Chapter 126: Sanqing Palace Lu Chen Says the Great Tang Dynasty.

Ten minutes later.

That Qingyi disciple led a priest into the Big Dipper Palace, and this person was the only Heavenly Immortal in the Sanqing Palace. Taishang Elder Lu Chen.

“Sanqing Palace Lu Chen, I have seen the Big Dipper Holy Lord, I have seen all the Daoists…”

As soon as Lu Chen came in, he immediately waved at everyone in the Big Dipper Palace. The attitude is sincere, and the posture is very low. I couldn’t see the slightest bit of arrogance as an elder of the Sanqing Palace.

Because Lu Chen knows very well, don’t look at his identity and name is scary, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is a lost family dog. The loser who was dared by Li Kei to go out of Yunzhou.

After saying that, don’t say that the Sanqing Palace now exists in name only, even in its heyday, in front of the Beidou Holy Land, don’t say anything. After all!

Among the sect clans of the entire Kyushu Daomen, it was difficult for Sanqing Palace to enter the top thirty. And the Big Dipper Holy Land can rank in the top five existences.

The difference between the two is too great, not at all in the same grade.

His identity as the Taishang Elder of the Sanqing Palace was not easy at all in the Beidou Palace. As for the strength that he was proud of, it was nothing in the Beidou Holy Land.

Just in this Big Dipper Palace, except for the Qingyi disciples who led him in. The strength of any other person is no longer below him.

“Lu Chen Daoyou, no longer Sanqing Palace Nafu, why didn’t you come to my Beidou from far away, I don’t know what happened?”

The voice of the Big Dipper Saint Lord was still so ethereal.

Can’t hear the slightest mood swing.

The corners of Lu Chen’s mouth twitched slightly, and he was depressed and silent in his heart. Return Nafu, the blessing of a fart, the Sanqing Palace is gone, if he didn’t react fast enough and ran away in advance.

It is estimated that it has already ended up with the bald donkey of the Little Bodhi Temple.

Li Ke’s kid is too terrifying, and killing heavenly immortals is as easy as slaughtering dogs. Simply not human.

Thinking of Li Ke, Lu Chen couldn’t help but tremble.

No one knew that when Li Kei fought against the old monk of the Little Bodhi Temple that day, he used Lingbao to spy on him in secret. It was precisely because of this that he truly realized the strength of Li Ge.

Therefore, after Li Kei killed the old monk of the Little Bodhi Temple, he chose to run away without hesitation. He even ordered that all the people of the Sanqing Palace run away.

Run for your life separately.

Lu Chen did this, naturally not to save the lives of these disciples of the Sanqing Palace, but to use these people as cannon fodder. Create some trouble and trouble for Li Ge so that he can fight for more opportunities to run.

Now it seems that his plan has been successful.

Now he not only escaped from Yunzhou, but also came to the Lingzhou Beidou Holy Land, and his little life was saved.

Of course, Lu Chen would definitely not know that Li Kei did not have the mind to chase and kill the people of the Sanqing Palace that day, so he was able to escape, not because he was resourceful enough, and a large part of the reason was that Li Kei did not put him in his eyes.

“The Big Dipper Holy Lord doesn’t know something, the old man came this time, he actually came to ask for help.”

After a thousand thoughts flashed in Lu Chen’s mind, in the depths of his pupils, a fierce intention flashed away, and then he continued to smile bitterly: “I’m not afraid of your jokes.” ”

Sanqing Palace suffered a great disaster, the mountain gate was broken, and the losses were heavy, and it was already in name only………… What the………… As soon as Lu Chen’s words came out, everyone in the Big Dipper Palace changed colors one after another. One by one, they looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

“Lu Chen Daoyou, what do you mean by this? No matter what, Sanqing Palace is also the head of the Yunzhou Daomen, the Yunzhou realm, who can destroy your Sanqing Palace? ”

Someone couldn’t help but ask.

The main reason was that Lu Chen’s words were too shocking, and they already knew before that the Sanqing Palace lost to the rising Great Tang Dynasty. But in fact, it was the information of the first battle, about the later battle in the Heavenly Nether Domain.

The Beidou Holy Land has not received news yet.

It can’t be said that the information of the Beidou Holy Land is too bad, but the distance between Yunzhou and Lingzhou is too far. In fact!

The nine states of the Kyushu world are basically nine independent worlds.

It is already very good that the Beidou Holy Land can have the news from Yunzhou’s side a few months ago. It is simply unrealistic to expect him to update at any time.

Naturally, they also knew nothing about the current situation of the Sanqing Palace.

