As the saying goes, a little brat will eat his father out of money.

Yukimura, who is happy to be a father: "?"

In order to prevent Yukimura from being eaten out of money, Yanagi used his identity as the head of the tennis club's cheering group.

He asked the members of the school's organization about a cheap and delicious self-service barbecue restaurant.

It's just a little far away, and you have to take a few bus stops.

A group of thirteen people entered the barbecue restaurant in a mighty manner, and the clerk arranged a private room on the second floor for them.

The food is in the lobby on the first floor, and you need to go down to get it yourself.

A dozen teenagers took a lot of meat, filling up the table and the food racks, and they must be able to eat their money back.

"Even if it's barbecue! Rikkai University must have no dead ends!" Maybe it was because he broke free 10 seconds earlier than before when Yukimura destroyed his five senses in the practice match today, and today's Sanada was a little excited.

Yes, the serious Vice Minister Sanada asked the members to help him time the practice match with Yukimura.

"Haha, Genichirō is really lively today." In front of Yukimura was a grilled fish that was ordered separately.

In addition to the self-service grilled meat, this restaurant also allows you to order grilled fish separately and pay for it separately.

"Deputy Minister Sanada, you are disturbing my ears, puri~" Niou Masaharu and Sanada Genichirō seem to be born at odds with each other.

"Bunta, there is an 80% chance that you will have diarrhea if you eat it before it is cooked!" Yanagi stopped Bunta from reaching out to pick up the meat that was not cooked yet.

"Bunta, I'll grill it for you, this one is not cooked yet!" Kuwahara picked up the grilled meat clip, spread the grilled meat, brushed it with oil, and looked at the sizzling and oily meat. Bunta pouted, "I'm so hungry."

Just as a group of people were eating grilled meat in the private room, a loud scream suddenly came from outside.

"I'll go take a look, don't move" Karasuma Gaki stood up and pushed open the door of the private room.

Miyano Arashi also stood up, "I'll go with you."

As a senior in the third grade, how could he let a junior in the first grade go out alone to face unknown dangers!

The screams outside clearly indicated that something dangerous had happened.

"Miyano-senpai, I'll go with him." Yukimura stood up and pulled Miyano Arashi.

He has the protection of [Ember Shield], Xiao Yuan is a magician, and the two of them are just going to take a look, so it's safer for him and Karasuma Yuan to go.

Sanada and Maori also stood up. Sanada is learning kendo, and Maori has learned wrestling. If there is really danger, they still have the strength to fight.

"Xiao Yuan and I will go, don't move." Yukimura turned around and gave an order.

The two went down the stairs and turned into the hall. In addition to the food for self-service, there were more than ten tables in the hall on the first floor.

The guests who were originally sitting scattered gathered in one direction.

The two looked at each other. Some people gathered together, so it shouldn't be a robbery or something like that.

The two approached that direction, and Karasuma Gaki saw the high school boy in a blue suit and school uniform at a glance.

Damn, isn't he from Tokyo? Why did he come to Kanagawa?

A cyanide poisoning incident occurred, damn!

Has it spread to Kanagawa? Blame it on the god of death, why did he run to Kanagawa for no reason, it's bad luck!

Someone at the scene had already called the police, and the two looked at the boy who claimed to be a high school detective and maintained the crime scene.

The police arrived at the scene quickly, and the detective boy had just conducted an investigation.

After the police cordoned off the scene and removed the body, they gathered all the people present in the store in the hall according to the detective boy's request, and the 11 boys in the upstairs box also came down.

The dozen or so boys were only children in their teens. They usually lived a simple life and had simple interpersonal relationships. They had never encountered such a sand man case.

When the police went upstairs to tell them that a sand man case had occurred and they needed to cooperate in the investigation, the boys all looked pale.

After a brief questioning of the teenagers, it was learned that they were junior high school students from Rikkai University Affiliated Junior High School, who were only here for team building, so they were not contacted for further verification.

How could a junior high school student who had no connection with the victim be a suspect?

After coming down, the teenagers gathered together. Kudo Shinichi glanced at the group of young teenagers who looked very young. It was normal for teenagers in the ivory tower to be afraid without experiencing such an incident.

"These police officers really listen to him." Karasuma Gaki looked at Kudo Shinichi who was commanding the police around, and couldn't help complaining.

Yukimura was also facing the scene of Amomum villosum for the first time, and was a little silent. Hearing Karasuma Gaki say this, he couldn't help but nodded, and he really listened to him.

The group stood in the hall for a long time. After Kudo Shinichi's verification and reasoning, they finally locked in three suspects.

OK, OK, classic three-choice link.

Two of them were partners who came with the victim and were colleagues of the victim, and the other was a clerk at the barbecue restaurant, who was said to be the victim's ex-boyfriend.

FinallyKudo Shinichi learned the motive from the mutual exposure of several suspects.

And through the trajectory of the victim and the three suspects, he deduced the murderer, "There is only one truth!"

Then he pointed to one of the colleagues who came with the victim.

And he deduced the evidence he found and the method of Amomum villosum from beginning to end.

The perpetrator knelt down with his hands covering his face and cried and confessed...

Karasuga, who has seen this scene countless times in the three-dimensional world, "..."

The victim had just been promoted, so he treated everyone to dinner, but he didn't want to be envied, thinking that she was showing off her promotion, and from then on, there was one less beauty in the world.

Karasuga remembered that he had a task to weaken the aura of the protagonist of Ming Ke, and after the criminal was taken away by the Metropolitan Police Department.

He asked Kudo Shinichi, "Big brother, I saw you in the newspaper."

Let's use his beautiful and lovely beauty to gain some trust from Kudo Shinichi (Kuroga:?).

"Aren't you from Tokyo? Why did you come to Kanagawa?" It's unlucky, I hope you don't come again.

"Oh, I was commissioned by a case and came to Kanagawa to investigate something." Hey, has anyone in Kanagawa heard of me?

Well, well, detectives are cool after all!

Kudo Shinichi gave a standard smile to the junior high school boy who seemed to admire him (Karasuma Gaki:?).

A cyanide poisoning incident occurred in the barbecue restaurant. The manager said it was very unlucky. In order to express his apology, he gave a 50% discount to all diners present.

Wow, he was also a victim in this incident. He didn't have the ability to give everyone a free meal. After all, he had to live.

The boys and their group were no longer in the mood to continue eating barbecue. They packed up their things and left the store and went home.

On the bus back home, the group of boys were silent all the way. Why did they become jealous?

Is the adult world so strange? Suddenly I don't want to grow up.

After getting off the car, "Well, if you don't have enough ability, you should work hard to improve yourself."

Karasuma Gaki spoke up to break the low atmosphere. The motives of Amano in the Detective world are even more outrageous~

"You're right! Amano is too lax because of jealousy!"

Sanada boy also felt that his worldview was impacted. How could someone have such a distorted worldview? He was too lax!

The boys went back to their homes. Because they encountered the Amano case at night, the boys were psychologically traumatized. Yukimura gave everyone a day off and exempted them from training tomorrow.

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