A group of teenagers played in the woods until the evening. Maori was caught by Yukimura on a tree. He hit a ball towards Maori lying on a thick tree trunk. Hearing the sound of breaking air, Maori quickly picked up the racket on his body, stood up and returned the ball, and jumped down the tree.

"Oh! Little Minister!" Maori retreated while returning the ball, looking at Sanada, Yagyu, Oshitari, Sakamoto, and Kabaji behind Yukimura, "It seems that you have experienced a melee."

"Mori-senpai, let's go to the gym for extra training after dinner!" Yukimura seized Maori's sense of touch, knocked his racket away, and retracted his mental power. Maori pouted, but still couldn't escape.

Yukimura led a few people all the way back to the villa and didn't meet anyone else. Atobe and Yanagi, Bunta, and Jiro were late. Except for Yukimura, Karasuma Gaki, and Atobe, who didn't need extra training, the others had to train.

"Tezuka, how could you?" Tezuka blushed when he was called by Karasuma Gaki. He was deceived by Qian and Niou. "Ah! I was careless."

After dinner, although there was no need for extra training, Yukimura and Atobe were still training with everyone. "Agaki, you lazy guy." Atobe held the barbell and glanced at Karasuma Gaki leaning against the wall. He really didn't plan to do extra training.

Karasuma Gaki shrugged. He told Atobe's housekeeper to set up the necessary props in the woods, turned around and left the gym to check.


On the other side, Kudo Shinji and the Juvenile White Give Group also found the underground passage in the evening. "Huh? Shinji, there is a staircase going down here!" Mitsuhiko stood in front of the underground passage and called Kudo Shinji.

Kudo Shinji observed the growth of the surrounding grass and the shallow footprints left on the stairs. "Someone has been here recently, and it may be today. There may still be someone down there."

This treasure trove may be dangerous. "Don't move up there. I'll go down and take a look!" Even though he knew there was danger, he still couldn't control his curiosity as a detective.

Kudo Shinji walked down the stairs cautiously with his short legs and carefully entered the underground space. It was dark and there seemed to be no one. He turned on the light of his watch and there was indeed no one, only a wooden box.

"Ah! Genta!" Ayumi's terrified scream suddenly came from above, "Ah! Let me go!"

It was the two suspicious men who had just met in the woods. One of them held Ayumi hostage and pointed a gun at Kudo Shinji, "Now, give me that box!"

Kudo Shinji narrowed his eyes, turned around and picked up the box, "Uncle, I'll give you this box, don't kill me!" He squatted down and turned on the button on his foot, "Hold your head!"

Ayumi was startled, stopped crying, and held her head with both hands. Kudo Shinji kicked the box towards the man's head, and the man was directly kicked unconscious. Ayumi She was thrown out and rolled twice, "Ah! It hurts!"

Ayumi got up with tears in her eyes. Kudo Shinji picked up the box and ran to Ayumi, "Ayumi, are you okay?"

"It hurts! Shinji, Genta was knocked unconscious by them with a shovel, and Mitsuhiko was held hostage by another man, and he is still upstairs! I'm so scared!" Kudo Shinji comforted her, "Don't be afraid! I'll go up first and you follow me."

Kudo Shinji carried the box up the steps and stuck his head out, "Uncle down there, let me give you this!" The other man standing upstairs, his eyes lit up, and his greedy expression was clearly revealed.

He pushed Mitsuhiko away and rushed over. Kudo Shinji lowered his body, turned on the switch of his shoes, kicked the box towards the man, and knocked him unconscious.

Ayumi and Shinji quickly ran to the ground, Mitsuhiko climbed up by himself, and the three surrounded the knocked-out Genta, who was covered in blood. "Genta (Ĭ ^ Ĭ), wake up, don't die, woo woo woo"

"He's not dead, he's in a coma now, we have to carry him down the mountain, find the doctor quickly, and take Genta to the hospital!" Kudo Shinji, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi carried Genta to the tent where Dr. Agasa was stationed with difficulty. He just noticed that the treasure destination was not far from the doctor's tent.

In order to carry Genta down the mountain as soon as possible, they gave up the wooden box.

Dr. Agasa quickly packed up and rushed to the hospital with a few children.

The system told Karasuma Gaki what happened there.

[Knowing that someone has been here, you still want to explore, is this a detective? ]

[You have no curiosity, so you can't be a detective]

[I'm sick, why should I be a detective? 】

[Detectives are the pride of the Detective World]

[Then I will suppress him so that he can't get up]


On the second day of the training camp, the training menu required completion within 5 hours. Sanada got up at 4 o'clock to start his kendo practice and morning jogging. After breakfast, he became the first person to start training today.The person who started training.

He wanted to finish ahead of time, and then do extra training! Kill everyone!

Others got up one after another and started training. A group of people who did not complete the training on time yesterday gritted their teeth and insisted. They could not lose to the people of Rikkai University again today!

"Oshitari, you must be tired, take a break," Niou called Oshitari in a strange tone.

"Niou, are you tired yourself?" Oshitari's harassment of Niou opened the closed heart.

Mukai Gakuto, who had the weakest physical strength, was sweating all over, gritting his teeth and breathing heavily, "I want to persist! Keep training and don't stop!"

Bunta was sandwiched between Jiro and Kuwahara, hugging left and right, what a scumbag!

Everyone completed the training menu in the morning, had lunch, and took a break, "Okay! Let's go to the woods to play games in the afternoon."

"What game?" Kirihara leaned on the sofa, rubbing his round belly due to eating too much, and Bunta next to him did the same thing.

"Let's start at two o'clock. Let's take a break first." You can't exercise right after eating.

At two o'clock, Karasuma Gaki led everyone to the woods. There was a large open space in the woods. There were round wooden stakes one and a half meters high, forming a circle. The range was very large, and one stake was just enough for one person to stand.

"Go up." Karasuma Gaki pointed at the stakes. The boys jumped up easily at a height of one and a half meters.

"Why don't you go up?" Seeing that Karasuma Gaki didn't jump on the stakes, Maori looked around, "Did you prepare less?"

"No, this game is called handkerchief throwing!" Karasuma Gaki walked to the middle of the stakes and took out a tennis ball from his pocket, "I will serve randomly, you can hit each other, or you can hit me. Whoever doesn't receive the ball or is knocked off the stake will replace me to serve in the middle."

"Good! It seems interesting!" Kirihara was excited and kept shaking the racket in his hand, "Senior! Let's start!" He already had a goal! He wanted to knock Niou Senior down!

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