Summon hundreds of billions of immortal soldiers and create the Great Tang Heavenly Court

Summon hundreds of billions of immortal soldiers and create the Great Tang Heavenly Court

214 Chapters Ongoing Status

In this world, the sect is above the imperial power.

Li swore to break this iron law since ancient times, relying on the law immortal soldier system, he could summon various law immortal soldiers for his own use.

Use light and dark immortal


In this world, the sect is above the imperial power.

Li swore to break this iron law since ancient times, relying on the law immortal soldier system, he could summon various law immortal soldiers for his own use.

Use light and dark immortal soldiers to spy on intelligence and assassinate strong enemies.

Use the killing immortal soldiers as a sharp knife to conquer the battlefield and sweep the countries.

With the Five Elements Immortal Soldiers as the cornerstone, the town guards the frontier.

Use the space immortal soldiers as a bridge, construct space channels, fight and move stars, cross hundreds of millions of miles of territory, and conquer and conquer.

Li Ke’s feet stepped on the shadows, and the sun and the moon were above his head.

With a wave of the emperor sword in his hand, he pointed at the vast starry sky: “Everywhere my will goes, it is my Great Tang Heavenly Court territory…”

Feilu Novel Network exclusively signed novels: “Summoning Hundreds of Billions of Immortal Soldiers, Creating the Heavenly Court of the Great Tang”; This novel and characters are pure fiction, if there are similarities, it is pure coincidence, do not imitate.


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