Chapter 114: The arrival of the three holy places, the light and dark immortal soldiers intercepted and killed.

Inside the Human Emperor Hall.

Li Ke was in his study, checking the news that Ying Yi had sent back, and he knew the movements of many sect clans in Yunzhou very well. He had a smile on his face, but there was endless murderous intent in his eyes.

“It’s so good……………… They all thought that my Da Tang was a big piece of fat meat, and everyone wanted to take a bite, right? ”

Li Kei sneered, killing intent: “In that case, then come over!” Just right………… Take advantage of this opportunity to catch it all. If you want to unify Yunzhou, you always have to take people to establish authority. ”

Since you guys took the initiative to jump out, it couldn’t be better…………

“Qingyi, pass the order, let Dan Qingzi, Di Jiang and Candle Dragon come over.”

Li Ke put down the messenger jade jane in his hand and walked towards Tsing Yi who was waiting on the side.

“Yes, Emperor…”

After Qingyi led the order, after saluting Li Ke, he immediately turned into a blue light and left the Human Emperor Hall. Almost an hour later.

Tsing Yi led three people into the Human Emperor Hall.

Dan Qingzi and Dijiang are the leaders of the Five Elements Immortal Soldiers and the Space Immortal Soldiers, respectively, while the Candle Dragon is the leader of the Time Immortal Soldiers. Since being summoned out by Li Ke, he has been practicing in Chang’an City.

Rarely show up.

“Meet the Emperor!”

As soon as the three of them came over, they immediately saluted Li Ke.

“No courtesy!”

Li Gong waved his hand and said in a deep voice: “I want you to put up a peerless killing array and wipe out all the sect clans in Yunzhou who dare to come and offend my Great Tang…”

If it’s just the Little Bodhi Temple, Sanqing Palace and Heavenly Demon Hall. You can get 107 by killing immortal soldiers.

However, now in the thirty-four great regions of Yunzhou, so many sects and tribes have mixed in.

Li Ke was worried that he couldn’t resist by killing the immortal soldiers alone, so he asked Dan Qingzi and them to come over and assist in killing the immortal soldiers. The five elements, the three immortal soldiers of time and space, joined forces.

The forces they control can complement each other, and the peerless killing array laid out, Li Ke believes that the celestial immortals have to be separated when they come.

“Don’t worry, Emperor, I will definitely complete the task later.”

The three of Dan Qingzi naturally had no opinion, and after answering, they immediately began to act. They are running out of time and must hurry.

In the next period of time, the atmosphere in the entire Yunzhou gradually became tense, and the people of the major sects and clans were gathering towards the eastern region in a steady stream.

At this time, the side of the Tang Dynasty was also not idle.

Laying out formations, rectifying the army, constructing space passages, arranging troops, and so on are all being carried out in an orderly manner. On the contrary, Li Ke, the Great Tang Emperor, was idle, and there were people to do everything.

And what he has to do every day is to try to summon immortal soldiers.

The seven immortal arms can summon 44,000 people every day, and the worst is the Cave Void Sevenfold. In this way, more than 20 days passed in a flash.

When the immortal soldiers of the Great Tang Dynasty once again increased by more than a million, there was an island in the sea thousands of miles away from the eastern region. At this time, on this original desert island, there was already a lot of people.

All of them are people from the major sects, each occupying a different area, seething. Everyone was waiting for the people from the Little Bodhi Temple, Sanqing Palace and Heavenly Demon Hall to come over.

“It’s been more than twenty days, why haven’t the people from the three holy places come over yet, we won’t be wanted!”

“According to me, now on this island, the number of major sects and clans has exceeded 200 million, so why bother to wait for the people of the three holy lands to come over.”

Wouldn’t it be better if we shot directly and took down the Great Tang Dynasty. In this way, there is no need to share opportunities with the three holy places.

“Hehe, you are such a cow, then why don’t you make a move? Are you a fool when everyone else? When was the Tang Dynasty? The Great Tang Emperor Monarch can slay the existence of true immortals, and there is no three holy places to make a move. ”

As far as our people are concerned, how many deaths do you believe?

“That’s right, people have self-knowledge, we just drink soup behind people’s asses, although it doesn’t sound good”

But at least it’s safe, don’t worry about small lives, and you can get some resources, not bad.

On the island, all kinds of voices are constant, and some people have lost their patience and want to provoke people to directly attack the Tang Dynasty. It’s just that there is not a single fool who can come here.

