"Do you know the reason?" Gin asked him after reading the report. Did the boss use his body for experiments?

Karasuma Gaki blinked and said nothing. You wouldn't understand even if I told you.

Gin didn't ask again and sent the two back home.

Karasuma Gaki returned to school the next day. During the morning training, the tennis club surrounded him. They wanted to touch him but didn't dare to. Maori stared at him with red eyes, "I'm sorry, A-Gaki"

"I'm fine, Maori-senpai, it has nothing to do with you." Karasuma Gaki patted his arm. It was too coincidental. He was attacked while practicing and was scared.

"Then are you okay?" Maori stretched out his hand and gently placed the back of his hand on Karasuma Gaki's forehead. He didn't know how to see if his body was okay. He would only subconsciously touch his forehead to see if it was hot.

"I'm very healthy. Alas, that fainting was really... coincidence." The dead world consciousness was stingy.

"Mauri-senpai, A-Gaki is fine." There may be some things he is not convenient to say.

The morning training was a normal warm-up run. Maori followed behind Karasuma Daiyu the whole time, fearing that the delicate boy would faint again.

Back in the classroom, several classmates came to him during the break to show their concern, "Karasuka, are you okay?"

The rescue team brought by Cognac was very large. At that time, most of the club activities had ended, and most of the students had left the school. Some students who had not left saw it.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern." Karasuma Gaki responded politely.

"Agaki, are you...backfired by magic?" After everyone dispersed, Wenta leaned on his desk and asked him softly.

"No, don't ask." Karasuma Gaki reached out and rubbed his soft red hair.

"If you feel unwell, you must tell me!" Niou leaned on the table behind him, holding Karasuma Gaki's shoulder with his right hand.

"I know, really, I'm not that weak! I'll beat you up in the afternoon!" Karasuma Gaki raised his fist and waved at the two people who treated him as sick.

In the afternoon club activities, no one played practice matches with Karasuma Gaki. Even Kirihara, who challenged them every day before, did not challenge him. He focused on practicing with Sakamoto.

"Aka! Come and play with me!"

"No! Karasuma senior, I'm afraid I'll beat you to vomit blood!" He was really scared that day!

Sakamoto touched Kirihara's head, idiot.

Karasuma Gaki was about to vomit blood because of his stupid junior.

"They excluded me!" Karasuma Gaki complained to Yukimura with grievance.

"I'll play with you." Yukimura took the racket and turned his head to signal.

Karasuma Gaki's mental attack was ineffective against Yukimura, and Yukimura's mental strength was not as high as Karasuma Gaki. The two relied purely on basic tennis and skills to fight, and Karasuma Gaki lost 5-7.

"Agaki's body must not have recovered yet. He didn't even use the pentagram." Bunta, Niou, Yagyu and Kirihara put their heads together and discussed in a low voice.

"Is it because of the last time he vomited blood?" Bunta guessed.

"Or is it that it can't be used?" Niou wondered, "It's unlikely. Agaki's mental power is still so strong. I can feel it."

"According to my observation, Karasuma senior's mental attack is ineffective against Minister Yukimura." Sakamoto made an analysis behind Kirihara.

Several people stood up and surrounded Sakamoto, "How did you observe that?"

"This is my secret skill, which cannot be explained." Sakamoto held his glasses and said mysteriously.


"It's time to start today's training. I and Kirihara-kun will go first." Sakamoto picked up Kirihara and walked towards Yukimura, throwing Kirihara to Yukimura.

Turned to find Yanagi.

After being forced to love Karasuma Gaki, everyone finally believed that he was not weak, but still the strong Karasuma Gaki before.

The election meeting.

"In the regional qualifiers and the county tournament, three regular players will play, and the rest will be semi-regular players. The order will be determined by drawing lots." The junior high school team tennis tournament of the new year has begun again, and the mascot of the Rikkai University tennis club has returned.

"The regular players will draw first, and the one with a number will be the one to play."

Karasuma Gaki drew an empty slip of paper, and the one next to Niou was also empty.

Niou stood on tiptoe and looked at the slip in Mori's hand, 1.

Doubles 2: Yagyu Hiroshi, Sakamoto

Doubles 1: Marui Bunta, Inui Sadaharu

Singles 3: Kirihara Akaya

Singles 2: Yanagi Renji

Singles 1: Mori Jusaburo

The first round of the tournament will be full of five games.

The elite group of gentlemen in doubles 2, the cooperation effect is really good.

"Secret Technique: Repetition Side Step"

"Eh? What's the stop in rap?" Kirihara Akaya, who is not good at English, didn't hear what his friend said. Looking at Sakamoto jumping back and forth on the court, he was full of questions.

"Repetition Side Step"tep, repeated horizontal jumps. "Inui Sadaharu translated for the not-so-smart junior.

"He is creating a strong air convection vortex through high-speed repeated horizontal jumps to affect the trajectory of the ball and confuse the opponent at the same time." Liu and Sakamoto's brain circuits seemed to be connected. It should be said that he is worthy of being the child he takes care of. He understands the child and made the above explanation for his behavior.

Yagyu played perfect defense in the backcourt, watching the junior who attracted everyone's attention in the frontcourt. I heard that Sakamoto attracted attention when he entered school and it was easy to become the focus.

Win the game perfectly with 6-0.

"Sakamoto, great!" The net front technique is very good. When repeatedly jumping horizontally, he can also accurately return the ball to score.

"Thanks to the perfect defense of Liusheng senior. "Sakamoto held his glasses with his left hand, and his right hand slung the racket across his waist. His beautiful eyes under the glasses stared at his partner and praised him.

The gentleman and the elite admired and praised each other, and returned to their partners/friends.

Liu opened his notebook and wrote down the eye-catching temperament in his gestures on Sakamoto's page.

The doubles genius and the doctor were also thin gauze. In less than 15 minutes, they heard, "game, set, and match, Rikkai University 6-0!"

"Sakamoto, watch carefully, I'm going to play! I will definitely win the game in 14 minutes!" Kirihara Akaya held the racket with both hands behind his back. He, Kirihara Akaya's debut game, will definitely win beautifully!

"Kirihara-kun can do it. "Sakamoto adjusted his glasses with a calm expression.

With the trust of his friends, Kirihara went on the court confidently.

There were indeed no strong opponents in the regional qualifiers. Kirihara easily won the game with 6-0, and successfully completed the flag he set, and was praised by Minister Yukimura.

Yanagi and Maori also won the game quickly and broke the time record of Kirihara.

"I will definitely break the record again! "Rikkai University's first-year ace Kirihara Akaya never gives up.

Rikkai University has always played with four semi-contestants and three random contestants in the regional qualifiers and county competitions, and won all the games with 6-0, and the game time has been getting shorter and shorter.

Among the semi-contestants of Rikkai University, Kirihara Akaya has the most training. His foundation is not solid enough, so the amount of training arranged is even greater.

Of course, there are also reasons that he was punished for extra training for talking back to the deputy director, or was tricked by Niou senior to extra training.

Sakamoto would quietly wait for Kirihara, his stupid classmate and neighbor, to finish training, and sometimes he would accompany him to extra training, and after training, he would drag the dehydrated seaweed home.

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