“These words of the poor road are true.”

Lu Chen smiled bitterly: “You Daoists don’t know something, Yunzhou has recently set up a new force called the Great Tang Dynasty. Very strong and overbearing. ”

My Sanqing Palace was defeated under him.

In fact, not only my Sanqing Palace, but also the Little Bodhi Temple and the Heavenly Demon Hall, the same is true. Dissatisfied with everyone, a few months ago, Poor Dao was forced to leave Yunzhou.

Because Poor Dao saw with his own eyes that the Great Tang Emperor Li Kei killed the old monk of Xiaobodhi Temple and destroyed the mountain gate of Xiaobodhi Temple with one palm………… Lu Chen explained everything slowly.

When mentioning the Great Tang Dynasty and Li Ke, I couldn’t help but feel a chill in my heart, and at the same time gritted my teeth. I really hate and fear.

Half an hour later.

After Lu Chen originally recounted the situation in Yunzhou, there was a dead silence in the Beidou Palace.

Hiss………… In the next moment, someone couldn’t help but gasp. Secretly screamed.

“I really didn’t expect that such a big change had occurred in Yunzhou, so what is the origin of the Great Tang Dynasty, which actually defeated the three holy places of the Buddha Dao Demon in Yunzhou with its own strength, and many sectarians joined forces…”

Someone was immediately embarrassed and asked in a deep voice. In Lu Chen’s eyes, there was a brilliant essence shining.

Immediately said, “Fellow Daoists, this is the reason why Poor Dao asked the Beidou Holy Land to take action against the Great Tang Dynasty. ”

Saying that, Lu Chen paused for a moment before continuing: “Do you know that this Great Tang Dynasty was just a secular dynasty two years ago. ”

The control of the territory is only eight thousand provinces in one domain.

Moreover, what the imperial court really controlled was only a hundred houses.

“How is this possible, a secular dynasty actually defeated all the sectarian clans in Yunzhou after just two years and ruled Yunzhou…”

“Lu Chen, you must have come to entertain me and wait! Do you think such a thing is possible? ”

“Unless there is a powerful force behind that Great Tang Dynasty, and it is a powerful force far beyond my Beidou Holy Land, do you think this is possible?”

As soon as Lu Chen’s words came out, in the Beidou Palace, the high-level of a thousand Beidou Holy Land suddenly couldn’t sit still. One by one, they talked about it incredulously.

Even scolding at Lu Chen.

In their opinion, what Lu Chen said was simply impossible, too shocking. However, some people did not speak, but squinted slightly and stared at Lu Chen.

Wait for Lu Chen’s follow-up.

The Big Dipper Saint Lord is one of them.

As the Holy Lord of the Big Dipper Holy Land, he naturally had his own merits.

The Big Dipper Saint Lord had a hunch that although Lu Chen’s words were a little shocking, they were not necessarily false. It’s just that!

If that Great Tang Dynasty, as Lu Chen said, it took two years from a mortal dynasty. To unify the entire Yunzhou words.

Hehe, that’s really interesting.

Lu Chen saw that everyone in the Beidou Holy Land did not believe his words, but he was not in a hurry at all, but after everyone gradually quieted down.

Only then did he say in a deep voice: “Fellow Daoists, every word of what the poor Dao said is true. ”

If there is any falsehood, I am willing to be sent by heaven………… Hiss…… Lu Chen’s words immediately made everyone change color again.

The expression seemed extremely complicated for a while3.2 up, cultivators did not swear easily, not to mention that Lu Chen still swore with the Heavenly Dao.

This shows that what Lu Chen said is likely to be true.

It’s just that they really can’t accept this result, because it’s too shocking.

“Lu Chen Daoyou, can you talk carefully about this Great Tang Dynasty.”

At this time, the Big Dipper Saint Lord spoke, and said in a deep voice: “Within two years, from one secular dynasty to one unified entire Yunzhou. Could it be that behind this Great Tang Dynasty, there are really powerful forces behind it? ”

“No, at least not on the surface.”

Lu Chen shook his head and said, “The rise of the Great Tang Dynasty is related to one person, that is, the current Great Tang Emperor Li Ke. Two years ago, this person was just an ordinary lord of a secular dynasty. ”

The talent is mediocre, and the strength is like an ant.

Later, he suddenly rose, and now not only has his own strength grown to the extent that he can easily kill the Heavenly Immortals, but he also seems to have controlled the secret method that can quickly cultivate the strong.

Under the hands of the Great Tang Dynasty, there are millions of heavenly and human armies, and tens of millions of cave void armies………….

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