"Let's go! Little kelp!" Tono picked up the tennis racket and walked to the court first.

"Senior! Don't call me kelp head! Damn it!" Although Kirihara was ordered by his senior not to get angry easily, he still didn't like others calling him kelp head.

Following Tono onto the court, "I'm going to beat you!" The angry kelp fluttered in the wind.

Kirihara dodged the ball that was coming towards his face, turned around quickly with one foot and caught up with the ball, hitting the tennis ball back.

"Bang—" Kirihara, who was knocked away by Tono's execution method, covered his abdomen and struggled to get up, "Ah!" It hurts!

Akaya Akaya couldn't control the ground number, and the knuckle serve, with an irregular spinning ball with strong rotation, hit Tono's body.

Kirihara can now master the hitting point of the knuckle serve. The ball is going towards Tono's abdomen, and he wants to hit it back!

Tono took a big step back, and the ball didn't hit him, "Is that all?" After landing, he was hit back by the execution method of beheading, "bang-" Kirihara was hit on the cheek and flew out again.

After only two games, Kirihara was already bruised and bleeding.

Atobe turned to look at Yukimura and Karasumagaki, "This..." He would not comment on other people's tennis, but after this game, the little seaweed would probably be seriously injured.

Yukimura frowned slightly, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Karasumagaki patted Atobe's shoulder, really soft, Atobe, "It's okay."

I can't lose like this! Kirihara, who was hit and flew, lifted the red eye state, he got up again and picked up the racket, and he was getting more and more courageous, and suddenly a white light appeared on his body.

When Tono's execution tennis ball came again, Kirihara took a step back, backhanded the racket, and hit back the beheading.

"That posture is... Genichirō's Swift as the Wind." Yanagi has started taking notes again, "Akaye has entered the state of selflessness. I didn't expect that his first move would be Genichirō's move."

The tone was slightly sour.

"Haha, yes, Akaye is trained more by me and Bunta. I didn't expect that the move he used was Genichirō's." Yukimura smiled at Kirihara who was emitting white light on the field.

"But... Aichi, all your moves are flat attack flow, or they are mental moves. Akaye can't use them even if he wants to, right?" Hearing the danger in Yukimura's tone, Karasuma Gaki couldn't help but say a fair word for the little kelp.

"Really? That means Akaye is not trained enough." Yes, not trained enough, even if the mental power can't match him, the basics can reach his level, which can also make the opponent have the effect of easy generalization.

"You are right."

Sanada is like ice and fire. On one side is the coldness brought by Yukimura and others' jealousy, and on the other side is the happy heat brought by Akaye's admiration for him.

The first move was his special move, eh! He will definitely continue to teach Akaya strictly in the future!

"Wow, the kid has actually evolved." Tono hit a high lob, Kirihara jumped high, and spun in the air to smash, aggressive as fire.

Deputy Minister Sanada's mouth curled up.

Tono quickly reached the landing point and hit a short ball back, but Kirihara scored with Bunta's tightrope walk.

"Sure enough, this genius's trick is the best!" Akaya successfully scored.

In the state of selflessness, Kirihara kept using the special moves he had seen, such as laser beams, iron pillar collisions, wind, forest, fire, brown bears falling into the net, waltz to destruction, Tannhauser serve, one ball into the soul, etc.

Several people from Hyotei looked at each other, when did this kid learn it?

Tono was constantly scored by Kirihara, "Humph, stinky boy! Look at me blood sacrifice you!" He began to improve his combat power, raising it to 70%.

Kirihara was hit by Tono's piercing again. He took a few steps back and knelt on the ground with his waist bent, holding his abdomen and screaming in pain.

The state of selflessness consumes physical strength extremely. This is the first time he has entered the state of selflessness. He has been forced to exit the state and half-lying on the ground gasping for breath.

He pinched the racket and stood up again with difficulty. He would not give up. He could continue!

Looking at Kirihara's fighting eyes, Tono smiled evilly and said, "The tenth punishment method - crucifixion!"

Kirihara, who was exhausted, was no match for Tono, who had 70% of his combat power, and was soon beaten bloody.

The final score was 6-3, and Tono won.

Kirihara had fallen on the court and could not move.

Sanada carried Kirihara off the court, laid him on the seat, turned his head and looked at Karasuma Gaki, "Si Wuxie."

