The two returned to the hotel and met Kirihara and Niou in the lobby. Seeing the two, Kirihara ran over. The two had no game today and had just returned from the training ground.

"Minister Yukimura! Senior Gaki! Did you just come back?" Niou slowly followed Kirihara. Kirihara had just pestered him about the rocket launcher, but he didn't say anything.

Yukimura nodded with a smile.

"Akaye, come to our room." Karasuma Gaki continued to walk forward, and Niou followed them to the room.

"Akaye, um..." I don't know how to communicate with the little fool.

"That's right, my family has a special profession. If you are interested, I can tell you about it." Karasuma Gaki chose his words carefully.

"Special profession? Sniper... sniper?" Kirihara, who suddenly became smart, suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Karasuma Gaki raised his eyebrows. Is the boy so smart? "Yeah."

"Snipers are only responsible for sniping. Generally, when going on a mission, the person in charge of the action team will set the sniping location, inform the sniper of the mission target, and assign a partner to the sniper. The sniper only needs to be responsible for shooting." Karasuma Gaki directly talked about the responsibilities of the sniper.

"Uh... Senior, your family's business sounds quite... awesome. Is it the Yakuza?" Kirihara was a little confused.

Karasuma Gaki blinked and licked his lips. He suddenly felt that he was deceiving a child, but he had done countless immoral things a long time ago.

"Hmm~ Do it together? Akaya?" Karasuma Gaki winked at him, in a tone of coaxing a child, "A lot of commissions."

Kirihara turned his head and looked at Minister Yukimura and Senior Niou, who had no reaction to Senior Gaki saying that his family was the Yakuza. He realized later that Senior Niou had said before that he played with rocket launchers.

Minister Yukimura must have played with it too.

Under Karasuma Gaki's coaxing, Kirihara dazedly entered the information, "So I am a member of the Yakuza?"

Kirihara, who was still squinting, felt that his head was a mess.

Karasuma Gaki rubbed his head and tricked him in. Kirihara's attributes might be a bit like Chianti. He would find him a reliable partner.

"Don't spread it. Don't tell your family and Sakamoto." Karasuma Gaki reminded him.

"Okay." Kirihara went to the hotel lounge to rest. His game was tomorrow, and he would go to the stadium to continue training later.

"You're not planning to bring all of us into the organization, are you?" Niou looked at Karasuma Gaki, "Who was that junior high school girl we caught last time?"

"MI6 agent, Akai Mary, 52 years old." Karasuma Gaki leaned back on the sofa with his right arm behind his head, "No, at least I won't let Genichirō know any news."

"Tsk, that guy Sanada, what if he knew about it." Niou pouted, as if thinking about what would happen if Sanada knew about it, and emphasized his tone, "Absolutely can't let him know." He didn't care about the 52-year-old junior high school girl at all.

Yukimura smiled slightly and nodded. Genichirō really couldn't know about it.

After Niou got the code name, he was as idle as Vermouth. Although he always shouted about salary and remuneration, he didn't spend much money.

It has to be said that for him, joining the organization was the right choice.

However, his current treasury is more than his father's ten-year salary. He used his own money to buy a single-family villa in Kanagawa, which was arranged by Karasuma Gaki.

"Let's go." He stood up and left Karasuma Gaki's room. Niou guessed that they had another mission.

After Niou left, Karasuma Gaki began to discuss the plan with Yukimura.

Only the identity of the director of MI6 was public. He needed to grasp his whereabouts first, tied him up, and pretended to be him. He planned to enter the headquarters to directly obtain all the information.

People like them do not use ordinary mobile phones.

They must scout and track.

Karasuma Gaki took out a fly-like thing that was only the size of a little finger. Yukimura lowered his head and looked closely at the "fly" in his palm, "What is this?"

"A drone with a high-definition camera and positioning system, very useful, but... the battery life is not very good, the battery can only last for 24 hours." If he fails to track down the whereabouts of the person within 24 hours, he will have to release another one before the battery runs out to replace the previous one...

This is a newly developed product developed by Karasuma Gaki with the assistance of "Noah's Ark 2" and the research and development direction provided by Conti and Ice Wine. This product is not on the market and is only for internal senior personnel.

The drone is small in size and can fly at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. It can be faster, but it consumes more energy. This speed is completely sufficient in the city.

When the drone arrived at the MI6 headquarters building, it did not attract any attention.The technology of this era was not enough to make them think of such a small and sophisticated technology.

He entered the building quietly, found the office of Director J, and stopped above the door of the office, quietly waiting for the owner of the office to appear.

The image sent back by the drone was clear and no one passed by the door.

The image was transmitted to another handheld computer of Karasuma Gaki. He and Yukimura took turns staring at the computer every four hours for more than 20 hours, but still no one appeared. Although the two took turns to rest, dark circles were still clearly visible on their fair faces.

"I think... we should do the task together..." Yukimura stared at the computer in front of him, and Karasuma Gaki sat beside him staring at another one. It was now the drone shift time.

Yukimura stared at Fly No. 1 who was on his way back, while Karasuma Gaki sat on another sofa and stared at Fly No. 2 who was lying on the door frame again, "That makes sense... We have to make money together to be good brothers..."

"Before, in Italy, I stayed up for more than 50 hours with Gin and Vermouth, and didn't sleep all the time. I ran around and confiscated the weapons depot the whole time, but I was not as tired as today." Karasuma Gaki stared at the computer puzzled, "Why is that?"

"Maybe because, in those more than 50 hours, you have been gaining something and looking forward to it, so you are in an excited state, which is different from today's boring task of just staring at the computer and gaining nothing..." Yukimura also felt that the task of stalking was really boring.

"This task should be handed over to the intelligence team... Why let us do it..." Yukimura said that it was not their task, but his eyes still did not move away from the computer. The drone flew all the way back. Although the probability of encountering the mission target was very small, he still had to stare at it.

It was past two in the afternoon. Karasuma Gaki called Bunta, "Bunta, come to my room... Come alone, I'm dying"

"Ah——?! I'll be there right away!" Bunta received the call and it was Karasuma Gaki's weak voice that called off the next training match with Jiro.

He packed up his things and left the stadium and headed straight to the hotel, "What's going on? I haven't seen Agaki and Seiichi since yesterday. Have they been staying in the hotel room? I'm dying... Could it be... Shit..."

He ran as soon as he got out of the car and came to the door of the room. Bunta took a few deep breaths, rang the doorbell, and waited for the door to open. Bunta swallowed unconsciously and his heartbeat accelerated. It couldn't be what he thought.

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