The next match was a doubles match between Niou and Yagyu.

Tono Atsuki pouted, he didn't want to play in the next match, "Xiu, you come and partner with the big star." He wanted to save a singles match for this kelp head, and smiled maliciously, the prey he set his eyes on must not escape!

"Okay☆" He just wanted to meet this versatile boy.

Yukimura lost to this senior, and his skill of "Destroy Nothingness", the ability to turn all the opponent's special moves into nothingness, was very difficult to deal with.

Niou tried to imitate his special moves with the phantom Karasuma Gaki. He had watched Karasuma Gaki's game videos many times, but he couldn't imitate his special moves at all.

But Aguchi seemed to be able to do it easily, so he could only imitate his pentagram.

Other mental moves such as the yarn binding traction, the collar solid frost, and the Hu Jiale could not be imitated. Perhaps that was not a move in the mental field, but a move on the magic side!

Niou's phantom became Tezuka. He has been watching Tezuka's videos recently. "Tezuka..." Shishido and Feng looked at Tezuka in the court and Tezuka beside him.

"Ah..." Tezuka boy was taciturn and responded to Shishido's question.

"Niou actually learned the Zero serve!" I don't know how much hard work he put in behind the scenes. Oshima admires Niou very much. Niou has only been in tennis for two years, and he has become a regular player of Rikkai University. It can be seen that he has talent and hard work.

"Oh~ It's the move of the paralyzed boy. You can also do this move~☆" The one who received the serve was Kimijima in front of the net. He did not break the Zero serve.

"Ah! Senior! It's impolite to give people nicknames!" The paralyzed boy's tone was full of exclamation marks.

"Ah, aah, good~ Tezuka boy☆" Tanedo Shuji smiled and changed the name.

Niou scored a point with the Zero serve and led 1-0.

Tanedima's serve, four aces, the score tied.

Replaced serve, Yagyu's laser beam hit Kimijima back and scored, but he didn't keep his serve. At the same time, Kimijima and Tanedima didn't win Kimijima's serve.

Zero can't be used too much, Niou can't bear the damage to his elbow caused by Zero yet, but he doesn't want to give up!

Four serves of Zero again.

"Hey hey hey! Yagyu-kun, it seems that we have nothing to do with their serve?" Kimijima started to talk to Yagyu, the two of them fought for the serve, and they were slacking off at the net.

"You can't say that, Kimijima-senpai, we are their indispensable partners." Yagyu adjusted his glasses, he recognized his partner very much.

"Ah, Shuji and I are a temporary team, although I also want to partner with him." Who doesn't want a strong partner?

"Huh!" Tono Atsukyo snorted coldly off the court, Shu won't partner with you!

"Atsuko is jealous~ Ikuto" Shuji Taneshima served the ball in the backcourt and hit the ball to the position where Yagyu could receive the ball.

The two sides started to return the ball, "Laser beam!" was hit back by Taneshima, "The power is OK, it would be better if it could be stronger."

"Your partner's arm is not in good condition." Kimijima liked the gentleman Yagyu very much and kept talking to him.

"......" Masaharu, Yagyu was a little worried, "bang-"

2-4, high school students lead.

"Biru, keep your rhythm, I'm fine." Yagyu was disrupted by Kimijima's negotiation, and Niou and Yagyu started to synchronize.

However, in the case of completely unmatched strength, they were still suppressed, and finally the two lost 6-2.

Two points were won by Niou with a zero serve.

However, in the last game, Niou successfully synchronized with Kimijima and passed Kimijima's ideas to Yagyu. Although he did not succeed in getting points from the two high school students, he also evolved.

"Nio-kun, arm..." Yagyu looked at Nio's slightly swollen elbow and was still a little worried.

"It's okay, just rest for a while." He didn't overuse it, but the zero serve really hurt his elbow.

Yukimura handed Yagyu a towel soaked in cold water, and Yagyu took it and applied cold compress to Nio's arm.

