After driving everyone away, a group of young men from Rikkai University looked at Karasuma Gaki with expectation.

"Agaki, is there really a treasure?" Yagyu looked as if he had read my novel for nothing.

Karasuma Gaki nodded, "Yes."

Ever since Karasuma Gaki read the code his grandfather sent him and learned about their family secrets (or maybe scandals?), he began to be a little curious about his life experience. His grandfather was born in 1852, and he was born in 2000.

How was he born? And he obviously looks like a mixed race.

"Before we leave tomorrow afternoon, I will solve the mystery of this treasure." Karasuma Gaki knew where the mechanism was.

"Okay!" The naughty group was very excited, treasure!

With everyone's expectation, it was the afternoon of the 18th. Karasuma Gaki pushed the mechanism of the only clock in the restaurant. When the clock fell, he caught the heavy dial and put it on the table, "Let's go."

Karasuga Gaki walked out with a tennis bag on his back, followed by Karasuma Chen and the maid. When they arrived at the sports stadium, the Rikkai University group took a bus to the helipad at the foot of the mountain.

Karasuma Chen stayed in the sports stadium and reorganized the villa after the villa mechanism was completely stopped.

"Huh? Are you going back? The treasure hasn't been seen yet..." Kirihara looked at the scenery flashing quickly outside the window, and his tone was a little disappointed.

The mechanism in the villa has been stagnant for decades. It will take some time to start working.

"You will see it later."

The crew members are already in place. After the Rikkai University people got on the helicopter, they flew over the dusk annex according to Karasuma Gaki's instructions.

The helicopter kept circling over the dusk villa. Looking out from the plane, the whole villa seemed to be shedding its skin. The golden light that shone through the falling wall was extremely dazzling under the afternoon sun.

Everyone was stunned. The Western-style building that looked like a vampire villa in the night was shedding its outer wall, and the golden wall inside was revealed.

A whole building! A large villa made of gold!

"Ahhhhhh! The golden house!" Kirihara couldn't help but scream.

"How much is this worth..." Liu opened his eyes. He couldn't calculate the value of this villa.

"This... this... is this the treasure? I thought it was a pile of jewels or gold. This is the limit of what I can imagine..." Wen was too stuttering. He knew that Agaki's family was rich, but he didn't expect it to be so rich!

"This is too... luxurious." It was the luxury that Yukimura had never imagined. It turned out that the luxury that Agaki said was like this.

"Ahhhh! A-Gaki! You are too rich! I will definitely follow you!!!" Niou rushed over and hugged Karasuma Gaki's arm and shook him.

"Well...well...well...well," Echizen stuttered and couldn't finish his catchphrase, "I'm still far away!"

"How much property tax do I have to pay..." Sanada stared absentmindedly at the magnificent golden villa in the distance and asked a question that made Karasuma Gaki fall silent.

Karasuma Gaki took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his grandfather.

The most handsome guy in the universe: picture.jpg

The most handsome guy in the universe: Grandpa, I don't want to pay property tax.

No one knows Crow better than me: I will arrange it.

"This house doesn't seem to be habitable. Wherever I go, I'm blinded by the light." Karasuma Gaki regretted turning on the mechanism. No wonder his grandfather didn't use the mechanism for decades.

He is still too young.

"But, do you know how shocking this is?" Qian stepped forward and turned around Karasuma Yuan's shoulder, "Just this house, you are rich enough to rival a country, Yuan!"

"......I know, this house was built in the 17th century, my family's old house, but later our family moved to Europe, and this house became empty." He no longer knew how rich his grandfather was.

"Ahhhhhh! Please! Don't speak in such an indifferent tone! Ahhhhh!" Qian shook his head, acting like a Qiong Yao heroine that Karasuma Yuan was somewhat familiar with, took two steps back and hugged his head, like a cloud, secretly sad.

"You... So you know that your family's treasure is this whole golden house, right?" Yukimura had never seen such a huge fortune.

Thinking of what he said before, there was nothing special, just very luxurious, he couldn't help but complain in his heart about the Versailles in Yuan's tone at that time.

"I know." Karasuma Yuan nodded. He knew that, so he asked his grandfather to take back the house that had been passed on several times.

Because it was too remote and gloomy, and the secret code at that time was only known by scholars and Karasuma Renya at that time, so this house was not that valuable, only 70 million yen, not even as much as the change he got from passing by the Beika Bank once.

His grandfather had long agoI know, they can even transfer houses casually. It seems that their family is really rich enough to rival a country, right?

"Hundred billion! According to my estimate, the value is over 100 billion! US dollars! Oh my God!" Liu was silent for a long time. It turned out that he was calculating the value of the house. After calculating it, Liu, who has always been elegant and refined, couldn't help but burst into laughter. (I don't know the value, so I just estimated it according to other people's explanations. I'll just say it casually)

"Can you... put it away?" Yukimura's first thought was his space magic.

"Haha~" His first thought before was to put it away, "It's okay."

The helicopter stayed for a while and then flew to Tokyo. Tomorrow is the semi-final of the national competition. Who will he play against?

I forgot about it for a moment because I was blinded by the Golden Annex.

Oh, Nagoya Seitoku.

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