"Okay, Akaya, catch it!" Karasuma Gaki hit the ball to Tezuka, who was one person away from Kirihara.

"!" Tezuka's glasses flashed, and he hit the ball back, the ball flew to Yukimura, and Yukimura hit the ball to Yanagi.

"Hey! Senior is lying!" Kirihara watched the ball flying in front of several people, "Catch it, Kirihara!" Oshitari hit the ball to Kirihara.

Kirihara cracked a bad smile, "Hehe, look at my gravity drive!" The power worked miracles, and the tennis ball flew towards Nioh at a very fast speed.

"Ah~ Akaya, do you hate senior so much? I'm very sad~" Nioh turned into Sanada, and remained stable on the wooden stake, "It's as fast as the wind!" The super-high-speed arc ball flew towards Sanada.

Sanada stood still when Nioh turned into him again, and hit the ball back. Nioh often turned into him, and he was used to it.

"I don't really hate Niou-senpai. Although you always tease me and trick me into extra training, you also play games with me, give me lunch boxes, and tutor me in math. I still like you a lot, hahaha." Kirihara scratched his head to comfort the sad senior.

Mori hit the ball to Karasuma Gaki who was standing in the middle. Karasuma Gaki took out another ball from his pocket and hit two tennis balls to Kabaji.

"Hit both balls at the same time?" Oshitari looked at Karasuma Gaki who hit two balls at the same time. Kabaji tilted his head and hit two balls to Atobe.

"Hmph, two balls are just a piece of cake, right? Kabaji" Atobe easily hit the ball to Inui.


Karasuma Gaki took out three balls and held them in his hand. Yukimura hit two balls to Karasuma Gaki, threw three balls, and hit them at Sakamoto together with the two flying balls.

"Five?!" Mukai Gakuto couldn't help but be surprised. He had no problem with two balls, but could the first-year student at Rikkai University catch five balls?

"Bang-bang-" Sakamoto hit two balls to Feng and three balls to Hiyoshi in two separate times.

Feng successfully caught the ball, and the tennis ball flew towards Shishido. Hiyoshi hit two balls back to Bunta.

There was still one ball, but it hadn't landed yet. Hiyoshi bent forward to save the ball. The ball was saved and flew towards Yanagi, but Hiyoshi didn't stand firmly and fell off the wooden stake.

"Hahaha, then you stand here, Hiyoshi." Karasuma Gaki gave him the five tennis balls in his pocket and jumped onto the wooden stake.

"Okay, Karasuma-senpai." Hiyoshi stood in the middle, watching to see if anyone hit the ball at him.

"Are you all practicing multi-ball matches now?" Atobe asked Yukimura diagonally opposite, and Yukimura smiled slightly.

"How many balls can you hit at most now?" Atobe couldn't help but want to find out, although hitting multiple balls is not very useful in the game now.

The five balls have been divided into three parts and passed back and forth between several people.

"I hit ten balls." Everyone's current tolerance is different. Yukimura feels that there is nothing to hide. This is all the result of their hard training.

"Ten balls?!" It feels that Rikkai University's training is not only heavier than theirs, but also more advanced and...strange. If you want to beat Rikkai University, you have to train harder!

"Then how many balls can Kirihara hit?" Their first-year Sakamoto seems to be able to hit three balls.

"Me? I can also hit six balls!" Kirihara has a sharp ear. When he heard his name, he responded immediately. When he just entered the tennis club, the captain asked him to practice multi-ball confrontation, and he also had to master the accuracy of ball control.

"Also? Who else can hit six balls?" Oshitari hit back two balls and adjusted his glasses, turning to look at Kirihara.

"Sakamoto and Yagyu seniors" are both quasi-selected.

"Hiyoshi, serve two more balls." Atobe planned to let Hyotei's people start practicing multi-ball fighting. Now everyone has no problem fighting two balls.


"Sorry, I bother you..." The boys who were having fun all turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound. The person in the middle had been replaced by Mori. He was hit down by Yukimura. Now the number of balls back and forth has increased to 10.

"Hey! Juzaburo!" The female voice that spoke just now called Mori's name in surprise.

Mori stared at the girl standing at the edge of the woods, "Auntie Lan!" Mori strode in that direction. The boys looked at each other for a few times, paused their fighting movements, jumped off the cylinder, and followed.

Karasuma Gaki: "???" Auntie, Guoer?

He and Yukimura stood side by side, "It's Xiaolan and that kid" Yukimura nodded.

It seems that Mori Senior is really related to Mori Kogoro's family. What kind of generation is this, tsk.

"Auntie Ran, why are you in this forest?" Mao Li walked up to Mao Li Ran, a cousin who was about the same age as him, and they had a pretty good relationship.

"Sister Xiao Lan! Who is this person?" Why is he so tall? Kudo Shinji stretched out his hand and held Mao Li Ran. The dwarf tried to look up at the tall man with red hair, callingAunt Xiaolan? ? Is Xiaolan so senior?

He looked at the group of people coming behind him. They were the tennis boys. He and Yuantai and others also met them when they went to the forest to look for treasure yesterday.

"Emmm, I may be lost. My friend invited me to a party at the villa here, but this forest is too winding." Mao Lilan looked up at her cousin whom she hadn't seen for a long time, "Juzaburo, you are so tall now~"

"This is a child who is temporarily staying at my house. He is a child adopted by the Kudo family. His name is Kudo Shinji." Mao Lilan pulled Kudo Shinji, who was holding her hand, forward, and then lowered her head to Kudo Shinji and said, "This is the youngest son of my cousin's family, and also my cousin, Mao Li Juzaburo. You must call me brother."

Kudo Shinji is now very skilled in pretending to be a child, "Hello, Mao Li brother."

"Sister Xiaolan." Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura poked their heads out from behind Mao Li and greeted Mao Lilan. Hey, they are suddenly a generation taller than Mao Li senior.

"Ah, Xiao Yuan, Jing Shi, you are here too."

"Mori-senpai is from our school, we are in the same tennis club."

"Ah~, what a coincidence."

"Where are you two going?" Mao Li took the paper from Mao Li Ran's hand, which was a map with a simple style. "It's almost dark."

Mauri turned to look at Yukimura. Yukimura knew what Mao Li meant and said, "Let's take you there."

Yukimura turned to look at Atobe, "Xiao Jing, you take everyone back to the villa first~ Mao Li-senpai, Xiao Yuan and I will take them there together, and we will go back later."

"Oh~ Got it." Atobe turned around and took everyone to pack their tennis bags and go back to Atobe's house first.

The three of them packed their tennis bags on their backs, took Mao Li Ran and Kudo Shinji, and found the way according to the instructions on the map.

The five of them walked around and came out of the woods and came to a suspension bridge. Mao Lilan pointed to the villa across the suspension bridge with surprise, "It's over there. Hey, there seems to be someone over there. I wonder if he is going to the villa too."

There was a man in a black cloak on the suspension bridge. He turned around when he heard the voice. His face was wrapped in bandages and his eyes were cold. "Uh... I wonder if he is going to that villa too." Mao Lilan was frightened and her voice was terrified.

"It should be... not." Kudo Shinji also had a terrified face.

Mao Li stepped forward to block the two people. The man in the black cloak ran along the suspension bridge to the woods behind the villa.

"Are you guys having a cross-dressing party?" Mao Li frowned and looked at the figure.

"Sonoko didn't say anything. It should be a very ordinary party. I didn't bring any strange clothes..." I hope that person is not going to the villa...

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