Yagyu and Qian faced Omagari and Irie.

The data of the two high school students was limited, and it was difficult for Yagyu and Qian who played data tennis.

Qian attacked in the early stage, and Yagyu kept recording data in his mind. He found that these seniors seemed to suppress their strength at the beginning of the game.

Not sure how much strength the seniors used, so calculate it according to 50% first.

There is no chance of winning.

He will not give up, even if it is to collect data!

Senior Omagari has improved his strength compared to the end of the heart.

"Oh? You two are data tennis players? I should have called Mitsuya along earlier," Irie said to the two of them at the net. "He's also a data tennis player.He should be more suitable to guide you. "

"Akuto-nii-san?" Yanagi narrowed his eyes and his questioning voice reached Irie's ears, "Do you know Mitsuya?"

"My data tennis was taught to me by Akuto-nii-san."

"So that's how it is."

Yagi and Qian lost to Omagari and Irie 3-6.

The second group of singles is Sanada, Kirihara, and Tezuka.

Who will play in the high school group depends entirely on the high school students.

Sanada stood on the court, waiting for the high school students to come out, and a tall and strong red-haired figure stood up, "Let me do it!"

"Hey! I've been wanting to say it just now, is that uncle really a high school student?" Kirihara said whatever he thought of, regardless of the consequences, "Uh, he looked over here..."

"Tsk..." This kid is so funny, Tono couldn't help laughing, "Ghost, this guy, just looks old, but he's actually a sophomore, you can't tell at all!"

"Just like Vice Minister Sanada! He also looks old. When I go out with him, he is always mistaken for the dean of teaching!" The two single-celled organisms chatted happily, "Bang!"

Kirhara was hit by a punch from Sanada who came down from the court. He held his head with both hands and looked at Yukimura with tears in his eyes.

Yukimura pretended to cover his mouth with his right hand and coughed to hide the arc of his mouth. When the smile passed, he reached out and rubbed Akaya's head, "Akaya must strengthen training, defeat Genichirō, replace him, and make him listen to you."

"Listen to me!" Kirhara forgot the pain because of Yukimura's big promise, his eyes were bright as if a flashlight was turned on, "Okay! I will train more when I go back! Defeat Vice Minister Sanada! Make him listen to me!"

Sanada looked at the cross racket in the hand of the old-looking man opposite him, and he actually looked down on him! He must break his racket string and make him play seriously with him!

Sanada served.

Kijujiro hit back with a cross racket, "Invasion is like fire! "The attack was like a raging wave, and the powerful shot from the spin smash successfully broke the cross string.

Sanada's strength is the strongest in Rikkai University. Yukimura and Karasuma Gaki are slightly weaker than Sanada in terms of strength.

"Sanada Genichirō, is it?" "Very good, he was able to break his string in the first game, he is a good player.

"Yes! Oni-senpai!" Seeing Oni Jujiro turn around to change his racket, Sanada's serious expression eased a little.

"Move like thunder! "Sanada has never used a tennis ball with extremely fast speed and strong attack power in previous games.

A match between two power players. Of course, Sanada is not a pure power player, he is a combination of power and technology.

In front of the powerful Onijujiro, he also mainly uses power balls to fight him.

Yukimura turned to look at Karasuma Gaki, and the meaning in his eyes was self-evident. He asked him to help treat them afterwards, including Bunta, Kuwabara, Niou, and Kirihara who had not yet played but had been reserved by Senior Tono.

After this match with high school students, Rikkai was seriously damaged. Karasuma Gaki shrugged and nodded.

The damaged Sanada, with red and swollen legs, was helped to sit down by Onijujiro, who patted Sanada's shoulder with his big hand, "Very good, I admire you! ”

He liked Sanada’s serious personality and upright style. If Sanada was one year older and could meet him in the U-17 training camp, he would definitely train him vigorously. Unfortunately, when Sanada was in the first year of high school, he had already graduated from high school.

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