Chapter 116: The Killing Array Shows Its Might, and the Buddha Dao Demons are infighting.

The power of the five elements is raging, and the power of thunder time and space cuts and erodes.

The entire island was collapsing, and I saw that the boundary of the Buddha Kingdom was getting darker and darker, and cracks gradually appeared. Obviously can’t support it.

“Amida Buddha, benefactors, please help me wait, otherwise once the enchantment is broken, we will all die…”

Xuankong’s face was ugly, and his face had long since disappeared from the previous clouds and breeze.

Together with everyone in the Little Bodhi Temple, he urged the Bodhi Holy Mountain with all his might, but he still couldn’t resist the erosion of the killing array. Many life opportunities have been consumed and are falling silently.

“Xuankong vulture donkey, it’s useless to go on like this, you can’t stop the power of time, delay it, we will die sooner or later.”

The Seven Nights Demon Lord shook his head, and his eyes looked at the killing array in the sky with a cold and piercing look. Margin.

Gritting his teeth and roaring: “This killing array is too terrifying, I’m afraid it has been handed down from ancient times, it seems that we still underestimate the Tang Emperor’s machine to listen, ready to desperately, break this killing array, and spread the news…………………”

“Seven Night Demon Lord, are you ready to fight hard?”

Qingfengzi’s face was gloomy.

“Nonsense, if you don’t work hard, what else can you do, you don’t know, the killing array blocks time and space, even if we want to escape, it is impossible”

The Seven Nights Demon Lord gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: “Desperately, there may still be a glimmer of life, waiting for it is a dead end.” ”


As soon as the words fell, the Seven Nights Demon Lord suddenly moved.

A terrifying demon flame erupted in the body, and the whole person seemed to turn into a black hole vortex, erupting with terrifying devouring power. Devoured the people around him.


The screams resounded throughout the enchantment, but in just an instant, the Seven Nights Demon Lord devoured at least tens of thousands of people. Therefore, everyone was frightened, and no one thought that the Seven Nights Demon Lord would actually do something to them.

“Seven nights, what do you want to do?”

Qingfengzi’s face was gloomy, and he scolded sharply.

“What for? Can’t you see? Anyway, these wastes can’t get out, the combat power is too spicy chicken, it doesn’t help us at all. Swallowing them can also be used to help me improve my strength and kill them. ”

It can also be regarded as their creation.

The Seven Nights Demon Lord laughed maniacally, and the demon flames around him were monstrous. The whole person looks more and more evil.

The power of terror devouring increased again, and at least 100,000 people were devoured in one shot. The qi and blood were instantly refined by him, and the whole person was only left with a layer of skin.

Thundered………… Suddenly, I saw that in the body of the Seven Nights Demon Monarch, there was immediately a terrifying energy raging, like a thunderous explosion. Rolling endlessly.

“Go, hurry up, the Seven Nights Demon Monarch, this bastard, is crazy.”

“Damn, I know that the people of the Demon Gate don’t have a good relationship, this bastard devours our essence blood to improve his strength for his own life.”

“Escape, escape quickly, even if I die in the hands of the people of the Great Tang Dynasty, I will not be devoured by this demon head.”

The Buddha Kingdom Enchantment was suddenly in chaos.

The actions of the Seven Night Demon Lord inspired all the people of the Demon Gate.

One by one, they immediately learned from each other, and their share exploded, devouring the essence blood of the people of the two surrounding Buddhist and Taoist sects, so as to improve their own strength. This increases the chances of escape.

And the people of the Buddhist path naturally did not sit still, and immediately began to fight back.

Time, the Buddha Kingdom Enchantment, which was already in danger, collapsed directly, and I saw everyone in the Little Bodhi Temple vomiting blood one after another. All seriously injured.

When the people with the demon gate saw this opportunity, they immediately turned evil and dared, and immediately rushed towards the monks and soldiers of the Little Bodhi Temple. Want to devour the essence blood of these monks, Genshin.

“Bastard, find death!”

Seeing this, Xuankong’s anger rushed straight to the nine heavens, and he went all out to protect everyone, but in the end he got such a result. How can you not be angry.

