Karasuma Gaki turned on the [Teacher of Medicine] aura and scanned the lounge. Wow, except for Yukimura and Atobe, who were relatively healthy, everyone in this room had some physical illness.

What does "allergy to raw lacquer" written on Xiaolan mean? Karasuma Gaki stretched out his palm and looked at himself. He didn't have any disease. Well, a perfect baby.

Karasuma Gaki leaned close to Yukimura and whispered to him, "I'll go to the clinic to interrogate the reporter. You can psychologically manipulate the TV staff and waiters present to find out the situation. Someone should have brought the bacteria to the airship."

Yukimura nodded, and Karasuma Gaki stood up and left.

When he stood up, Officer Nakamori also stood up and looked at him, "Karasuga-kun, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the clinic to ask about the reporter. He has a problem. Before lunch, he tried to attack me and was kicked by me. And his condition was not right when he had an attack just now." Karasuma Gaki has always been frank. Even if they refuse, he will not listen.

While Karasuma Gaki was talking, Yukimura noticed that something was wrong with another waitress. She put on a tense defensive posture with a serious expression, and without hesitation, he psychologically manipulated her first.

"I... I went to the observation deck alone in the morning to see the gems. When I came down, Mr. Fujioka also held my arm. I thought it was an attack and attacked him immediately. Now it seems that he may really have some problems." Xiaolan also spoke up. She originally thought that the reporter was frivolous and joking, but he still tried to attack Xiaogaki. Why?

"I'll go with you!" Officer Nakamori planned to go with Karasuma Gaki. He is a policeman. If Fujioka really has problems, then he can protect the boy.

Yukimura found clues from the waitress's memory, but he couldn't point it out, so he called out to Karasuma Gaki who was about to leave, "Gaki."

Karasuga Gaki turned back to Yukimura, "It was the waitress who sprayed lacquer in the smoking room. The two people just now had rashes because they were allergic to lacquer."

Karasuga Gaki's Angel Eyes had been shown to people earlier. He turned around and released the "Angel Eyes" to the waitress, "Who are you and what is your purpose?"

Only Atobe, Yukimura, and Maori Kogoro, who had drunk too much beer and was lying on a chair, had seen the eyes. Everyone was afraid when the eyes appeared.

The waitress was a member of the mercenary group, and they were employed by Fujioka Takamichi.

When the waitress said this, the two TV station photographers, who were originally stunned, suddenly had ferocious expressions. How could this be possible?

Their plan had just begun, how could it be exposed so quickly? Who knows how far the boss has progressed?

Although they didn't know why the mercenary group members suddenly turned against them, they couldn't let the plan go to waste. The two looked at each other, took out their guns and planned to shoot the short-haired waitress while no one was paying attention.

Karasuma Gaki, who had been observing strangers except Ming Ke Hongfang Group, noticed it, and threw two flying needles into the wrists of the two people, and the flying needles dissolved into the blood after entering the wrists.

The guns in the hands of the two fell to the ground, and the sound attracted the attention of Officer Nakamori. He looked closely and saw that there were two guns, and immediately ordered his subordinates to take down the two people who were covering their wrists and howling.

The waitress was not affected at all and continued to talk,

Their mercenary group pretended to be members of the Red Siamese Cat to blow up the research institute and the shark bacteria, and made fake potions, and spread the bacteria in the online press conference, causing panic.

Officer Nakamori breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the shark bacteria was fake. He ordered the remaining subordinates to go to the clinic with him to capture Fujioka Takamichi.

The mercenary group planned to hijack the airship, install bombs, and spread the bacteria on the Internet again. Their actual target was Nara City in Osaka, where there were national treasure-level Buddha statues.

When the people panicked and were arranged to take refuge in other places, they could arrange people to steal Buddha statues from the temples with the laxest security. They had already found buyers.

At this time, Huiyuan Ai came out from behind Dr. Agasa, "The mercenary group has sneaked into the airship. Someone just went to the cabin and opened the entrance on the top of the airship. It should be Fujioka Takamichi who ran out of the clinic. They are now installing bombs in the cabin."

She was communicating with Conan using the detective badge, and Conan also heard what the waitress said just now.

Without the shark man bacteria, Karasuma Gaki was relieved. As for the munitions, no one here had as much as him, although it was a pity that he couldn't take out a few rocket launchers.

After the waitress finished her story, she was knocked unconscious by Karasuma Gaki's punch, which was guaranteed to cause a concussion. The two TV station staff members were treated the same way. The three of them were tied up and gagged, and their guns were confiscated.

Officer Nakamori, who went out to look for Fujioka Takamichi, has not returned yet.

"Could it be that IShouldn't we take the initiative to attack?" Karasuma Gaki was a little annoyed that he didn't open the doctor's teacher in time to check when he found that Fujioka Takamichi was not right. Now he had the opportunity to let people in.

"Don't act impulsively!" Several police officers who stayed in the lounge disagreed, "The other side has a large number of people and is fully equipped. We must wait and see and try not to cause casualties."

It is estimated that Officer Nakamori bumped into that group of people.

"..." Now everyone in the lounge has been checked by him and Yukimura. It is true that only those three people are accomplices of the robbers. "Don't they have guns?"

Kurama Gaki played with the pistols confiscated from the three people just now. These police officers were not equipped with guns on board. "It's impossible to expect those kids to subdue the mercenary group outside, right? "

Several police officers looked at each other and took the guns handed to them by Karasuma Gaki.

The style of the people in the Neon Metropolitan Police Department in Detective Con is very different from that of the police department where Bourbon works. The Metropolitan Police Department is always indecisive and always expects to arrest criminals, make them do labor and then change themselves, and they also expect the same from thugs.

The Neon Public Security Bureau on Bourbon's side is different. Sometimes they will do anything to achieve their goals.

It is not convenient for Karasuma Gaki to take action directly, but he can play a supporting role.

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