Yukimura went to open the door, and before Bunta could see the person clearly, he was dragged into the room by Yukimura, and the door was closed with a "snap".

"Huh?!" Entering the room, he saw Karasuma Gaki lying on the sofa with his head resting on the armrest of the sofa, his legs hanging on the armrest on the other side, his head tilted to the side, motionless, and a tablet was placed on the table in front of him. Bunta was stunned for two seconds and breathed a sigh of relief.

He said it was impossible.

"What are you doing?" He looked up at Yukimura who pulled him to sit down, "Hey, Jingshi, why are your eyes swollen? What's wrong with the dark circles under your eyes..."

"Bunta, this is it, there is a mission that needs your assistance." Yukimura held the tablet, and the drone had entered the street of the hotel and was about to arrive, so he didn't have to watch it for the time being.

He took out a photo from the back of the tablet's protective cover. "The organization issued an order, and we are executing it. However, we found that our strength alone is not enough to complete it, so we need your help. It just so happens that your competition ended yesterday."

"Okay, what is the mission?" So far, Bunta has only received training and has not participated in the mission.

Karasuma Gaki still lay there motionless like a corpse, only blinking occasionally to let people know that he is still alive.

"This is the mission target. The mission content is to stare at the computer image. If this person appears, control the drone to track this person." Yukimura looked at the image in his hand and it was already the door of the room. He stood up and opened the door to let the drone in.

The route of the drone from the MI6 headquarters to the hotel room was fixed by Karasuma Gaki and did not need to be controlled. If the camera captured the mission target, it would require manual control to track him.

Wuwan Yuan finally made a move. He gave his computer to Yukimura, "Ashi, you keep an eye on this one. I'll charge it and teach Wen Tai how to operate it."

Yukimura took over the computer and continued his boring task. It doesn't matter. He will be able to rest soon. When the Niou and Yagyu games are over, they will have more people to replace and take turns.

Wuwan Yuan stood up and controlled 'Fly No. 1' to fall into his palm. Wen Tai then noticed the fly, "Huh! There is another thing here? I was wondering why Jing Shi opened the door just now?"

Wuwan Yuan stretched out his right index finger, tapped the tail of the fly, and carefully released the power of thunder.

The god in charge of thunder, Sikong Zhen's aura [Power of Thunder] consumes mental power to use.

The size of the released power is controlled by Wuwan Yuan himself. He can exhaust his mental power to release thunder and lightning that is more powerful than the power of [Thunderbolt], or he can carefully consume only a little mental power to release current to charge the drone.

However, Wu Wan Yuan did not try to exhaust his mental power to release it. As for why he knew that the power was stronger than [Thunderbolt], it was introduced by Brother Sikong himself.

Thunderbolt can make him blow up the streets. Within a radius of three kilometers, he can kill anyone who is marked as an enemy and empty his mana.

Thunder God reincarnated.

If he didn't want to be too high-profile, he would stand at the MI6 headquarters and release a [Thunderbolt] to kill a group of people, and people would not be able to find him and think he was punished by heaven.

No matter if he is the target of the mission or not, as long as they get confused, even if his target is not dead, it will be a huge blow to MI6.

One person is an army, but he likes to play together.

Even if he does the mission with Yukimura and others, the steps will be more complicated and countless plans need to be made, but he really doesn't want to complete all the tasks alone, which will make him feel boring and meaningless.

He has everything and can do anything easily. If he is still alone, he thinks that one day he will die because of this boring life.

After charging, the controller was given to Bunta, "Try to control it."

Bunta controlled the eight directions, and Karasuma Gaki commanded which direction to go. After he became more proficient, Yukimura gave him the computer, "Bunta, I'll take over in four hours. If the mission target appears, you wake us up immediately."

"Uh, okay." After taking the computer, the picture inside seemed to be a corridor, without any movement, and the camera rotated and adjusted the direction from time to time to observe the surroundings.

Bunta wanted to cry...

He knew why Yukimura and Karasuma Gaki's eyes were swollen.

What kind of a ghost J chief, has he not returned to the office to work for so long? Did he go fishing?

Under the attack of Bunta's red eyes, Karasuma Gaki called Mu Shou, who also finished the competition on the first day...

"Qitian Lie too?!" Bunta had no idea.

"He was earlier than you." Four people were keeping watch, and the rest time could finally be extended.

"Why? It can't be because of that beach volleyball game... Why did you go to him first instead of me?" Wen Tai was not convinced.

"Because heDespicable." Karasuma Yuan confessed honestly.

"... I'll take it as you're praising me... Next time please don't praise me like that in front of me. I still have a few questions about the organization, and I hope you can answer them for me." After being surprised, Mu Shou began to ask questions, "How do I apply for a code name?"

"I admire your ambition!" Karasuma Yuan gave Mu Shou a thumbs up, "Wait for me to send you a game cabin in a while, and we'll train in the game by then. When you're almost done practicing, I'll recommend it to you. "

After he defeated Sindora, the company's stock price plummeted and was acquired by his family. Now the largest shareholder of Sindora is Karasuma Group.

After the launch conference, the promotion of the original game "Cocoon" was stopped and the game was not spread among the masses.

He and Noah's Ark retained the five copies of the original "Cocoon" game, and added "Canyon Battlefield" and "Exciting Battlefield", as well as a "training ground" specially built for organizational training.

The speed of time in the game world is different from that in the real world. One hour in reality is equivalent to 12 hours in the game time. This is the speed of time that Noah's Ark has revised. .

The "training ground" is only for members of the organization to enter. It is a special account issued by Wu Wanyuan. Of course, the special account can also be used to play games to meet the psychological entertainment needs of members.

It took Wu Wanyuan three months to create the "Canyon Battlefield" and "Stimulating Battlefield". He usually carved and manufactured them with Noah's Ark whenever he had time.

Noah's Ark tried it for a week and said it was very interesting.

The training ground was opened by Noah's Ark according to his request.

Now it's all done, the game warehouse can be put on the market again and start running.

This game is re-released by Sindorah Company.

"What is the game warehouse?" Wen Tai looked curious. He only knew about handheld games and online games...

"It will be delivered to your house at that time, equipped with a month's worth of nutrient solution. One tube of nutrient solution can maintain reality for 24 hours." Wu Wanyuan blinked at him, and couldn't help but pinch his cheek.

"Oh, okay. "Bunta was not annoyed and let him pinch her. It didn't hurt anyway.

The four of them stayed in the room and stared at each other for another whole day. During the break, Bunta and Mu Te went back to their rooms.

When "Fly" changed shifts again, Bunta suggested that the Niou game was over and they should call everyone to join in. "Hasn't he always claimed that he is the future leader of the intelligence team?"

"I agree." Yukimura nodded, "There is strength in numbers. Let's call Birusi as well. There are no games in the near future. We can make up for the training in these two days later. We can also adjust to a 2-hour rotation."

4 hours was too painful. He felt that his eyesight had deteriorated in just two days.

"Okay." More and more people came.

After five days, there was finally movement at the door of the office.

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