(Reading Guide: This chapter is not recommended for people who like Kikyo. Turn right when you go out)

On the weekend, Yukimura said he wanted to save part of the reward for the mission, and Karasuma Gaki accompanied him to Tokyo Beihua Bank to deposit the money.

On the train, he ran into Echizen Ryoma and Xiyangyang. He was going to a tennis equipment store in Tokyo to buy things, and took Xiyangyang for a walk.

The four of them separated after getting off the train.

Karamasa Gaki and the other person entered the bank hall, took a number and lined up. When they saw a familiar figure at the counter, Karasuma Gaki pouted. Akai Shuichi was gone. Did Miyano Akemi still want to take Shirley out of the organization?

Is she really innocent or stupid? Only dead people can leave the organization.

[Has Miyano Akemi done anything recently? - Barolo]

[She wants to take Shirley out of the organization - Gin]

6. What does she think? Although she may not know the organization well as a peripheral member, she is very clear about the organization's style and does not tolerate any betrayal. Her lord was hunted to America. Doesn't she understand the organization's style?

Her Shiho, as a scientist and code member of the organization, didn't she tell her that only dead people can leave the organization?

Or did the world consciousness force her to be smarter in order to advance the main line?

It seems that Shirley's defection is inevitable.

[I will deal with her. ——Barolo]

I don't know if Gin was smarter in the original book, but he hit her in the abdomen instead of the head! Leave her a breath and reveal the news to the protagonist.

After depositing the money, the two left the bank, "Let's go to the store that Ryoma said?"

"Okay." As a tennis boy, he always carries a tennis bag when he goes out.

Walking on the streets of Tokyo, a voice suddenly came from the other side of the road, "Give it back to me! Robbery!"

The two looked across the street, and Ryoma and Xiyangyang were walking with a flat-headed boy. Behind them was a man on roller skates, sprinting towards them.

The flat-headed boy threw his tennis bag into Ryoma's arms, clenched his fist and swung at the robber. The robber ducked to avoid his fist and continued to skate forward.

"The security in Tokyo is quite poor." Karasuma Gaki looked at the movement over there and said.

"Yes, do you want help?" Yukimura looked at the moving vehicles and hesitated whether to take action.

The flat-headed boy over there had already caught up, "Maybe it's too late, that kid should be able to be caught, he looks quite strong."

Karasuga and Yukimura passed the traffic light and reached the other side of the road. Came to Ryoma and Xiyangyang, "Who is that man?"

"It's Senior Momoshiro from Yamabuki. We don't know the way, and he said he is very familiar with this street and will take us around." Xiyangyang replied.

Karasuma Gaki looked up and saw that the flat-headed boy had robbed a bicycle from a passerby on the roadside and was chasing the robber. The boy whose bicycle was robbed chased him, "The speed is not bad, the red-haired one."

When the few people walked over there, the boy whose bicycle was robbed left behind a companion, and suddenly heard a simultaneous exclamation in his ear, "Ah! It's Ibu Shinji from Fudomine! The one just now is Kamio?!"

Karasuga looked down and saw that there were three little brats, "Who are you?"

"We... We are first-year students of Seigaku." Horio Satoshi was easily frightened and looked at Karasuma Gaki with a horrified face and answered.

"???" I look scary? "Oh, have you finished shopping?"

"No, it's this store." Ryoma pointed to the store next to him with his left hand and turned to enter the store.

Several people entered the store together, and Ibu Shinji also entered the store with Kamio's bag on his back.

Ibu Shinji and Ryoma both took a fancy to the last hand grip in the store, and Ryoma pouted and let go.

When Ibu Shinji saw Ryoma give him the cup, he looked embarrassed expressionlessly. Should he give it to this little brother?

The two of them were humble again, "Give it to you."


"You take it."

"I don't want it!"

Karasuga looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar scene. He had a bad memory and vaguely remembered that there was such a scene. Was it like this?

He grabbed the hand gel and raised it high, "Rock, paper, scissors, whoever loses gets it."

