Chapter 123: The Heavenly Immortal Excluded by the Rules of Kyushu.

The Five Elements Mountain covered the sky, erupted with terrifying coercion, and fell from the sky.

Thundered………… Suddenly, I saw the small Bodhi Temple mountain gate with the Buddha’s bright pearls, and suddenly shook violently, and the mountain protection array automatically opened. A protective shield of Buddha light was formed, trying to block the Five Elements Mountain falling from the sky.

In the next instant, the mountain fell, smashed fiercely on the mountain protection array, and with the momentum of destruction and decay, directly crushed the defensive cover formed by the mountain protection array.

The entire mountain gate of the Little Bodhi Temple shook.

I don’t know how many mountain peaks and temples collapsed and turned into dust. Inside the mountain gate, the screams continued.

The Little Bodhi Temple attacked the Great Tang this time, and the past was basically elite, and ordinary disciples stayed. This created an emptiness in the defense of the mountain gate.

Originally, this was not a big deal, after all, with the prestige of the Little Bodhi Temple, who would dare to attack their mountain gate? But what they never expected was that Li Kei was too violent.

Not only single-handedly, he suppressed thirty-three true immortals, but now he even killed the mountain gate of Xiaobodhi Temple, and also broke the mountain protection array. How could these remaining disciples of the Little Bodhi Temple withstand Li Ke’s attack.

Under the face of one, most of the dead and wounded.

“Bastard, boy, you’re really looking for death…”

Mountains and rivers are in turmoil.

A bitter scream resounded in the sky.

Countless palace temples were in ruins in an instant, and blood stained the ground.

Finally, there was a roar, coming from the bottom of the mountain gate of Xiaobodhi Temple, and a terrifying aura was recovering.

Thundered………… In the next instant, I saw the continuous mountain peaks explode, a crack in the ground spread for thousands of miles, and a brilliant pearl Buddha light burst out. Shine on the sky.

Underground, an old monk stepped on the long sky and walked out, step by step, and the Sanskrit sound rolled. This is a Heavenly Immortal powerhouse.

It should be the heritage of the Little Bodhi Temple.

It’s just that the state of this Heavenly Immortal Old Monk seems to be somewhat unstable. It’s a little weird.

“Hahaha……… Xuan’s speculation is indeed correct, the heavenly immortals are rejected by the rules of Kyushu, especially those of you who practice the Buddha Dao, the Immortal Dao and the Demon Dao. ”

These are heavenly ways that are not tolerated by humanity. The stronger the strength, the greater the exclusion………….. After Li Kei looked at the old monk who came out of the crack in the ground, he immediately burst out laughing.

When he killed thirty-three true immortals, after he originally thought that none of the Heavenly Immortal Essence powerhouses hidden in the shadows actually came out, Li Ke’s heart had a speculation.

Tensen, ostracized by the rules of Kyushu. It can’t be shot lightly.

Now after seeing this old monk, Li Ge completely confirmed the speculation in his heart. Suddenly, the smile became even brighter.

“Amitabha. Even if the old monk is ostracized by the rules of Kyushu, it is still not a problem to cut you. This old monk’s face was indifferent, but his heart was already full of anger, and his killing intent was boiling. ”

He finally deceived the rules of Kyushu and hid himself under this mountain gate with the help of the luck of the Little Bodhi Temple. Now Li Ke’s hand destroyed the mountain gate of Xiaobodhi Temple, forcing him to make a move.

After years of planning, once turned into flowing water, how could he not be angry. The anger in the heart can even burn the heavens and the earth.

Rumble………… The next moment, this old monk directly struck, and now he can’t wait to slash Li Ke, swallowing him alive. Naturally, he didn’t want to talk nonsense with Li Ke, and he did not hesitate to sublimate to the extreme, and chose to go all out.

Rolling Buddha is dazzling.

Suddenly, a series of Buddhist handprints condensed, and they went straight down towards Li Ke. Li Ji was not afraid, and his face was full of sneers.

“Old thing, don’t say that you can’t exert your full strength now, even if it is your Dai Feng period, Xu can suppress you. In Li Ke’s eyes, the killing intent was like a flood. ”

The next moment, as soon as his right hand was raised, the power of the terrifying five elements suddenly condensed, evolving into a curtain of light in front of him, blocking all the attacks of the old monk.

Following that, Li Ke’s foot shattered the void, and the emperor’s sword was unsheathed.

Without warning, he came to the old monk, and with a fierce sword, he slashed straight at him. The sound of swords resounded through the heavens.

The sharp sword intent almost split his whole person.

At the last moment, I saw that in the old monk’s body, a golden bell flew out and blocked Li Ke’s sword. Boom……………… The terrifying energy shockwave immediately swept away in all directions with terrifying power.

In an instant, half of the mountain gate of the small Bodhi Temple was flattened. I don’t know how many disciples of the Little Bodhi Temple didn’t even have a chance to react, so they turned into flying ash.

“Mess up,”

“Son. I want you to die……..”

Seeing this, the old monk’s whole person was distorted, Li Ke’s hand was borrowing his hand to kill his little Bodhi Temple disciples! How could he tolerate it.

The strength of the Heavenly Immortals broke out in an all-round way, and suddenly, it triggered the terrifying power of heaven and earth.

Rumbling infinite Buddha light beads, bursts of Brahma sounded.

I saw a golden-bodied Buddha condensed out, as if there was a manifestation of the Buddha kingdom in his palm, and it came straight towards Li Ke. Li Kei sneered, and as soon as he stepped out, the person had already merged into the Buddha light that erupted from the golden Buddha.

Then, a shining, strange one appeared above the golden Buddha’s head. The Emperor’s Sword contained his strongest sword, piercing through this golden Buddha.

Immediately after, Sheng Sheng split the old monk’s body.

The horrific killing force wreaked havoc on his physical body and annihilated his life.

Suddenly, I saw a golden relic running away with panic and heading straight towards the sky. క still wanted to escape, and asked if he had it.

Li Kei snorted coldly, the killing intent in his eyes was matchless, and the power of space erupted, imprisoning the area of thousands of miles, and sealing the fleeing old Zeng relic in midair.

Then, Li Kei beckoned, and saw that this relic immediately flew back upside down. It fell firmly into Li Ke’s hands.

“Boy, you let me go, I can give you whatever you want…”

Among the relics, the panicked voice of the old monk was heard. He was really scared, he finally cultivated to the heavenly immortal, he really didn’t want to die.

“Hmph, there is no shortage of anything!”

Li Kei snorted coldly, his mind moved, and the gift of time turned into the blade of time, and it was cut on the Yuan God of the old monk in the relic.

“No… Damn slut, my Buddha Sect won’t let you go…”

The blade of time fell, and the person’s Yuan God suddenly collapsed at a terrifying speed, and in less than a minute, it was completely silent. After Li Ji destroyed the old monk’s Yuan Shen, he put away the relic with his backhand.

Without the Yuan God, this thing is the purest energy essence of a heavenly immortal, comparable to an innate elixir. Even for him, it has a lot of effects.

However, Li Kei himself will not use it, and he can completely burn spirit crystals by raising his cultivation. This kind of big medicine is still used to cultivate other people!

“There is no need for such a place where dirt and dirt are hidden.”

After Li Kei took the relics, he squinted his eyes slightly and landed on the mountain gate of the Xiaoshanti Temple below, which was already dilapidated. Suddenly, he pointed to the village.

Thundered…… Secluded……………… For a time, above the nine heavens, a terrifying thunder fell from the sky, covering the entire mountain gate of Xiaobodhi Temple.

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