Karasuma Gaki agreed to let the group of people enter the villa. In addition to the six detectives, Mao Li Ran, Kudo Shinji, there was also a maid who was driven out of the villa by Karasuma Chen. Her name was Ishihara Aki.

She found this job on the Internet. Because the salary was very generous, she passed the strange interview and was successfully hired.

She sent an invitation letter to the famous detective, and according to the master's instructions, she drove over this afternoon. When she came, there was obviously no one in the villa.

According to the master's instructions, she placed the strange doll on the main seat in the restaurant, and went out to buy ingredients. As a result, there was a person who looked like a butler and a group of maids in the villa.

They didn't let her enter the villa.

She carried the ingredients back to her car and sent a message to the master but did not receive a reply.

She waited in the car until the evening.

Karasuma Chen had prepared their dinner. Karasuma Gaki invited the Maori family and Hakuba Tan to sit together. He remembered that Hakuba Tan's father seemed to be a high-ranking official?

Several people sat down to eat. The strange doll was put away by Karasuma Chen. The detectives were left in the hall by him. Several maids were staring at them.

"Is it really okay? The person who used your name and signed the name of Kaito Kidd is among these detectives. The mastermind also installed the bomb. Is it really okay for you to invite them in?" Liu Zai spoke as he sat down.

Hakuba Tan and Kudo Shinji turned their heads in surprise to look at the brown-haired boy who squinted his eyes no matter what he did.

"How do you know that the mastermind is among these detectives?" Hakuba Tan said with appreciation. This boy's thinking logic and observation skills are very outstanding.

"The probability of it being the old female detective is 72%, the probability of it being the middle-aged fat detective is 68%, the probability of it being the young male detective is 40%, the probability of it being the young female detective is 36%, the probability of it being Miss Mao Lilan's father is 21%, and the probability of it being you is 16%."

Yiu turned to the white horse detective and gave him his analysis results. He was used to collecting information and had been observing those people, and drew conclusions from their facial expressions.

"It is very likely that the old female detective is cooperating with the middle-aged fat detective. As for the purpose, it is unknown. It is possible that there is a treasure in your house. They want to pretend to be the owner and swallow the treasure after the treasure is dug out." Liu Sheng adjusted his glasses. He didn't read so many detective novels in vain.

Liu analyzed that the probability of those two people is so high. According to his experience in reading novels, it is very likely that they are cooperating in committing crimes. Moreover, in this case in novels, there are usually treasures hidden in large villas.

Kudo Shinichi looked at them in disbelief, "Do you...do you have any evidence?"

"No evidence, I judged based on the changes in facial expressions. Of course, when the car exploded, I noticed that the elderly female detective had some movements." Liu answered Kudo Shinichi's doubts.

"It is also a way to solve the case from a psychological perspective, but this method does not have direct evidence and cannot convict people." Hakuba agreed with their analysis.

"Let's eat first." Now that we know who the murderer is, we will drive them out later and wait for him to find time to kill them. He also wants to blow up the car to morally blackmail him.

From the time he drove people out to the car being blown up, he knew that the mastermind wanted to use the excuse of not being able to leave to enter the villa and live there, and then slowly lead out her purpose.

He originally wanted to keep the Maori family, and then proposed that there was a treasure in his villa, and asked Maori Kogoro to help find it and give him a reward. According to Kudo Shinichi's curiosity, he would definitely help him search everywhere.

After dinner, Karasuma Gaki drove the people away, but Chima Nozomi refused to leave, and was trying to persuade Karasuma Gaki to let her stay in the villa by saying that she was old.

"Get out."

The maid carried Chima Nozomi and walked out, intending to throw her out, "I know the secret code of the treasure!"

"You let me stay and decipher it together." Chima Nozomi knew that if she left now, she would never be able to get close to the Twilight Villa again in her life, and she would never know the secret of the treasure.

When Chima Nozomi refused to leave, several smart detectives thought she was very suspicious. It turned out that it was Chima Nozomi who invited them and blew up their car.

"Get out." Karasuma Gaki didn't want to say more to the old woman, so he drove her out.

Even if he didn't have the secret code, he had Kudo Shinichi, so was he afraid that he couldn't solve it? He looked down at Kudo Shinji, "Do you know how to find it?"

"..." Kudo Shinichi, who was suddenly trusted, was speechless, "Without the secret code, I have no way."

Karasuma Gaki originally wanted to show off to his grandfather after finding the treasure himself.

He sent a message to his grandfather and got the secret code:

Two travelers, looking up at the sky at night, the devil descended on the castle, and the king took the treasure awayEscape, the princess shed tears on the Holy Grail, begging for forgiveness, the soldier slashed his sword and stained the field with blood.

No one understands Crow better than me: What's wrong? I have solved this code.

The most handsome man in the universe: So you know what the treasure is?

The secret of the treasure is not only the Golden Villa, but also the secret of their Karasuma family.

He thought that Karasuma Renya didn't know about the Golden Villa, so he left the annex alone, and it changed hands several times in forty years.

