Chapter 128: Breaking Through the Realm and Entering the Peak of True Immortals.

Li Kei would not know that the Beidou Holy Land had been moved by Lu Chen, and he was planning to make a move against the Great Tang Dynasty. At this time, he was burning the spirit crystal with all his strength and improving his cultivation.

The Human Emperor’s Palace, the secret room where Li Ge retreated. Table………… With a sound like a morning bell and a twilight drum, I saw that in the secret room, all the power of heaven and earth, the brilliant pearl aura, as if it was swallowed by a whale.

Swallowed up in an instant.

A terrifying coercion flashed away from Li Ke’s body. The next moment, everything was calm.


Li Kei let out a long breath, opened his eyes sharply, and two rays of essence light rushed out like a dragon, and they did not disperse for a long time.

“True Immortal Dai Feng, even half a foot stepped into the Heavenly Immortal, but it’s a pity……… After all, the foundation was a little worse, and he failed to completely take this step and break through the realm into the heavenly immortals. ”

Li Kei muttered, sighing secretly in his heart.

However, although there are some regrets, Li Ge is not entangled in this, in fact, he is already very satisfied. Burning Spirit Crystal, he directly stepped into the True Immortal Dai Peak from the Land Immortal Peak in one day.

This practice speed is so fast, looking at the entire Kyushu, you can’t find a second one! Thinking about it, Li Kei immediately opened his own properties panel.

Host: Li KeIdentity: Great Tang Emperor Jun Cultivation: True Immortal Collapse Peak Spirit Crystal: 60.3 billion [can increase the level of immortal soldiers, and the host’s own cultivation]

Dao Jing: 389 million [can be used to activate the law class, and it takes 100 million to activate the new class] Class: Light and Dark Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Heavenly and Human Sevenfold]

Killing Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold] Thunder Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold] Five Elements Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold] Space Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold] Time Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold] Creation Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold] Destruction Immortal Soldier [Level 9, Tianren Sevenfold], Spirit Crystal There are more than 60 billion, Dao Crystal more than 300 million, it seems to be a lot, but in fact, it is simply not enough. As the level increases, the Dao Crystals required to summon new Immortal Soldiers increase.

Secondary billion, a difference of more than half.

As for upgrading the level of immortal soldiers, then not to mention, the ninth level to the tenth level, the need for spirit crystals is as high as 100 billion. Play with yarn.

“It seems that we have to speed up and unify the whole of Kyushu.”

Li Ke said to himself: “After being consecrated as a god, the position of human emperor was abolished. After the Jedi reached the heavens, although on the surface the heavens and the people were separated. But in fact, the major forces of the Celestial Realm have left Dao rules in the world. ”

Today’s human world is controlled by the heavenly realm in disguise.

I want to restore the prestige of the ancients and get rid of the suppression of the Heavenly Dao with humanity, which will inevitably touch the interests of the entire Celestial Realm. At that time, those immortal gods and Buddha demons high in the heavenly realm will not be able to rest well.

My enemies were not human sectarians from the beginning. It is the immortal god Buddha demon behind them.

Therefore, we must do our best to improve our strength, otherwise the Great Tang Dynasty is really not qualified to be an enemy of the Celestial Realm……… Although Li Ke’s cultivation skyrocketed, he did not swell because of this.

Even, the stronger the strength, the more cautious he is. There is also a sense of urgency.

Li Ge had a hunch that the Great Tang Dynasty was so strong, those people in the Celestial Realm would notice sooner or later, and they would not let him develop smoothly like this at that time.

There is bound to be action.

Therefore, he had to improve his strength as much as possible before the Celestial Realm reacted.

“After a year of rest and recuperation, the implementation of the new policy, and the complete control of the entire Yunzhou, I immediately began to dominate the world of Kyushu.”

Li Ke’s eyes shone brightly, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

The mind moved, and the person had already gone out of the retreat.

“Welcome the emperor out of customs…”

Tsing Yi had been waiting outside the retreat place, and after seeing Li Kei come out, he immediately saluted and said, “Emperor, Lord Liu has been here, and it seems that there is something to report.” ”

“Liu Yungang?”

Li Ke’s eyebrows were raised, and he immediately said, “You take a trip and let him come over.” ”

Liu Yungang is now the left phase of the Great Tang Dynasty, which can be described as under one person and above ten thousand people. Coming to him specifically is certainly not a trivial matter.

Half an hour later!

Liu Yungang came to Li Ke’s study.


Liu Yungang first saluted Li Ke, and then continued: The implementation of the 9898 New Deal was blocked, and the thirty-six domains of Yunzhou were because there were too many sectarians who surrendered.

“Although these people are superficially subservient, they are actually yang and yin, secretly provoking people to make trouble…”

“Then kill it.”

Li Kei said coldly: “The promotion of the New Deal is the top priority, and this is the fastest way to help the imperial court control the entire Yunzhou.” Whoever obstructs it is against the imperial court and the enemy of the Great Tang. ”


Liu Yungang hesitated for a moment and said with a bitter smile: “The emperor doesn’t know something, these people are much smarter now, and they don’t come forward at all.” Instead, it instigates ordinary people to come forward. ”

Many people do not know much about my Tang Dynasty, and it is easy to be used under the provocation of people with intentions.

Moreover, the number of people is too large, the killing is too large, and the impact on the prestige of the imperial court will be great……… Li Ke’s pupils suddenly froze, and the murderous intention in his heart was even worse.

Sure enough, in any era, there are speculators.

This is clearly the situation set up by those sect clans, and they have not been at peace since the beginning when they surrendered. Even, early on, I had some understanding of the new policies of the Great Tang Dynasty.

And the loopholes were studied, and a series of plans were developed.

Provoking ordinary people to block the promotion of the New Deal is believed to be only one of the links.

“! These people came prepared, and from the very beginning, their sincerity was a game in order to stir up the peace of our Great Tang Dynasty. ”

Li Kei sneered: “Their plan is very good, and it really makes us throw rats.” Bi Jing, governing the world is not fighting the world. ”

According to common sense, there should not be too many killings, and everything must be done reasoned and carried out within the rules. This is a conspiracy and a conspiracy, and it is their best means…

“It is true, the sectarian clan has been passed down for so many years, and it is very smooth to play this set, and use the people of the world to make us throw rats.”

Liu Yungang nodded, his face solemn.

When a country is prosperous, the strength of the army is naturally very important, but in fact, the main thing is people. If there are no more people, then beat down a piece of bare land and have a fart use.

Therefore, Liu Yun will say just now that it is very tricky, because the people cannot be slaughtered, otherwise something will happen.

“Hehe, they are indeed very good at this method, but they forgot a little.”

Li Kei continued to sneer and said, “They don’t know what it is to drop ten times with one force, they think they are unmatched, and they kidnap the people to make us throw rats.” ”


The Union is the rule-maker.

If he wants this rule to go, he has to go how he wants.

Saying that, in Li Ke’s eyes, a cold and piercing murderous intent suddenly rushed out, and said coldly: “Let Yingyi draw up a list and come out.” Look at those sect clans behind the scenes. ”

Then, let Bai Qi send people to talk to them about their ideals in life. If you are not convinced, kill them all…………

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