Kirihara was the most seriously injured. Although Tono had been fighting him with 50% of his combat power in the early stage, Tono did not return to 50% after the release of Wuwo in the later stage.

Si Wuxie can quickly treat such injuries and eliminate fatigue. Kirihara's injuries recovered quickly. He opened his big green cat eyes and looked at Karasuma Gaki, "Senior! (✪ω✪)"

So cool! I want to learn!

"Lie down! Don't move!" HeHis injury was healed, but others couldn't see it, after all, his clothes were stained with blood, and he didn't want so many people to know about magic.

Cover Kirihara's body and legs with clothes, "Don't move!"

"It's so hot! Senior!" It's the end of August, the hottest time, and he actually covered him with a blanket!

"Jinggu Frost." Let you cool down for 5 seconds.

Kirihara was frozen for 5 seconds, his body and mind were cold, and he didn't cry out.

The one who played against Tezuka was Ochi Gekko.

"Atobe, I heard that he was the former minister of Hyotei?" Oshitari lazily leaned back on the steps, looking at the eye-catching tall senior on the court.

"He is the one who led Hyotei to enter the country." Hyotei was unknown before that, and had no name in the country.

"Hmm~ Looks very cold, iceberg duel" Two icebergs see who is colder.

The two directly kicked off without much greeting, and Tezuka served first.

Yuezhi Yueguang was indifferent on the surface, but he also knew the strength of his juniors in school.

Mach served with 60% of his combat power, and the ball speed was at a professional level. Tezuka could not cope with it. Mach was almost a killer move. The ball path that could not be captured, coupled with precise ball control, there was no possibility of losing points out of bounds.

Tezuka could barely see the ball path, but the speed was too fast, and his physical fitness due to age restrictions could not keep up for the time being.

Unable to break Yuezhi's serve, Tezuka could try his best to protect his own serve.

In Tezuka's serve, he used the zero serve to protect it, the score was 3:2, and Tezuka was ahead.

Both sides were completely fighting for serve. When changing courts, Yuezhi launched a mental assassination against him. The oppressive height and the gap in strength caused some mental pressure on Tezuka.

His zero serve hurt his elbow, but it was a must-score serve, and he made a mistake in serving.

"Oh, Maori didn't react just now. I thought Gekko-san's mental assassination was useless."

After Tezuka made serve errors throughout the entire service game and gave away points, the score came to 3-4.

The next game was still Ochi's serve, and Mach served again.

Tezuka tried his best to adjust his mentality. He could see the ball path. As long as he increased the speed, he could catch up and hit it!

It was the same ball speed as before! Tezuka had already judged the ball path, held the racket tightly, and quickened his pace to catch up. He received it, with great force, but he could hit it back!

While returning the ball, he also applied rotation.

"Got it! Hit it back!" Shishido and Taketo couldn't help cheering for Tezuka.

The tennis ball barely crossed the net and flew to Ochi's court. With two long steps, he came to the net and hit the ball back.

The ball that was supposed to fly to the right baseline flew to Tezuka standing in the middle of the court, "It's Tezuka's territory."

The ball that was attracted to Tezuka was hit back by Tezuka again with a spin, and Ochi hit the ball again.

The tennis ball flew to Tezuka's court and was bounced out of the court, and Tezuka scored.

He succeeded. If he couldn't hit the ball back, he would let it go out of bounds. This was a sudden inspiration after he couldn't hit the ball back again and again and couldn't score.

The reverse use of Tezuka's territory, adding super spin by hitting the ball, hitting 60% more spin than Tezuka's territory, this is a move that puts a heavier burden on the arm.

"What is this move?" Sanada turned his head and asked Atobe

"It's newly developed." Atobe's mouth corners raised. He had never seen Tezuka use it before. This group of high school students played against them, and most of them had new gains. He was very satisfied.

The score between Tezuka and Ochi was 4-6, and Ochi won.

Feng had prepared a cold towel long ago, and Tezuka gave him a cold compress after leaving the court.

"What's that move called? It's the one that bounces the ball out of bounds." Sanada asked Tezuka.

Tezuka covered his arm and thought for a moment. He had just developed it and hadn't given it a name yet.

"Tezuka Phantom." The person who answered was Karasuma Gaki. Tezuka looked back at Karasuma Gaki and nodded, "It's called Tezuka Phantom."

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