After the county tournament, it was already late June, and the Kanto tournament started in mid-July.

The summer vacation of Rikkai University Affiliated Middle School starts in early July and starts on September 1.

This weekend, 12 players from the tennis club gathered in the spacious library of the Karasuma Gaki family, oh no, the study.

Yagyu sat on the leather sofa and read a mystery novel for a while, it was a collector's edition! Niou leaned on his shoulder to play games.

Bunta, Kuwabara, and Mori were leaning on the sofa on the other side to play with their mobile phones, and from time to time they tasted the snacks that Uncle Ling asked the servants to prepare. They were so delicious! (๑´ڡ`๑)

Yukimura stood under a wall with murals and admired the art works.

Before entering the house, Sakamoto greeted Karasuma Rin who was waiting at the door, "I am Karasuma Senior's junior, my name is Sakamoto. I apologize for disturbing you. It's just a small gift, not a token of respect."

Then he took out a box of smooth and beautiful pebbles of different colors from his schoolbag, bowed and handed it to Karasuma Rin, "Please accept the pebble gift box."

Everyone in the tennis club, including Karasuma Rin himself, was shocked by Sakamoto's smooth and complete etiquette and didn't know what to do.

This was Sakamoto's first visit, and his etiquette was perfect. When everyone in the tennis club first visited Karasuma Rin's house, they all brought small gifts, but not as formal as Sakamoto.

After arriving at the study, Sakamoto, who was still a junior high school student, couldn't help jumping up and down. In his own words, "I am observing the classification of books in the study."

Qian found a recipe manual for nutrient juice on the bookshelf and was leaning against the bookshelf to read it with relish, recording it in his notebook from time to time, with a smile that looked like a pervert on his face.

Kirihara sat in front of the desk, surrounded by Vice Minister Sanada, whom he feared the most, and Senior Yanagi, who was the most gentle to him, "Akaya! I asked you to copy the words a hundred times! I mean the correct words! I didn't ask you to copy the words you wrote wrong a hundred times!"

"Bang!" Sanada yelled and gave Kirihara an iron fist. A pink bag slowly emerged on the top of his fluffy head. Tears welled up in Kirihara's eyes and he held his head with both hands, "It hurts o>_<o, Vice Minister Sanada!"

"Genichiro, don't hit his head." He was not smart to begin with, and hitting him even dumber would only increase the difficulty of their teaching. Kirihara couldn't help but get red in the eyes and leaned into Yanagi's arms.

Yanagi touched his head, "Akaya, memorize these words and copy them 50 times."

"Okay! I'll try hard!" Kirihara started copying while lying on the table.

"Genichiro, try to speak to him gently, how about that?" Yanagi confirmed that the words copied by Xiaokai were correct, and looked up and suggested to Sanada.

Sanada (`д′), "gentle...?"

"Akaya, you can't copy the wrong words, you have to copy the correct ones!" ლ(╹ε╹ლ) Sanada said to Akaya gently.

Kirihara shook off the goose bumps on his body, "I know! Deputy Minister, you're so long-winded!"

"Akaya!" Sanada's face darkened, and he raised his hand. He remembered Yanagi's words not to hit the head, and poked Kirihara's face with his finger, "Write quickly!"

After finishing the test paper that Yanagi and Sanada had made for him, Kirihara wanted to stand up, take a break, and go read comics. He saw the bookshelf in the comics section over there! Sanada held his shoulder and said, "Next is math, Niou."

Niou couldn't help but shudder when he was called.

How did Akaya get into Rikkai University? How could someone fail all subjects?

Yagyu and Sakamoto were in charge of Kirihara's physics and chemistry. Kirihara scratched his head and couldn't understand it. They could only let him memorize the questions and remember the answers.

Sakamoto, who got full marks in all subjects, couldn't help but sigh. Akaya's brain was like a single-celled organism and it was difficult to teach.

After careful irrigation by the seniors of the top students and the god of exams, Sakamoto, Kirihara Akaya passed the final exam in July safely.

"Then can I also play in the Kanto Tournament?" Kirihara Akaya stared at Yukimura with a dull look.

"If you can pull a senior into the main selection in the main selection, you can also play in the national finals~" Yukimura smiled and looked at him and made promises.

"National finals! I will definitely defeat you and become the main selection! I will play in the national competition!"

The main selection qualifiers before the Kanto Conference, the final members of the main selection are still unchanged.

The day before the Kanto Conference, the system told him that the protagonist halo of Detective Conan had been weakened a little.

Kudo puppet does not have the halo of the god of death, and will not die wherever he goes. In the past few months, he has hardly encountered any cases. When he encounters a case scene, Kudo Shinichi... is there.

After he knew that the person who fed him the medicine had been killed by his enemy, he began to act as a detective unscrupulously as a primary school student. The power of the god of death is still sufficient, and he will die wherever he goes.

Recently, the limelight of high school student detective Kudo Shinichi has been taken over by the elementary school studentThe young detectives have been snatched up by the Junior Detectives.

[Your Kudo puppet is in trouble, because Kudo Shinji used the skateboard given to him by Dr. Agasa to run around, and he would rush to anything he thought was suspicious.

He also caused a lot of traffic accidents. In order to save him, the Kudo puppet was hit and flew out in front of Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, and the Junior Detectives. It's in trouble, although he won't be in trouble even if he doesn't need to be saved.]

This is the order from Karasuma Gaki, to find an opportunity, and it would be best if you can take the opportunity to discredit the original owner.

[The protagonist group's trust or favorability towards him will also weaken the protagonist's halo, right? ]

[Yes, and I found that his halo will slowly accumulate again by solving cases, but it is very slow. ]

[Damn it! I poisoned him to silence him! ]

The Kudo couple received the bad news of their son's death not long after returning to America, and Kudo Yukiko fainted on the spot.

Rushing back to Neon, her son died to save another reckless son. Why didn't he who came from another world die? "Is he really our son?"

Kudo Yukiko cried in Kudo Yusaku's arms, and couldn't help wondering whether this child who had been causing trouble since coming to their house was really their child. Shinichi wasn't so reckless when he was a child.

Before the main storyline was opened, the halo of the god of death was not so effective. Although Kudo Shinichi occasionally encountered cases, it was not as frequent as later, so he didn't show his reckless personality when he encountered cases.

Now that cases are frequent, his reckless personality is fully displayed!

Kudo Yusaku took a deep breath, suppressed his sadness, and patted her back to comfort his wife.

At Kudo Shinichi's funeral, his friends, classmates, teachers, and even Inspector Megure came to mourn.

Kudo Shinji is a child adopted by the Kudo family. Suzuki Sonoko and Maori Ran hugged each other and cried. Their childhood friend had passed away. Sonoko, who didn't like people with arrogant personalities, couldn't help but feel resentful towards this trouble-making child.

The people around him who were supposed to be his supporters were dissatisfied and resentful of him.

After burying Kudo Shinichi, the Kudo puppet dissipated.

After all, the Kudo couple couldn't bear to blame the child who was genetically their blood.

Maori Kogoro was given 10 million in child support and asked him to help take care of Kudo Shinji, and the two returned to America.

Before, Kudo Shinichi and Maori Ran had always taken care of Shinji, and Maori Ran mostly came to help.

At the moment when Kudo Shinichi was blown away, she felt dizzy and her heartbeat accelerated, as if she had lost something important.

Until that moment, she realized that she seemed to like Shinichi, but it was too late.

Kudo Shinji is now staying at the Mori family. Xiaolan can't say she hates this child, but her attitude towards him has changed a lot.

She used to think that this child looked like Shinichi's cute little brother when he was a child, but now he has become a disobedient child.

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