Yukimura serves.

Bunta mentioned to him that the national team's No.2 is a black-skinned, white-haired, cheerful and friendly person. He should be the senior Tanedo who likes to talk with stars.

He threw the ball high, bent his legs and leaned back, swung the racket to hit it, and Yukimura, who was carrying the weight all over his body, took his speed and strength to a higher level.

"Bang." The tennis ball pressed heavily on the ground, leaving an indentation, and the speed was extremely fast, "much faster than my one-shot hit..."

Yi Heqian was writing furiously on the side. Today was a really busy day!

"Jingshi could hit the ball at 218km/h in the first year of junior high school." Yanagi's notebook also recorded Yukimura's serve speed in the first year of junior high school. "Now it's faster."

"Is he really a junior high school student?"

"Our coach in elementary school was Landon Bruce, a retired professional player who won 16 Grand Slam titles." Sanada explained. No one can reach the top in one step. They all practice step by step since childhood. It is thanks to Ayuan that he can get the guidance of coach Landon Bruce.

"Landon Bruce?!" The one who retired at the age of 29, still in his prime, is expected to become the candidate for the number one Grand Slam champion. If he hadn't retired so early, he would definitely have become the champion!

Echizen Nanjiro, the most famous person in Japan, can only be said to be not good enough in front of this Grand Slam champion.

After all, Echizen Nanjiro has never won any Grand Slam titles. It is said that he was one game away from winning the Grand Slam, but he gave up. He retired suddenly, for unknown reasons, but this has become a legend in the Japanese tennis world.

Kimijima Ikuto came to Sanada, "Sanada-kun, I'm a fan of Landon Bruce, can you help introduce me? What conditions can we negotiate?"

"......" Sanada was suddenly supported by Kimijima's shoulders, looking confused, "Coach Bruce is the coach of the Agaki family club... You can ask him."

"Okay, thank you." Kimijima Ikuto thanked Sanada and came to Karasuma Gaki again. Karasuma, is it the low-key and mysterious Karasuma family? "Karasuma-kun, can you help introduce Landon Bruce? I'm his fan, and we can negotiate conditions."

[Customer service, is Coach Bruce from KO or Prince of Tennis? ]

[Prince of Tennis]

[I've never heard of his name]

[Just because you haven't heard of him doesn't mean he doesn't exist]

[Isn't Echizen Nanjiro the most awesome in Prince of Tennis? ]

[No, it's a small world with many illogical places, which will be fixed by itself. How come the most powerful people have never won any Grand Slam championship? ]

[Yes, I am narrow-minded]

"Sure, Kimijima-senpai~ I'll ask the coach." Now most of them are training in school and have less time to go to the club.

Coach Bruce has not been in the club recently. He has been out playing more friendly matches and exhibition matches.

The most handsome guy in the universe: Coach, I met your fans and wanted me to recommend you

The King of Football: Ahaha! I have retired for ten years and there are still people thinking about me! I am really charming

The most handsome guy in the universe: Do you recommend?

The King of Football: Male or female?

The most handsome guy in the universe: A handsome guy who is worse than me

The King of Football: Recommend when you have time. I met my true love recently and I am a little busy

The most handsome guy in the universe: Then I will recommend your ID to him

The King of Football: OK

Bruce is still unmarried and keeps pursuing different types of true love

"Senior Kimijima, let's add an ID and I'll push him to you." Karasuma Gaki reported his ID number and added Kimijima as a friend.

The most handsome guy in the universe: Push [King of Ball]

World Superstar: Thank you Karasuma-kun.

On the other side, Tono and Kirihara somehow got together and chatted happily. Although Tono looked fierce, his eyes were smiling.

On the court, the two players with similar styles fought hard. They were both players with the same skills and mental strength.

Yukimura's perfect tennis, all his tricks, were just a combination of strength and rotation for him. There was no trick that Yukimura couldn't hit back.

And there was no ball that Tanedima couldn't hit back, and all his special moves would be turned into nothing by him.

The two were equally matched in terms of skills and mental strength. Yukimura's yips had no effect on Tanedima, and the dream was not effective for a long time.

"Dreams are interesting~☆"

"Oh? What about this?" Nightmare, his new inspiration, is also a hypnotic mental move, but his mental level is similar to that of Senior Tanejima, so the effect may be similar to the duration of the dream, but it is good to have one more inspiration.