A palm fell, and suddenly a Buddha light filled the sky, directly bombarding all those people who intended to devour the Little Bodhi Temple. Then he yelled at the Seven Night Demon Lord: “Seven Night Demon Lord, this is a good thing you have done. ”

“Quack quack………… Xuankong vulture donkey, don’t make a noise, and it’s not the people of your sect swallowed by this demon lord, and the matter of this demon lord is concerned. The Seven Nights Demon Monarch was surrounded by demonic flames, and the demonic energy soared into the sky. ”

There was an eerie laugh.

His own strength has improved a lot in a short period of time, and he has stepped from the True Immortal Sevenfold to the True Immortal Ninefold Collapse Peak.

“Hahaha, bald donkey, bull nose, this demon lord will not play with you.”

The next moment!

The Seven Nights Demon Lord laughed maniacally, and suddenly soared into the sky, and the whole person turned into a demon dragon, roaring and rushing towards the formation.

“Get back!”

Above the array map, Dan Qingzi walked out of the array map.

With a wave of his hand, the power of the killing array was immediately triggered, and the power of the five elements swept down, and the five heaven and earth powers of gengjin, pento, aoishui, fire, and otogi merged into one.

Turn into the five elements and kill the light and fall.

Rumble…… Under one photo, I saw that the demon dragon transformed by the Seven Nights Demon Lord exploded with a bang, and the demon flames around him were annihilated. People smashed from the air.

At this moment, Kage suddenly moved.

Strangely disappeared from the same place, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the Seven Night Demon Lord. Dao sword light streaked through.

The next moment, I saw that the flesh of the Seven Night Demon Lord was directly crushed.


A scream came out, and a demonic shadow flew away: “Damn it, my Heavenly Demon Hall will not let you go, if you dare to kill me, the Great Tang Dynasty will bury me for me.” ”

This is the Yuan God of the Seven Night Demon Lord.

After stepping into the land god fairyland, you will condense the yuan god. If the genshin is not destroyed, it can be reborn.

Kage Yi’s sword just now only destroyed the flesh of the Seven Nights Demon Monarch, and he had a foreign treasure to protect him, and he blocked Kage Yi’s killing opportunity.

“Hmph, death is on the verge of death, and you dare to threaten my Great Tang, your heart is really big enough.” Suddenly, at this moment, a cold snort came strangely. ”

I saw that in front of the Yuan God of the Seven Night Demon Monarch, the void suddenly exploded, and the power of the terrifying space turned into a blade storm, directly swallowing the Seven Night Demon Monarch and cutting frantically.


The screams resounded in the sky.

However, this comes fast and goes faster.

In less than thirty seconds before and after, I saw that the Yuan God of the Seven Nights Demon Monarch was completely cut apart and dissipated. Between heaven and earth, there was a dead silence.

All the people of the sect clan were stunned.

Unexpectedly, the Seven Nights Demon Lord actually died like this.

This is a true immortal strongman! And after devouring so many people, he went straight to the True Immortal Ninefold. As a result, it was easily destroyed by the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone was intimidated. Chills all over the body.

“It’s time to die 5.8, this killing array is too terrifying, we can’t break it at all, it’s over……… This is all over. ”

“Now we can only work hard, the Tang Dynasty will not let us go, and there is still a chance of fifty percent of our lives.”

If you don’t fight, you will die.

“Why is this so, why is the strength of the Great Tang Dynasty so strong, so unwilling!”

“I knew this earlier, and I couldn’t kill me.”

“Kill………… Kill one enough for Ben, kill two and earn. Even if you want to die, bite off a piece of their flesh. ”

After a brief silence, the entire desert island boiled again.

Someone is roaring, someone is crazy, someone is crying and begging for mercy. All beings are diverse, and so on.

Bai Qi’s face was indifferent, and he did not soften because of those who begged for mercy, nor did he panic because of those who were desperate. He stepped into the air and gave an order: “All the soldiers obey the order, and there is no mercy for killing!” ”

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