May 11, Sunday, Kanagawa regional qualifiers.

Rikkai University had a bye in the first round.

In the second round, the first team took the court.

Doubles 2: Yanagi, Niou

Doubles 1: Vera, Tamagawa

Singles 3: Yanagi

Singles 2: Echizen

Singles 1: Sakamoto

It was still drawn by lot.

"Lose one point, one cup, hehehe." Qian was still looking forward to showing his talent.

Rikkai University won the second round 5:0, and Vera and Tamagawa in doubles 1 got a cup of Qian juice.

"Tamagawa, you are not confident enough." Yukimura pointed out Tamagawa's performance on the court.

"Vera, focus on the game." Don't always turn your head to look at him and Yuan.

"Yes! Minister Yukimura!" Vera took Yukimura's hand, squatted down and looked at the sitting Yukimura at eye level. Yukimura pulled back his hand and held back the twitching corners of his mouth. The club had entered a pervert, "Return to the team."

Echizen Ryoma looked at Vera expressionlessly. This was indeed a dangerous person who dared to attack Minister Yukimura.

In the past month and a half, he found that there were two people in the club who had undergone enviable changes, one was Senior Bunta and the other was Minister Yukimura.

The third round of the game was held after lunch, and the match was against an unimportant school.

The second team was randomly ranked.

Doubles 2: Sanada, Kirihara

Doubles 1: Bunta, Xiyangyang

Singles 3: Karasuma Gaki

Singles 2: Inui

Singles 1: Uraya

"Ah! No! Let's draw again! Please!" It was too uncomfortable to play doubles with Deputy Minister Sanada. He couldn't compete with the Deputy Minister!

"Genichirō, there is a 73% chance that Akaya will be fined for extra training." In addition to losing points, poor performance on the field will also result in extra training, and Yanagi will issue training sheets.

"Akaya! Too lax!" Humph! Akaya doesn't think he is good at doubles, does he? He doesn't want to play doubles with Akaya!

As expected, Sanada and Kirihara relied on their personal strength to reduce each other. Sanada played vigorously, while Kirihara played timidly, and Yanagi stuck a training sheet on their foreheads.

Bunta retreated to the backcourt and handed the frontcourt to Xiyangyang to train Xiyangyang's ability at the net, while he played perfect defense in the back.

With Bunta leading the doubles team, Ichiya won 6-0 steadily.

Bunta has been very happy recently. He has grown 5 cm taller now! He has grown more than he did last year. He can smile at Karasuma Gaki when he calls him a pig.

Singles San Karasuma Gaki, no surprise, 6-0.

In the fourth round, all the players were sophomores and freshmen. In order to train the players, Yukimura gave the final of the preliminary round to the juniors.

Doubles 2: Tamagawa, Vera

Doubles 1: Uraya, Kiyoyo

Singles 3: Sakamoto

Singles 2: Echizen

Singles 1: Kirihara

This was the lineup that the freshmen and sophomores had arranged themselves.

"Is it okay?" Kuwahara was an honest man. Seeing the tense mood of the juniors, he wondered if they would fail in the regional qualifiers.

"Leave it to them." Yukimura sat in the coaching booth with his arms crossed.

Before Tamagawa and Vera went on the court, they stood in front of Yukimura and listened to his instructions, "Remember what I said this morning."

Tamagawa clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

Vera stared at Yukimura for a while, then looked up at Karasumagaki for a while. Karasumagaki couldn't help laughing, turned his head away from Vera, and clenched his fists to cover his smile.

"I will focus on the court! Minister!" Vera promised.

The two followed the instructions and won the game 6-1. Vera also developed fancy tennis, catching the ball with various figure skating spins and jumps.

Karasuma Gaki closed his eyes, feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't feel embarrassed even when Sakamoto was showing off.

Echizen Ryoma lowered his hat brim, lowered his head, and counted ants.

In doubles, two freshmen from junior high school came on the court. Xiyangyang was flexible and smart and was responsible for frontcourt interceptions, while Urayasu defended in the backcourt. The two cooperated well and won the game 6-3.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief when they won the game. Fortunately, the opponent's doubles strength was not very strong.

"Xiyangyang, you're still far away!" Echizen Ryoma liked Xiyangyang very much. Xiyangyang said that he came from the grassland and had just started playing tennis, but he had already played very well.

"Yeah! I'll keep working hard!" Xiyangyang often played with Ryoma, and Ryoma would guide him.

The regional qualifiers were won 6-0 with Sakamoto's "Secret Technique: Repetition Side Step".

"Rikkai University has so many talented freshmen, why do they all go to Rikkai University?" How can other schools beat them? There is no way out!

"Because Rikkai University is strong, it is easy to attract strong people. Is it hard to understand?" Are there not many people in this world who admire the strong?

The regional qualifiers ended, and the Kanagawa Prefecture competition will be in mid-June.

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