Naturally, no one wants to be fooled and go to be this bird.

The purpose of their gathering here is to drink soup behind the butts of the three holy places. Now that the people from the three holy places have not yet come, naturally no one wants to come out like this.

“Look, the people from the Little Bodhi Temple are coming…”


Someone pointed to the sky and exclaimed, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention and looked over in unison. Metaphor………… At this moment, I saw the end of the sky, and there was a dazzling golden light.

Along with the Sanskrit sound array, a huge mountain crossed the long sky, like a long rainbow running through the sun, above the mountain, tens of millions of monks and soldiers erupted with brilliant Buddha light, the momentum was like a rainbow.

At a glance, there is really a bit of arhatism. The panic and coercion suddenly made everyone change color.

“It’s the Bodhi Holy Mountain of the Little Bodhi Temple, but I didn’t expect them to bring this treasure over. Someone looked at the huge mountain that crossed the long sky and was shocked. ”

Bodhi Sacred Mountain, one of the spiritual treasures of the town temple of the Little Bodhi Temple.

It is the cornerstone of the Little Bodhi Temple that can become the sacred place of Buddhism in Yunzhou, and everyone did not expect that the Little Bodhi Temple actually brought this treasure over.

“It seems that this time, the Little Bodhi Temple is really bloody, and the Tang Dynasty will be destroyed.” Someone sighed, and their eyes were bright. ”

Thundered… At this moment, at the end of the sky, another tremor came, and in two different directions, a blue light and a black light hole came through the long sky.

“It’s the people of Sanqing Palace and Heavenly Demon Hall, they also came over, hahaha……… The people of the three holy places have arrived, waiting to attack the Great Dynasty! ”

“This time, the three holy lands took the lead, and at least more than half of the major sects and clans in my Yunzhou sent people here, if I can’t take a Tang Dynasty, I will eat upside down.”

“The Great Tang Dynasty occupies the Eastern Region and the Tiancang Domain, how many resources it gets, and the three holy lands eat meat, we can always drink a mouthful of soup!”

“What I actually care more about is the opportunity that the Great Tang Emperor Li Ke.”

“A mortal emperor, in just over a year, has built the Tang Dynasty into such a point, who is not red in his eyes at this opportunity, otherwise why do you think the Little Bodhi Temple works so hard.”

“Bring all the sacred mountains of Bodhi.”

….. Many people are eager to move and talk about it.

At this moment, the people of the three holy places had crossed the long sky, descended from the sky, and landed in the most central area of the island. Each occupies one side, forming a triangle.

This is the position specially set aside for them by the major sect forces. This shows the status of the three holy places.

“Hmph………… Xuankong vulture donkey, I didn’t expect that the little Bodhi Temple actually sent you over, and also brought the Bodhi Holy Mountain over, it seems that the plot is not small! ”

Above a huge warship from the Heavenly Demon Hall of the Demon Gate Holy Land, a cold snort suddenly came out.

“Amida Buddha, the Seven Nights Demon Lord has passed the prize, everyone is each other.”

On the Bodhi Holy Mountain, Xuankong in white monk’s clothes did not look the slightest change in mood. Only in the eyes, there is an imperceptible brilliance.

“Two, everyone knows what they are here for.”

At this time, on the side of Sanqing Palace, I saw a middle-aged Taoist priest walking out of a palace and sneering: “Now the three meridians have arrived. ”

Let’s discuss how the benefits should be distributed after the destruction of this Great Tang!

“It’s simple, just do what you want.”

Inside the battle ship of the Heavenly Demon Hall, a man with a strange face walked out and sneered: “You and I both know that this time such a big move is for the chance on Li Ge. ”

This thing is just a copy, and no one wants to share it with anyone. In this case, it can only be based on each person’s ability. What do you two think………… In the eyes of the Xuankong of the Little Bodhi Temple and the Qingfeng Zi of the Sanqing Hall, there are brilliant pearls at the same time. In fact, they also felt that the Seven Night Demon Lord was right.

Good things are naturally exclusive, how can they be shared with others, not to mention that according to their speculation, Li Ge’s chance is extraordinary. Whoever wins it, I am afraid that he can let his sect surpass the other two in a short time and dominate Yunzhou.

Naturally, it is not far from being equally divided with people.

“Huh………… I’m never, not much…”

Suddenly, just as Qingfeng Zi and Xuankong were about to nod in agreement, a cold and strange voice appeared. Out of thin air on this desert island.

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