Conan learned that the other party had 7 people, all fully equipped and wrapped up.

"Don't move!" The door of the lounge was opened, and Officer Nakamori and one of his subordinates were brought in by a man wrapped up in a full body with a shotgun at his waist.

Another bearded man with a gun in his hand slowly walked in from behind him, and turned around and smiled maliciously, "How did you find the ampoule?"

Officer Nakamori and his subordinates went to the clinic and found that the waitress's hands were tied to the bed and her mouth was blocked by a cloth, while Fujioka Takamichi was nowhere to be seen.

The two immediately went out to look for Fujioka, but ran into the group of people while looking for them, and they were brought to the lounge with guns.

After opening the gate, Fujioka Takamichi took a detour and hid. As the boss of this hijacking, he needed to command in the dark.

Now he had to command his people arranged in the dark, pay attention to that group of people, especially the young master Karasuma, who was a troublesome person, and if possible, it would be best to get rid of him first.

Kidd is also a troublesome person. It is not known whether Kidd has sneaked into the airship.

He had put sleeping pills in Maori Kogoro's beer and he should be sleeping soundly now. Maori Ran, who is full of fighting power, was touched on the arm by his hand with raw lacquer. When she gets angry, she will think that she is infected by shark bacteria and she will not be a problem person.

As long as these troublesome people are dealt with, the probability of their hijacking the ship will be higher.

"Kimura Frost." The four people stood very close and were frozen by Karasuma Gaki. He and Yukimura stepped forward quickly and unloaded the guns carried by the men. Karasuma Gaki broke the wrists of the two people.

"Kacha" sounded, and the scalps of several people at the scene were numb. The three police officers looked dumbfounded. They seemed to be nothing, not as good as the two teenagers. Even the guns were still held by them.

The effect of Jinura Frost ended, and the four people thawed. The two men felt a sharp pain and knelt on the ground wailing.

The three police officers reacted and threw the man down. The two men with broken hands endured the pain and fought with the three police officers. Atobe joined the fight and helped them subdue the two men.

"What's wrong? What happened?" A member of the mercenary group who went to the guest room to check if there was anyone heard the boss's scream when he was about to come back to report, and ran into the lounge with a gun.

When he came in, Karasuma Gaki turned around and shot without hesitation, aiming at his wrist. This group of people were too well-equipped. Without taking off the hood, hitting the wrist was the weakest and most effective. Fortunately, his shooting was accurate.

The other party was hit in the wrist, but still wanted to shoot Karasuma Gaki. He was psychologically controlled by Yukimura and stopped the action. Yukimura took off the other party's hood and knocked him unconscious. Suzuki Sonoko and Xiaolan and Kidd, who was disguised as a male waiter, tied him up together.

Ten or so guns were found from the three people. Kidd also found the remote control for detonating the bomb from the boss and gave the remote control to Suzuki Jirokichi.

There were four more mercenaries outside. The microphone on their boss made a "beep, beep" sound. Wu Wanyuan turned around and smiled at the man, releasing Angel Eyes, "Call your gourd dolls one by one."

The mercenary boss controlled by Angel Eyes turned on the microphone, "Report the situation."

"Cat F, has taken control of the cockpit."

"Cat D, has taken control of the kitchen."

"Cat C, has taken control of the sky observatory."

"Cat C, bring the people from the sky observatory to the lounge." The mercenary boss with dilated pupils ordered into the microphone.

"Ah?" The other party seemed stunned, this seemed different from what they had planned before.

"Execute immediately!" The boss was controlled by Wu Wanyuan to give the order, and after hearing the other party's yes, he turned off the microphone of the microphone.

What is called Cat ABC? Wu Wanyuan squatted in front of the boss and grinned, more like a robber than a robber, and the temperament of the originally sunny and beautiful boy became a little evil.

Officer Nakamori was still a little confused, but he also cooperated with Karasuma Gaki and squatted beside the door of the lounge.

Cat C held the four bodyguards of the observation deck hostage with a gun and came to the lounge. He walked behind the four people. When he stepped into the lounge, Atobe launched the "Ice World".

Cat C, who was frozen in place and unable to move, was pounced on and pressed down by several police officers. Some were responsible for covering his mouth, and some were responsible for stripping his clothes, and they hurriedly removed the weapons on his body.

The kitchen was not far from the lounge, but several mercenaries were wearing heavy hoods and could not hear these small movements. He heard the gunshot just now and thought it was the boss who fired to deter the group of people.

After tying up Cat C, Huiyuan Ai brought news from Conan that they had dismantled the bombs.

Continue to tie up the other catsThey called them one by one to solve the problem, and seized a lot of guns. The young detectives also returned to the lounge from the cabin.

Officer Nakamori and his men took guns and went to find Fujioka Takamichi. They found him in a guest room and took him to the lounge to be detained with the mercenaries.

Fujioka Takamichi didn't know what happened until he was caught. He hadn't received any news from his men since just now.

He thought his men didn't read the news, and no one answered the call to the boss of the mercenary group. Although he was confused, he was very confident in his plan, so he didn't care and waited for a reply in the guest room.

His plan was foolproof. No one would not be afraid when seeing the ampoule and his symptoms. The shark man's bacterial mortality rate was 80%, so the group of people could only obey.

And the mercenaries were fully equipped, why did it develop like this?

"Thanks to you, otherwise we would be miserable!" The TV producer scratched his arms and palms and thanked Karasuma Gaki and others. He had just gone to the smoking room and touched the sofa armrests. Now he has an allergic reaction and it itches all the time.

"You are really young and promising! Sonoko! You should find a boyfriend like them in the future!" Suzuki Jirokichi laughed and patted Sonoko on the shoulder.

"Uncle, I have a boyfriend!" Suzuki Sonoko rolled her eyes. Her mother told her not to find a boyfriend like Karasuma Gaki.

"Ah? Oh, then bring him to your parents when you have time. Your boyfriend."

"I will find time to bring him to my parents."

Suzuki Jirokichi pulled a chair and sat next to Karasuma Gaki and others, "What are those things of yours? Superpowers?"

"Haha, old man Suzuki, these are the tricks we use when playing on the court. I may not be able to explain them to you clearly." Karasuma Gaki smiled and didn't want to explain to him, "If you are curious, you can go watch more tennis games."

"Oh, that's it." It means that playing tennis can also develop superpowers. Although he is 72 years old, he is still strong and can still play tennis.

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