The two looked up at him expressionlessly, stared at him for a while, and saw that Karasuma Gaki had no reaction. They looked at each other and started playing rock-paper-scissors.

Ryoma lost, "Congratulations, Ryoma."

After selecting the things and paying, several people left the store, "Do you want to go shopping? But I'm not very familiar with it."

The four outsiders looked at each other.

"I... I'm very familiar with it. I can take you shopping." Horio hunched over behind them and raised his hand.

"Okay, thank you." Karasuma Gaki handed the three children drinks.

"You are tennis players too, right?" The four of them were not wearing school uniforms or Rikkai University team uniforms, and they were not from the Tokyo area, so Horio didn't recognize them."Hmm." Karasuma Gaki turned to look at Ibu Shinji who was following them!

"There's a street tennis court over there. Do you want to go take a look?" Horio pointed to a place, a high staircase. The tennis court he was talking about should be on the staircase.

Karasuma Gaki turned to look at Yukimura, who smiled and nodded, "Sure."

It's interesting to see how street tennis is played occasionally.

Echizen Ryoma and Kiyoyo's eyes lit up. They had never played street tennis before.

Horio led a few people to that side, and suddenly heard a female voice at the bottom of the staircase, "Hate it, let go!"

Karasuma Gaki's gossip light was on, he quickly took out his phone and pressed the record video button, jumped up the staircase in two steps, and held the phone in the direction of the sound.

Behind him ran up the flat-headed boy and the red-haired boy.

"Ah! He went up in two steps!" Horio was frightened by Karasuma Gaki's neat movements and screamed.

Yukimura raised his eyebrows slightly. If he heard correctly, it seemed that there was Xiao Jing's voice on it?

A surprised expression appeared on Ibu Shinji's expressionless face. It was so fast, faster than Kamio.

Karasuma Gaki's camera was facing Atobe, who was holding a girl's wrist, "Don't be so noisy, you promised me yourself that if you defeat those guys, you will go on a date with me."

"It's Xiao Xing." The red-haired boy gritted his teeth standing next to Karasuma Gaki. Karasuma Gaki turned to look at him. Oh, the secret admirer of Tachibana An.

"Is it Tachibana Jiping's sister?" The flat-headed boy asked, looking at the person in the distance.

"Oh~ Xiao Jing, do you like this type of girl?" Yukimura also arrived at the street court, stood next to Karasuma Gaki, looked at the screen of the mobile phone in Karasuma Gaki's hand that was still recording, and smiled and said.

Atobe Keigo let go of Tachibana An's hand, looking annoyed, adjusted his expression, turned his head, "No... I was just joking."

It's really not gorgeous! How did they run into him!

He and Kachi passed by here, and the girl asked them if they wanted to go down and play a game of street tennis. I don't play street tennis without glamour!

After he refused, the girl kept pestering him. He casually said that those who play street tennis are weaklings, and the girl kept pestering him. He was annoyed and said that if he defeated these weaklings, he would let her date him.

In order to get rid of the pestering, he didn't expect that she actually agreed. Now that he defeated everyone, she regretted it again. Although he didn't really want to date him, she was the first one who dared to play with Atobe.

The few people who didn't know the previous situation, Karasuma Gaki and Yukimura knew Atobe Keigo and knew that he wouldn't tease a girl casually.

Kamio, who had a crush on Tachibana An, and Momoshiro Takeshi, a flat-headed boy who had some dealings with Tachibana An, stood on Tachibana An's side.

Kamio ran to Kiyomizu and asked with concern, "Xiao Xing, what's wrong with you?"

Kiyomizu was indignant and complained to Kamio with both fists, "These guys said that those who play street tennis are..."

"They are all weaklings, what's wrong?" Atobe smiled like a villain, with a frivolous tone.

Kiyomizu was interrupted and stretched out his right hand as if he was going to hit Atobe, but Atobe grabbed his wrist.

Karasuma Gaki watched this scene coldly. This is how Atobe appeared as a villain. Kiyomizu has a hot temper. He raised his hand to hit people when he disagreed with something?

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