanagi Renji, who was lying beside him, raised his arms to cover his eyes, Sadaharu, you still have a lot of training to do, resigned to his fate and climbed up, carrying the unable-to-walk Sadaharu Inui, dragging him to the bathroom.

After everyone changed their clothes and came out, they were a group of sunny and cheerful big boys~ ragged and tattered

"Then let's go eat barbecue, and welcome Sadaharu Inui to join Rikkai University!"

Sadaharu Inui shook his legs and turned his face, which looked much more vicissitudes. After a day of training, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and his cheeks were a little sunken, "Thank you, Director Yukimura"

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