It seems that their family is richer than he thought.

Since Karasuma Gaki already knew the secret from his grandfather, there is no need to keep anyone.

He drove away the group of detectives, and the Mori family who had asked to stay overnight were also driven away by Karasuma Gaki, and Karasuma Chen arranged a bus to send them all away.

On the bus.

"Sister Chiken, why did you do this?" Mogi Haruhi turned around and asked her, deceiving them to come in the name of the owner, but the house was not hers at all, mainly his beloved woman! That precious car of his was also blown up by her!

"......" Chijian Shiyo didn't expect this result. She didn't expect that the boy was so unreasonable.

She originally planned to sneak in when no one was in the villa and let these detectives help her complete the treasure hunt. Her original plan was to blow up the car and the bridge and kill Da Shang Zhu Shan first.

She deliberately asked the maid to park the car in the backyard. Other detectives would definitely want to drive out to explore first and take the opportunity to get in the car. After discovering that the wooden bridge was also blown up, she detonated the maid's car, hid, and pretended to fall under the bridge with the car.

Unexpectedly, the wooden bridge in her impression turned into a concrete bridge? What happened?

Then sneak back to the villa and wait for these detectives to decipher the treasure code. She just needs to know what the treasure is.

She just wants to know what treasure caused his father to be killed by Karasuma Renye in this villa.

She sighed and began to talk about the purpose of inviting them. "Forty years ago, my father, as an archaeologist, was invited by the 99-year-old wealthy man, Renye Karasuma, who was about to die, along with many scholars, to crack the code of the treasure in this annex given to him by his mother."

Her father accepted the job, and the salary was very generous. When he sent letters home every day, he would also attach a check for a huge amount of money. She and her mother were very happy.

"But before Renye Karasuma died, those scholars did not crack the code of the treasure. Renye Karasuma was in this annex and killed all the scholars."

Her father stopped sending letters and checks half a year later. Her father did not tell her the content and whereabouts of the job, and thus lost contact.

Twenty years ago, she found the secret code in the last letter her father sent, and then she learned the truth about her father's death, so she found the Twilight Villa.

"I want to invite you to come here to explore, to find out what kind of treasure can make Karasuma Renye Shark harm so many people."

"What is the secret code for that treasure?" Mogi Harufu asked her.

"..." Eh? Why doesn't she remember it?

She turned her head to look at Okami Zhushan, who wanted to speak, but found that he also didn't remember the secret code. He asked the maid to put the secret code they had copied in the villa.

Turning to look at the maid, "Do you remember the secret code?"

"Ah, I don't know, I don't know anything?" The maid also didn't remember any secret code.

Yukimura's psychological manipulation helped Karasuma Gaki.

The secret code was written by his great-grandmother, who discovered his great-grandfather's betrayal. The old great-grandfather had an affair with someone in the Twilight Villa.

When Karasuma Renya was over 50 years old, his great-grandfather gave birth to an illegitimate child outside.

Karasuma Renya had been in charge of the Karasuma family for nearly ten years. After Karasuma Renya learned about this, his great-grandfather died and his brother's biological mother also died.

He took his half-brother back and raised him as a mascot, but he was ruined.

Karasuma Gaki's great-grandmother was a genetic scientist who loved research. She was nearly 80 years old and discovered the difference in the genes of the illegitimate child.

Karasuma Renya did not inherit his mother's scientific research genes. His talents were all focused on how to make money.

His mother used Karasuma Renyu's genes for research and developed a drug.

She did not give it directly to her son Karasuma Renya, but wrote it in the code.

It hinted that his treasure was related to his great-grandfather's betrayal.

Karasuma Renya had already guessed the answer to the golden castle in the code, and he did not touch the mechanism.

When he was 99 years old, he went to see the code again and found another secret, but he couldn't find where his mother left it.

And those scholars, someone helped him find it.

It was a drug that could make people go back in time.

He experimented with those scholars, and it was trueIt can restore youth, and the success rate is extremely high. 17 out of 18 scholars succeeded.

After confirming the effect, he kept all the people in the laboratory.

And took the medicine.

Since then, 99-year-old Karasuma Renye passed away. He went to Europe, opened an experimental base, founded the Black Organization, and continued his research.

His younger brother Karasuma Renyu was a carefree person. When he was a child, his mother took blood and lay on the laboratory table. He just thought it was for his medical treatment.

Of course, it was also related to the brainwashing that their family did to him.

Later, his mother died, and Karasuma Renye let Karasuma Renyu go.

When he explored the secret of the code again, he learned that it was related to Karasuma Renyu's genes, so he called him back.

Karasuma Renyu was still lazy and silly, he cooperated very well, and Karasuma Renye did not restrain him.

When he was needed, he would come back obediently, and when he was not needed, he would let him play outside.

(It's really hard to make up. This codeword, according to the commentary, is not just the Golden House, but the devil is Karasuma Renya, and there is a betrayal relationship in between. I don't know who is who, so I made up a story.)

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