Yukimura is slightly inferior in speed and strength, and the final score is 7-5, and Tanejima wins.

"Xiao Yukimura, you are so awesome~☆" He is only in the second grade of junior high school, and is still growing due to age restrictions, his speed and strength haven't fully grown yet, but he's already like this. When he grows up, he can develop in the professional direction. "Keep working hard! I'm optimistic about you!"

"Thank you for your guidance, senior Taneda!" Yukimura thanked Taneda, who, relying on his height, rubbed Yukimura's head.

"!" Maori has always wanted to rub it, but he didn't dare to do it directly. He must rub the head of the young minister before graduation!

The second singles match was between Maori and Ochi Gekko.

Looking at the curly red slightly curly hair on the opposite side, a light flashed in his eyes blocked by the long bangs.

"Wow! Senior, you are too tall!" Maori, who was 1.88 meters tall, looked up at the person in front of him who was taller than him.

"2 meters 180." Liu Heqian reported the current height data of Ochi Gekko.

"Grown another 2 centimeters? Really, it looks like it will continue to grow~☆" A giant of the first army.

"Bang." A crisp ball, the ball speed was so fast that the trajectory could not be captured.

"This...248km/h?" Not quite sure, too fast, barely able to calculate the ball speed.

"This is Moonlight-san's Mach serve." Irie introduced, using his unique height and high-speed serve with jumping, that is, treating the serve as a smash, the speed is extraordinary.

"So fast!" Maori was scored a point before he could react.

Although it was difficult to capture the trajectory of Mach, Maori focused his attention and still captured it and successfully hit the ball back.

Regained a point, but the speed of the next ball was even faster, Ochi Moonlight's Mach serve of 80% of his strength.

In this case, I will sleep first.

This is a new field skill that Maori developed some time ago after returning from the End of the Heart and began to skip training and sleep every day.

It is a skill of concentration, which can instantly see through the opponent's actions and ball types. In a deep sleep state, with no distractions, the ultimate concentration displayed is also a mental power type of tennis.

Maori returned the ball in various strange postures. He persisted for two games and was not very skilled.

When changing courts, Ochi Gekko performed a mental assassination on Maori, but the effect did not seem to be great.

"Why didn't Ochi use mental assassination?"

"I have already used it~ Maori's mental barrier is very thick☆"

The final score of the two was fixed at 7-5.

The third singles match was with Atobe.

"How about letting me do it?" Irie was very interested in this gorgeous boy.

"What's going on? Are you really a high school student?" How come you are so much weaker than the previous high school students?

"How is it possible! How could I lose to a junior high school student?!" Irie Kanata kept running on the court to return the ball, sweating profusely, and the score had been beaten to 5-0.

"One more ball, step into the hell of losers! Senior!" Atobe jumped high and smashed the last ball.

"Bang!" The tennis ball fell on Atobe's court.

"Ah, we can't lose any more points. It's embarrassing to lose~" Irie started his counterattack, and the person running on the field was replaced by Atobe.

"Damn it! Was everything just acting?!"

"Atobe~ You have to work harder! You are so flawed"

"That Atobe is now being beaten back!" Kirihara was very nervous watching from the sidelines. He still hoped that Atobe senior could win!

"Irie is a bad person." Toono sat next to Kirihara and Tanejima. He loved to act and play tricks on others.

The score was chased to 5-5.

Where is the blind spot! His blind spot can definitely find a blind spot that he can't reach!

"I've found your blind spot! I won't lose so easily!" Atobe's eyesight has evolved. In Atobe's eyes, Irie's blind spot turned into ice cones piercing his side of the court, "Ice World."

"Atobe has evolved." As a friend, Yukimura was slightly relieved that the high school student had brought them a lot of evolution this time.

In the Ice World, Atobe evolved in advance. Atobe seemed to have been cultivated before the national competition in the third year of junior high school. Wen Tai remembered that Atobe had entered Rikkai University alone at that time. After competing with Sanada, he completely mastered the Ice World.

This was a protracted battle. The two sides played to 96-98. Atobe, who was in the second year of junior high school, did not win the game in the end. He had no strength to continue holding the racket and it was difficult to stand.

"Your perseverance really scares me, Atobe." Irie supported Atobe with her petite body, "You will definitely become an outstanding player in the future."

"Huh, that's natural!" He was very grateful for the guidance of his predecessors. He had a lot of evolution in this game.

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